Hunting High School

Chapter Eleven He Yi

In the afternoon of early winter, although the sun is still shining brightly, there is already a bit of chill in the air that cannot be dispelled.

Leaving the crowds on the pedestrian street and turning into a narrow alley beside the street, what Zheng Qing saw was not the lush greenery he saw when he first came, but the golden and red fallen leaves all over the ground.

The alley was still deep and quiet. It's just that the moss-covered corner of the wall gradually lost its dampness in the dry and cold air; there was no rustling of insects in the cracked cracks of the bluestone slabs under the feet. Mixed with the silent high wall on the left and the quiet buildings on the right, it becomes more and more desolate and lonely.

The young public fee student stepped on the dead leaves and ran all the way. After a while, he came to the familiar black gate.

Compared with the first time I came here, the 'Institute of Abnormal Life' now looks much neater and cleaner than before.

The rust on the iron door has been cleaned up, the slender white doorplate has been painted, and the gold leaf between the large characters on it has been neatly pasted again; the talisman boards hanging on both sides of the gate have invited two The door gods, Shen Tu and Yu Lei were sitting between them, looking at the door with a serious face—I don’t know when, Zheng Qing has rarely seen these door gods playing cards on the wall—even Yu Lei The golden-eyed White Tiger by the foot of the base has its tail upright, grinning and walking back and forth between the rune boards, with an appearance of being loyal to its duties.

The creepers hanging on the green and black walls around the iron gate have also been repaired neatly, perhaps because the climate is relatively mild. Even though it is already early winter, the leaves of these vines have not yet fallen clean, orange, red, yellow, various colors Different leaves hang on the blue-black wall, but they bring out a strange vitality.

The gate is not locked, but a slit is left. If someone who is not familiar with it sees it, they must think that the gate is closed. That is to say, Zheng Qing came and went a lot, so she wasn't fooled by this slit.

He stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, and leaned his head close to the slit to take a look.

As expected, no one was staring at him at the door.

The young public fee student hesitated for a few seconds, finally sighed, and looked down at the box in his arms.

"I will be scolded for a while, you need to speak well for me..."

The elves were still fast asleep in their cots, unresponsive to the young wizard's prayers. Zheng Qing pouted, and finally didn't knock on the door again. Instead, he squeezed with his feet, opened the door a little more, and then slipped in through the crack.

It's not that he is not polite, but that he has come and gone many times, and he is also familiar with Dr. Duzem a lot, knowing that the doctor hates those red tapes the most. And he also knew that this crack in the door was originally reserved for him—meaning that he would stop knocking on the door and making noise.

Because of the re-oiling, the iron door was silent when it opened, even if Zheng Qing closed the door again with his foot, there was not much movement.

The courtyard was as quiet as ever.

Zheng Qing hugged the box and involuntarily stood on tiptoe when walking, trying to reduce the sense of own existence. Although he also knew that this was just deception, but sometimes, people always like to deceive themselves.

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Walking to the door of the study familiarly, I didn't even see a ghost along the way - of course, it is very difficult to see ghosts in a wizard's house - different from the concealed door, the door of the study The door was wide open.

The young fee-paying student poked his head and stretched his neck in. He happened to meet the little yellow bird in the cage hanging by the window.

The little bird blinked its eyes, fluttered its wings, opened its mouth and sang cheerfully: "I have a pair of small eyes, and I can always see clearly. I poked my head around the door and walked lightly..."

Zheng Qing secretly called out "bad thing" in his heart, and when he turned his eyes, the two people in the room had already looked over.

"You're a little late today."

Jiang Yu turned her head and glanced at him, her tone didn't seem to imply too much blame, but rather a vague feeling of...relaxation? Zheng Qing didn't know if he was delusional.

"I went to talk to the wandering wizard about something... that old man is too smudged." Zheng Qing quickly explained the reason for his late arrival, and at the same time put the cardboard box in his arms on Dr. Duzem's desk.

When he put down the cardboard box, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a small bottle placed on the edge of the table. The bottle was placed between the witch and the doctor, and it contained some translucent liquid.

But when he turned around and looked again, the small bottle had disappeared without a trace, as if it was just his illusion.

Compared with the witch, the attitude of the owner of the study is a little cold—or, from the time Zheng Qing appeared until now, Dr. Duzem has been frowning, thinking about something, and did not say hello to Zheng Qing.

It wasn't until Zheng Qing put down the box that the doctor seemed to be awakened, and looked up at the young public fee student.

Then he turned his face and looked at Jiang Yu.

"Are you really sure? You know, the risk of targeted conversion is high..."

"Very sure, sir." Jiang Yu interrupted the doctor very rudely, looked out of the window, and said in a very firm tone: "This is my request... We have talked many times before."

"Okay...if you insist." Dr. Du Zemu looked a little helpless, he sighed deeply, stretched out his fingers to pick out the eyeballs of Own, threw them into the eyewash next to him, and muttered: "If If your grandma knows about this, she will definitely stew me..."

Listening to the vague conversation between the two, Zheng Qing suddenly remembered the reference books that Jiang Yu had borrowed before, raised his brows, and vaguely sensed something had happened.

But before he could ask, Jiang Yu took out a wooden box tied with a red ribbon from Kun's bag, and stuffed it into the arms of the young public fee student.

"You won the first place in the freshman competition, and I haven't formally congratulated you yet." The witch said with a smile, noticing the boy's surprised expression, and immediately added: "This is a congratulatory gift...according to' Our 'rules, in this case it must be given to a friend."

Holding the wooden box, Zheng Qing was stunned, with a complicated expression on his face.

The "we" in Jiang Yu's mouth is not with him, but refers to the circle where the "family wizard" is. From this point of view, she gave Zheng Qing a congratulatory gift, and it was really hard for Zheng Qing to refuse.

"Aren't you going to open it and have a look?" The witch looked at him holding the gift box, couldn't help smiling, and urged.

Zheng Qing smiled wryly, tore off the ribbon on the box, and opened the wooden box.

There is a greeting card in the box.

Under the greeting card is a revolver with a blue-black body and a wooden handle. It looks simple and heavy, but it exudes a faint atmosphere. (to be continued)

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