Hunting High School

Chapter 10 Last Night, Qixi Festival

When Zheng Qing left the homeless bar, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. The young wizards who were going to party all night began to gather in the bar in twos and threes, grabbing a good seat.

Zheng Qing counted the time, yelled badly from the bottom of his heart, and ran to Dr. Du Zemu's house.

The time he agreed with Jiang Yu was 3:30 in the afternoon, and it was already more than half an hour late.

As a boy, it is already very rude to be late when meeting a girl, not to mention that Jiang Yu is still helping him, it is even more unreasonable.

While running, he secretly cursed him as an old and disrespectful wandering wizard. He is clearly wealthy and has a profound Cultivation Base, but he cares about every detail with a child who is not as old as his fraction, and he cares about pennies and pennies, which really embarrasses all the old wizards.

Originally, according to the plan, Zheng Qing could leave the wandering bar at 2:30—if he leaves at that time, not only will he not be late, but he will be a lot earlier, which can fully demonstrate the gentlemanly demeanor of the wizard—but because The wandering wizard was telling stories and negotiating the price with Zheng Qing. Before he knew it, the time was getting late.

Of course, this time was not wasted.

Zheng Qing touched the gray cloth bag in his arms.

In the small red sandalwood box at the deepest part of the bag, one hundred and twenty jade coins were neatly stacked. These are the proceeds he got from selling the hunts of the school hunting club. There should have been one hundred and thirty jade coins, but Zheng Qing reluctantly spent ten jade coins in order to let the Wandering Club take action to curb the rumors that were spreading everywhere in the school.

"Hopefully there's still time."

The young wizard prayed secretly, with bitterness in his mouth.

Because the hottest time in the afternoon has just passed, the air is still filled with thick heat, so there is not a lot of people on the pedestrian street. Even so, some sharp-eyed people still saw the young wizard running wildly in the street.

"That's Zheng Qing... What's the matter with him running so fast?" A wizard tilted his head and looked out the window, asking in a surprised tone, "It looks like he's being chased by a group of demons."

The speaker is currently sitting in a window seat in a coffee shop facing the street. In front of him was a white porcelain mug. In the cup, the pitch-black coffee was steaming, rolling out strange-shaped clouds in mid-air.

Opposite the wizard is a young witch.

There was no coffee in front of her, but a plate of bloody dead frogs. The frogs were all skinned to reveal pink, bloody flesh. A thick cobra was hanging around the witch's neck, spitting out a bright red letter, greedily licking the flesh and blood of these frogs.

Not far away, the waiter in the coffee shop was looking at the witch, the snake, and the plate of dead frogs with despair—this strange combination had already scared away many young witches in the shop. However, because the witch was the chief student of the first year of Jiuyou College, the shopkeeper didn't dare to go forward to drive her away, so she could only pray to the gods and Buddhas in the bottom of her heart to send this little ancestor away quickly.

"Nicholas! Don't avoid my question!" Liu Feifei glanced at the figure of the public fee student passing by outside the window, then turned her head, glared at the sallow-faced wizard opposite, and said dissatisfiedly: "...Even if Zheng Qing is running naked on the street, What does it have to do with us?!"

"I just want to ask you one thing now... do you want to pass the final exam and be promoted to the sophomore year!"

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Nicholas stared at the small porcelain cup in front of him uneasily, crossed his hands, and rubbed his two thumbs on the rim of the cup. After a long time, he replied in a low voice: "I want to!"

"Since you want to upgrade, why haven't you come to the library to study recently?!" Liu Feifei's tone became more and more annoyed, and her voice raised slightly: "Not only did you not come to study, but you also avoided me! Am I so scary? Avoid me Is it useful?... If Irina didn't calculate your whereabouts for me, would you plan to hide for the rest of your life!"

As if aware of the little master's anger, the cobra, which was happily licking the frog's flesh, suddenly raised its head, puffed out its mouth, and hissed threateningly at the wizard opposite.

Suddenly, there were several suppressed screams in the small coffee shop. Soon, several witches dropped the money and ran away in a hurry. Only the owner of the coffee shop was left standing behind the counter, crying without tears.

"Shut up! You don't have the right to intervene when adults talk!" Liu Feifei slapped her cobra on the head, smashed its head into the pile of frog meat, and reprimanded angrily.

The cobra shook its head blankly, glanced carefully at its little master, then at the brat with mixed blood, blinked, and finally buried its head between the two frog legs obediently. Nibble on the frog meat.

"I didn't hide from you... It's just that it's moon hunting recently, and many stores are hiring hourly workers... I just use my spare time to earn some life fees..." Nicholas stammered and denied, "I didn't hide from you." I'm looking at you! Really!"

"You don't have a bursary?" Liu Feifei frowned, slightly displeased: "We are all still students, as long as we have enough life expenses... Your most important task is the exam! Don't you expect the school to give you a fourth chance?" Or, do you think it is a very honorable thing to be the first student in the history of the First University to study through the first year of the four colleges?"

Nicholas twisted his fingers, hesitated for a while, finally sighed, and said in a low voice: "The stipend is only enough for me alone. I also have a Little Sister, who is not in good health and needs to take medicine every day... Besides, there are a few more The Chinese New Year is coming in a month, and I should prepare a New Year's gift for you all."

Liu Feifei was stunned, and finally snorted softly, shrank back slightly, and the fierce expression on her face faded a lot.

"Then you should tell me in advance!" The chief student of Jiuyou College muttered: "Even so, your homework can't be missed... How about it, after you finish work every night, I can find time to help you Review the main and difficult points in the homework, the time is set from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., is there any problem?!"

Although it was a rhetorical question, looking at her expression, it seemed that she didn't intend to hear a second answer from Nicholas.

Fortunately, the little brother Nicholas is not stupid, and immediately nodded quickly: "No can start anytime."

The problem was solved, and the two suddenly fell into silence, speechless for a while.

Liu Feifei stared at the cobra eating frog meat for a moment, and finally found an excuse to turn the topic back to the fork that Nicholas opened up earlier: "Your previous question makes sense... Zheng Qing was in a hurry just now, why did he run away?"

Saying that, the two turned their heads to look out the window at the same time.

On the pedestrian street, pedestrians come and go, and it is very lively. The figure of the young public-funded student in Class 08-1 of Tianwen has long since disappeared into the crowds and disappeared without a trace. (to be continued)

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