Hunting High School

Chapter 12 The Colt Python

"Hey! A Colt python!"

"This is a classic rune gun, but I remember that Colt stopped mass production a hundred years ago because the manufacturing process was too complicated... Is this a private order?"

Standing aside, Dr. Duzem stared at the wooden box in Zheng Qing's arms with two dark eyes, and asked with great interest.

"It's not a custom-made one. This kind of rune gun has been sold by Colt." The witch denied Dr. Duzem's guess, and added: "It's just that it is rarely sold publicly."

"What's the difference between this and a private order..." Dr. Duzem shrugged, and while talking, his hands were not idle, but he was holding a slender glass rod and patiently stirring the bubble eye wash. The glass rod collides with the glass wall, making a crisp and pleasant sound. The bloodshot eyeballs undulate in these voices, enjoying the magic spa.

"Run gun?" Zheng Qing looked at the box in his arms without squinting - although it was not the first time he had seen Dr. Duzem wash his eyes, the young wizard was still a bit unacceptable, so he simply learned to turn a blind eye - but, he Intrigued by one of the words the Doctor just mentioned: "Is this a gun used by wizards?"

"To be precise, this is the gun used by the talisman master." Jiang Yu corrected with a smile on the side: "I remember you used a slingshot to eject the talisman bullets in the freshman competition, right..."

"Yeah!" Hearing what the witch said, the young public finance student suddenly had a feeling of "knowledge", and immediately explained with joy: "When I encountered wild monsters on the night patrol at Linzhong Lake before, I always felt that I would simply throw a talisman to attack. The distance is a bit short... Then I thought of a way to set a delayed trigger spell in the talisman, so that after the talisman is shot out with a slingshot, the attack distance can be increased several times!"

"As expected of a public-funded student of Jiuyou College, you can make such an interesting improvement in your freshman year." Dr. Du Zemu exclaimed from the side: "I remember that when I was a freshman, I preferred to stir the water in the laboratory. Demon blood with different attributes...Of course, this may also be related to the different learning atmosphere of the two colleges..."

"Indeed, it's amazing." The witch also praised.

"The doctor also helped me a lot when I was improving." Zheng Qing blushed slightly after hearing the compliments from the two, and couldn't help explaining: "...I mean Xiao Xiao, he worked in our college. The title is 'Doctor'."

He said the latter sentence to Dr. Duzem.

"Ah, I've heard of this name." Dr. Duzem took Own's eyeballs out of the eyewash, held them up to the light, and said lightly, "You have praised him many times before... I I remember you saying that he memorized the entire Encyclopedia of Wizards..."

"It's not just the Encyclopedia," Zheng Qing muttered, "I doubt he's memorized all of the Wizarding Code."

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"Tsk," Dr. Duzem sighed, and put his wet eyeballs back into his sockets: "Young people now..."

Zheng Qing carefully lifted the revolver out of the box.

The barrel was about six inches long, and the blued pistol had a lavender-blue finish that looked very pretty. A series of complex runes the size of rice grains are engraved in the ribs of the gun body. On the walnut wood grip with hand grooves, there are also several layers of formations superimposed with special techniques. Just holding it in your hand gives you a very solid feeling.

"You just said that this is the pistol used by the talisman master?" Zheng Qing reluctantly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yu.

Before the witch could speak, Dr. Duzem interjected next to him, "You don't think you are the first wizard to think of the long-distance attack method of talismans... At the earliest time, there were wizards who tied talismans to bows and arrows. Long-distance projectiles. But many wizards are not good archers, so in the end this method is not widely adopted.”

"Until alchemy slowly developed, wizards began to use rune guns in the thirteenth century. Of course, at that time, the structure of rune guns was still very simple, and they were just ejecting rune bullets based on the principle of pneumatic magic..."

"But why do I seldom see wizards using rune guns?" Zheng Qing couldn't help playing Dr. Duzem's explanation, and at the same time thanked himself for not being overwhelmed by the witch's compliments a few minutes ago - he just almost threw himself We are preparing to apply for a patent related to 'using a slingshot to shoot runes'.

A few weeks ago, after he completed related experiments, he discussed with Xiao Xiao about applying for a patent. It's just that because of the series of events that followed - such as the visit of the beautiful lady Su, such as the school hunting party, etc. - the young public funder temporarily put this matter down, planning to deal with it when he has more time.

At this moment, after hearing Dr. Du Zemu mention that wizards began to use related technology thousands of years ago, Zheng Qing couldn't help but feel hot--fortunately, he didn't rush to Danhag to apply for a patent, otherwise wouldn't he have done it? A stupid thing like drawing a circle as a wheel to apply for a patent!

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, and continued to ask: "Even in the hunting ground, I rarely see people using rune guns... According to logic, rune guns have a great advantage compared to Dharma books?!"

Dr. Du Zemu and Jiang Yu looked at each other.

"Not every spell is suitable for changing into a talisman," the doctor explained: "It is too troublesome to use talismans for many small spells, and it is difficult to fully and accurately present large-scale spells and talismans."

"More importantly," the witch interjected, "because the magic books are cheap!"

"For example, your revolver," she put two fingers into Zheng Qing's box, took out a rune bullet, held it up to Zheng Qing, and said, "Let's not mention its cost. Simply this gun is full of energy. Six talisman bombs are needed to fill it up, and each talisman bomb contains a main effect talisman, an activation talisman, and a control talisman. The minimum requirement for each talisman is a standard-level talisman...that is, every time you pull The trigger is three chapters of standard talismans. Pull the trigger six times, and eighteen standard talismans will be shot."

"No one can afford this kind of nobleman's thing." Dr. Du Zemu added indignantly beside him: "It's not a spell, but a golden bean!"

Zheng Qing immediately understood.

"That's why I said this is the pistol used by the talisman master." The witch said with a smile, she took out a booklet from the bottom of the box, shook, and said: "Colt's package comes with the method of making talisman bullets." , I think as the best talisman expert among the students of Jiuyou College, you should easily learn to make bullets by yourself-this is all patented-for others, talisman guns are a luxury, but for you, It should be a good addition." (To be continued)

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