Hunting High School

Chapter Thirteen: Jiang Yu's Plan

Boys who grew up in modern society, many of them once had the "heroic fantasy" of wandering around with long and short guns, and sometimes acting chivalrously.

For example, the railway guerrillas riding bay red horses, climbing the speeding train with bare hands; another example is the armed forces team in the enemy's rear armed with bastard boxes, quietly touching the watchtower and blowing up the bunker; Winchester rifles, western cowboys with Colt revolvers on their waists, driving hundreds of fat cows, fighting Indians with feathers on their heads for three hundred rounds in the wilderness, and so on. In the bottom of their hearts, boys always fantasize about heroic deeds of one kind or another, and fantasize that one day they can become heroes too.

Zheng Qing is no exception.

Originally thought that after entering the wizarding world, this dream had gradually faded away with the magical reality, but he did not expect happiness to come so suddenly-two months after entering the university, he had his own gun.

Although it is not a gunpowder gun, it is just a magic gun. But this does not affect the dream come true feeling in Zheng Qing's heart after putting the gun in his waist.

"It's truly a magical world." The young public fee student stroked the revolver on his waist and sighed softly.

"What did you say?" Dr. Duzem didn't seem to understand what he just said.

"I mean, to use this talisman gun, do I need to submit any application materials?" Zheng Qing immediately corrected the own question: "Is there any qualification restrictions... such as a gun license."

"Do you still need a 'book certificate' to use the book?" Dr. Du Zemu replied in a dull voice: "Theoretically, the book is more threatening than your rune gun...It is not a certain person who maintains social stability. These restrictive laws, but the reverence for the law in every wizard's heart."

While chatting gossip, the doctor quickly inspected the elves with tools such as hanging silk needles, and from time to time directed the quill pen floating in the air to make some records.

"I am in awe of the law." The young public finance student immediately expressed his own position.

The witch who was standing by the window teasing the squirrel in the cage couldn't help laughing.

"What a wizard should fear is not the law, but the unknown." Jiang Yu stretched her waist, looked up at the darkening sky outside the window, and repeated briskly: "Only the unknown is worthy of reverence."

"It's two different things." The young public fee student muttered, chewing on the word 'unknown', and suddenly he was taken aback, remembering what he saw when he just entered the door, and couldn't help but glance over the Kun bag hanging on the witch's wrist.

Then he frowned, his thoughts gradually diverted from the gift he had just received, hesitating whether to discuss the small bottle of liquid medicine with Jiang Yu.

Although depending on the situation, the witch seemed reluctant to let him know about it. But now that he had guessed, he felt obliged to say something if given the chance.

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Of course, these words are not suitable to say in front of Dr. Duzem.

In this way, Zheng Qing kept talking until the doctor finished examining the elves, and after the two young wizards left the 'Institute of Abnormal Life', Zheng Qing finally started talking.

"Well, thank you for the gift." First of all, he sincerely thanked Jiang Yu for sending the gift.

"You don't need to be so have already said thank you five times." The witch showed a helpless smile on her face, "If you really want to thank me, then give me some better amulets."

"Must!" Zheng Qing nodded fiercely, but then emphasized: "It's just that my level is limited, and the talismans I drew are definitely not comparable to the gun you gave me..."

As he spoke, he patted his own gray cloth bag. The box containing the revolver gun has been safely placed in the deepest part of the bag by him, and it is stacked with the small rosewood box containing jade coins.

Jiang Yu smiled and shook her head, but did not speak.

For a while, the two fell into silence with nothing to say.

Seeing that the alley is getting shorter and shorter, it will soon come to the end and enter the pedestrian street. Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it, stood up, and stretched out her hand to stop the witch beside her.

Jiang Yu stopped, tilted her head, and looked at the wizard in surprise.

The young public fee student took a deep breath and asked directly, "Are you planning to practice Transfiguration?"

The witch was stunned, subconsciously touched the Kun bag hanging on her wrist, and hesitated for a moment before asking, "Why do you say that?"

She didn't deny it, but she didn't admit it either.

Zheng Qing felt a little more confident in his heart.

"Guess." He didn't make a fool of himself, but quickly explained the reason for owning to the witch: "You know, I have always had headaches. After school started, Lao Yao took me for a checkup in the school hospital. Then I consulted with other professors, and finally judged that my headaches belonged to 'overactive thought force field', which caused the body's stress response caused by information disturbance... Well, this concept is a bit of a mouthful."

"In short, the treatment plan that the professors finally decided on for me is 'transfiguration'."

"Through deformation, and then reducing the degree of information disturbance, this also involves a certain non-famous conjecture - any catastrophe, after the target life form cannot be traced, its magnitude will continue to shrink until it disappears."

Saying so many words in one breath made the young public finance student a little dry. Fortunately, it was near evening and it was early winter again. The weather was much cooler, but it didn't make people too thirsty.

Jiang Yu crossed her arms and stared silently at Zheng Qing. The young wizard who was staring straight at him felt uncomfortable all over, so he burst out laughing.

"Actually, you don't need to explain the cause and effect." The witch tilted her head, stroked her hair, and said with a chuckle, "Didn't Professor Yao let you keep this matter a secret?"

Zheng Qing scratched his head, and said hesitantly: "Anyway, I didn't sign the silence agreement... I guess he allowed me to tell my friends about it."

The witch restrained her smile, and stretched out her hand in front of the wizard.

"Bring it."

"What?" Zheng Qing was a little dazed.

"Notes!" The witch raised her eyebrows: "You said so much, don't you mean that you have a lot of experience in transfiguration, and you can teach it to me?"

"Oh, this is no problem." Zheng Qing nodded again and again, and quickly took out the own Transfiguration Note from the gray cloth bag. These materials are recorded during his private lectures given by Professor Yi every Tuesday night.

But before he handed the notes to Jiang Yu, the wizard hesitated.

"If you don't mind," he carefully considered the words of own, and asked carefully: "Can you tell me what you want to do when you practice Transfiguration?...Actually, according to the plan, we can also learn these when we are in our senior year. course."

"Catch the murderer." Jiang Yu grabbed the note in Zheng Qing's hand, stuffed it into his own bag, lifted his chin slightly, and said firmly: "Since the school refuses to seriously catch the murderer, then I can only find a way for myself. Xiaobai has upheld justice!" (to be continued)

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