Hunting High School

Chapter 17 Dr. Chen

Zheng Qing met Su Shijun at the door of the two-dimensional laboratory.

At that time, the senator of the next month's council was chatting with an illusory figure floating in mid-air. The two spoke very fast, and their tone was a bit weird, and there were some hissing sounds that seemed to be disturbed by electricity. Even with the help of a large team of translators covering the whole island, Zheng Qing still couldn't hear what they were talking about.

It's just that Zheng Qing is more interested in the phantom figure floating in mid-air than the content of their chat.

At first he thought it was a ghost.

As one of the five high-ranking races of the Council under the Moon, and as the most widespread and oldest magical life in the wizarding world, ghosts are not uncommon on campus—including among the bookshelves in the depths of the Book Mountain Hall; at the end of the corridor of the teaching building This kind of magical life can be seen on the window sill of the window; and on the weedy hill in the back garden of the campus, where thousands of wizard bones may be buried.

The most distinctive sign of ghosts is their pearly, misty, illusory bodies, and many elderly ghosts are accompanied by emerald green will-o'-the-wisps.

Just like the illusory figure who is talking with Su Shijun—its shape is also illusory, and there are strings of light spots around it. It's just that, unlike the ghost, the phantom figure's body is not pearl-colored, but exudes a lavender halo, like a three-dimensional projection. The light spots around it are carefully discerned, and they are just some blue light, no they are not ghost fires.

This is not a ghost, the young public fee student repeated his own judgment in his heart.

Perhaps because he heard his voice, Su Shijun, who was chatting happily, turned his head to look at Zheng Qing, nodded slightly, and then turned around to introduce to the phantom figure: "He is the real body of experimental subject dydx-s-no1, Zheng Qing. "

Before Zheng Qing could complain about the long string of strange attributives in front of his name, he saw the illusory figure turn his head, revealing a pair of unusually clear and bright eyes—and then he was even more sure that it was not a ghost.

Because although ghosts can maintain a lifelike shape and even face, they cannot have a pair of clear and bright eyes. The eyes of the ghosts are mostly milky white, and their eyes are relatively dull.

"This is the third person in the 'Laboratory for testing how single-string life forms breakthrough from the Dirichlet membrane of 1+1-dimensional space-time', that is, the host in front of me, Dr. Chen Ang." Su Shijun turned his head and introduced the phantom figure in mid-air to Zheng Qing.

"In fact, I prefer to call it 'the laboratory for the feasibility analysis and multi-model comparison of homogeneous life forms under the new z-dimensional mapping conditions in the observable x-y dimensional effective world'," Dr. Chen, who was floating in mid-air, smiled slightly. , and added in a gentle tone: "This is my name. The old people in the school are already used to this name... and this name is more in line with the purpose of our establishment."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Su Shijun raised his head and snorted softly, showing some disdain on his face: "I am the current host of the laboratory... It is my freedom to change the name to whatever it is."

Dr. Chen spread out his hands, expressing that it is at your disposal.

Zheng Qing frowned, and searched in his mind for a long time before he remembered a vague impression.

"I remember, you said that this Dr. Chen... well, it's a bit inconvenient, isn't it?" The young public finance student tied his tongue and almost said the word 'crazy'.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Dr. Chen's eyes flickering at him a few times.

"You mean that he's 'crazy'?" Su Shijun expressed the young wizard's unfinished intentions as if nothing had happened, and at the same time smiled maliciously: "There is no need to cover up such words. In front of this guy, As long as you are helpful to his experiment, he doesn't care about the slightest offense."

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, showing an awkward smile on his face.

"I'm not crazy." The doctor floating in mid-air obviously disagreed with the witch's words: "It's just that there are a lot of allomorphs left in the two-dimensional world, which caused an abnormal match between the timeline and the worldline... Just do a few more experiments and tweak it a bit.”

"Do an experiment?" Su Shijun raised his eyebrows, his face full of doubts: "If I remember correctly, the Joint Committee of Professors of the First University and the Research Institute of Applied Magic of the First University have issued a death notice, strictly prohibiting someone from appearing Within a hundred meters of any laboratory... what are you experimenting with?"

"That's why I'm standing a hundred meters away from the gate of your laboratory." Dr. Chen, who was floating in the air, stretched out his hands, gestured the distance between himself and the building, and at the same time sighed deeply: "In this world, It's so disappointing... A pig with a connection can be a marshal in the sky, but a wizard without a connection can only sit cross-legged in the abbot in a daze."

"That's because you shouted in the laboratory every day that 'anatomy is the only criterion for testing truth'!" Su Shijun sneered: "If you restrain yourself a little bit, and don't cut your own soul into seven or eight million parts, I'm afraid you won't be able to return." Now that I'm sitting in this laboratory...Look at you now, you don't even have a normal body, and you're dangling around with a three-dimensional projection, and you're not afraid of being blown away by the wind!"

"The wind has no effect on my thought body, so you don't need to worry about that." Dr. Chen corrected with a gentle tone and a serious attitude: "Besides, I didn't split my own soul into seven or eight hundred thousand parts. To be precise, There are only 129,600 copies. When we do experiments, the most important thing is to be precise... Mathematics must be passed. Otherwise, it is not an experiment, but a chance."

Miss Su scoffed at his words.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Miss Su raised her hand domineeringly, slapped Zheng Qing on the shoulder, and said, "If you complete the procedures, I can provide complete experimental data...but this person is mine! You can't take him away!"

Zheng Qing wrinkled his nose cautiously, wondering if he should refute the witch's words a little bit - he felt that he was an independent and free individual, not someone else's.

Of course, in view of being called "her person" by Miss Su, the young public finance student decided to wrong himself, so it was not true.

Su Shijun didn't care about the complicated inner activities of Gong Feisheng at all, but turned around and explained to Zheng Qing: "Didn't your damn shadow blow up my laboratory a few days ago and escape? Your shadow should be regarded as the second one." The experimental subject that has truly escaped from the two-dimensional space... the first one is standing in front of you."

"So now, the first experimental subject who successfully escaped wants to chat with you and share his experience of 'detachment'. If possible, he also hopes to cut a small piece of your shadow and do a few small experiments..."

Zheng Qing's face turned pale in an instant.

Although the witch said it very implicitly, it is not the first time he has dealt with these 'crazy researchers' - he can even say 'slicing', if it really falls into his hands, he may not know what he will become Woolen cloth! (to be continued)

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