Hunting High School

Chapter 16 Interrupted Regular Meeting

As usual, Lao Yao routinely emphasized the nonsense of studying hard and paying attention to safety at the regular meeting on Sunday. At the same time, he announced the results of the midterm exam—because they are all in-class exams, and the exam results have little impact on the final credits. Coupled with the influence of hunting the moon, everyone is not particularly concerned about these results.

What is different from usual is that at today's regular meeting, Lao Yao did not check everyone's weekly Life diary - which made many people breathe a sigh of relief - he specially spared half an hour to praise the Hunters participating in the freshman competition.

Among them are Zheng Qing and others who won the first place in the freshman competition, as well as Downton and others who have no gains in the hunting competition and have not even experienced 'Death'.

However, although he was spitting all over the podium, it still couldn't stop some people from being dazed, distracted, and chatting.

Like Sim Fatty.

As a cutting-edge reporter for the No. 1 school newspaper, Fatty has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, as well as an unparalleled and exuberant curiosity. So much so that when Lao Yao was still babbling on the podium, he couldn't help tilting his head and repeatedly harassing the young public finance students diagonally behind.

" the end...with...Jiang...Yu...why...go?!"

Fatty opened his greasy mouth, mouth-shaped laboriously, trying to conduct a quiet interview.

Zheng Qing drooped his eyelids, ignored him, let Fatty wink in front of him and made all sorts of strange expressions, and just lowered his head and silently recited the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra".

This volume of scriptures was given to him by Shi Yuan little monk to adjust his mood and calm his spirit. Although the scriptures are short, after reading them frequently, Zheng Qing found that own's mental state has indeed improved-at least in terms of promoting sleep, the effect of this scripture is much stronger than that of meditation charms.

However, when reciting the scriptures tonight, for some reason, Zheng Qing always felt absent-minded, and he would unknowingly serialize while reading! This gave the young wizard a bit of a headache.

After repeated several times, he finally gave up his persistence, grabbed the quill and poked Dr. Xiao next to him, and whispered, "Hi! Have you ever been to Atlas?"

"Why?!" Xiao Xiao squinted and glanced at him.

Zheng Qing raised the booklet in his hand.

"It's the "Multi-Heart Sutra". I always feel a little strange when I read it recently." The young public finance student hesitated, choosing the appropriate words: "I mean, go to Atlas to find Shi Yuan little monk , see if he has any suggestions."

"If you can't find it, there should be many 'masters' over there. Listening to their lectures may help you understand."

Xiao Xiao sat up straight, took the brochure in Zheng Qing's hand, flipped through it, and finally shook his head: "Atlas is more didn't notice that most of the courses at First University are arranged in nine Is it in the main building of the Academy and the Alpha Academy? It is because the environment there is not friendly to many wizards."

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"If you have any questions, we can find Shi Yuan. Anyway, he is also a member of the Forgiveness Knights. It just so happens that we are going to hold a 'Money Spending Conference' this time, so we can kill two birds with one stone..."

Zheng Qing sighed deeply.

"Originally, I wanted to go to Atlas to see and see." The public finance student explained in a slightly regretful tone: "When I was in the hunting ground, I once made a wish that if I could escape safely, I would burn incense sticks to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky. …I think that the place with the most complete statues in the entire First University should be Atlas. So I originally wanted to go there to fulfill my vow.”

Xiao Xiao raised his head, trying not to snort that contemptuous voice from his nose.

When it comes to hunting grounds, Zheng Qing can't help but think of hunting, and then think of his own experience of fighting monsters, his own slingshot and rune bullets, and the Colt python that Jiang Yu gave him this afternoon.

Then he remembered something else.

"Did you know that wizards used bows and arrows to project talismans thousands of years ago?" the young public finance student asked Xiao Xiao in a questioning tone.

"This is common sense." Dr. Xiao Da sat upright, looked at the blackboard with a serious face, and replied with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Then do you know about rune guns?" Zheng Qing continued to ask in a low voice.

"Is there anyone who doesn't know?" Xiao Xiao finally turned his face, full of surprise, feeling that the question of the public fee was a bit inexplicable: "One of the largest businesses of Martin Thor Alchemy Company is the manufacture of rune guns. Colt Famous brands such as Remington and Remington are all under its name...Martin Toll, you know, our admission plane is made by this company."

"I don't know!" The young Gong Feisheng stared at him confidently, and shouted in a low voice: "Since the wizarding world has already had rune guns, rune bullets, and bows and arrows to project runes, why did you push me to apply for some patents?" !… I was almost ashamed and thrown out of the school! If I did that, wouldn’t it be as ridiculous as cutting a wheel out of wood and applying for a modern patent?!”

"Wheel? What does this have to do with wheels." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses: "I asked you to apply for a patent for talismans. When you make talismans, the unique rune and structure you use are very innovative... If you apply for it, I believe that the Martin Thor Alchemy Company will be willing to pay you a reasonable patent fee."

"Although the wheel has been around for thousands of years, it is impossible for you to apply for a patent with the appearance and effect of the wheel. However, different wheels have different specifications in terms of hubs, tires, bearings, etc... These details are the direction of innovation , there is no problem applying for some patents..."

"Boom boom boom!"

The sudden knock on the door interrupted Lao Yao's endless chatter on the podium, and also surprised many students who were making small movements under the podium—including Zheng Qing who was chatting.

When everyone sat up straight, their eyes gathered at the door, and after seeing the identity of the knocker, the young public fee student suddenly had the urge to get under the table.

It's just that his impulse came a little too late.

"Good evening, Professor. Excuse me." At the door, a young witch wearing a black maid skirt politely saluted and asked Old Yao softly, "Excuse me, is Zheng Qing in this classroom?" ?”

Lao Yao tilted his head, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the young maid curiously, then turned his gaze to the back row of the classroom.

"Zheng Qing?" The professor raised his arm and waved his hand: "Go first, go... There is nothing else in the regular meeting."

In the classroom, everyone's eyes once again turned to the back row of the classroom.

Xin Fatty can finally turn his head to greet the young public fee student openly and aboveboard.

"Brother Qing! Someone is looking for you!" Fatty yelled loudly, with a malicious smile on his face. At the same time, he did not forget to lean up and raise his arms high: "Professor, Zheng Qing is here!"

Zheng Qing didn't make a sound, but with a dark face, he pulled the sundries on the desk into the gray cloth bag, then lowered his head, and ran out of the classroom. (to be continued)

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