Hunting High School

Chapter 18 Re-Entering Su Shijun's Laboratory

"I know nothing about this experiment!"

"Also, my current shadow is not the one that ran back from the laboratory."

"I don't know where the shadow that came back after the 'detachment' is now. I only know that it was still on me before participating in the freshman competition, but after the freshman competition, it ran away...not only ran away , It also packed away a lot of knowledge and experience brought back before!"

The young public finance student's tone was sincere, and he looked at the 'big researcher' in front of him with a sincere expression, trying hard to separate himself from that damned shadow, lest he would catch him and put him in the autopsy if he was careless. on stage.

Of course, even so, he still has some reservations about his description—in fact, according to Xiao Xiao’s explanation after the event and the communication between the person from the relevant department code-named 'Forty-one' that Lao Yao brought with him, Zheng Qing You can roughly guess where your shadow that 'detached' from the two-dimensional world is now.

It's just that in his opinion, this kind of matter is of great importance, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Dr. Chen, who was floating in mid-air, tilted his head and stared at the young public fee student without saying a word. Those sparkling eyes stared straight at the person who was hairy all over.

For a long time, until Su Shijun broke the atmosphere of silence in the room.

"We can all see that he is not lying." Miss Su helped her pair of wide red glasses on her face, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "In this case, it will be useless if you cut off his shadow."

"Honesty and facts are not the same concept." Dr. Chen smiled kindly, but the meaning in his words was very sharp: "Even if he tells the truth, it doesn't mean that's the truth."

"The truth is, I can allow him to complete some questionnaires for you, and then provide some experimental data of dydx-s-no1. That's all." Su Shijun's tone became a little colder.

"Thank you very much." In mid-air, Dr. Chen's illusory figure nodded slightly, and after briefly expressing some own thanks, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the increasingly dark night.

Zheng Qing's eyes chased the streamer of light, watching it pass through the promenade, passing the shadows of distant treetops, branches and tall buildings, and finally seemed to disappear into the sky, feeling a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"Are you going to stand outside all night? Or, do you want to go back now?!" Su Shijun's cold voice sounded behind Gong Feisheng, and immediately drew his wandering attention back.

Looking back, the members of the council under the moon had already entered the laboratory building, and their figures were about to turn into the corridor of the hall on the first floor. Several fox maids followed her silently, ignoring the wizard who fell outside the laboratory building.

Zheng Qing scratched his head.

He really wanted to leave now. Reason kept warning him that if he stayed by the side of the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world, there would be a steady stream of troubles coming to him-but hearing the tone of the witch's words just now, Zheng Qing felt that if he really slipped away quietly, maybe he would She was tied up by a group of fox maids and thrown into Linzhong Lake.

Besides, like any wizard in the wizarding world, Zheng Qing also likes to spend more time with Su Shijun. This is true sincerity, not cowardice.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

With these thoughts still in his mind, the footsteps of the young public fee student obediently followed the witch's figure.


A sound of flapping wings sounded from the air, blocking Zheng Qing's footsteps, and then a hoarse and vague shout sounded in the empty and quiet hall:

"This is the Applied Magic Research Institute of First University, the Dimension Ascension Experimental Research Institute... Please register when entering and exiting the gate, and please avoid irrelevant personnel..."

Zheng Qing listened to this familiar line, stared wide-eyed, and looked at the fat budgie squatting on the bird stand at the front desk. It was with them..."

"Are you Fox Spirit?" The budgerigar tilted its head, blinking its small mung bean-sized eyes with a stupid expression on its face.

"I'm a human wizard." Zheng Qing felt black lines all over his head.

"Then do you work in that lab with a long name? Do you have a badge? I remember you are only a freshman! Gangzhen, we are already acquaintances, you can't fool me." Budgie Flapping its wings, it chattered non-stop.

Zheng Qing sighed, and took out a quill and a handful of bird food from the gray cloth bag.

"I'd better fill out the application form." Resignedly, he took out a visitor form from the front desk, commanded the quill pen to sign on it, and at the same time stuffed the bird food into the budgerigar's trough.

"A child with good manners." The parrot on duty praised, without even looking at the form Zheng Qing filled out, he lowered his head and buried his head in the pile of bird food.

At the same time, it said in a muffled voice from the trough: "Just fill out the form and go in directly... We are familiar with each other! You don't need to go through that troublesome process!"

Zheng Qing finished filling out the form, put away the quill, and glanced suspiciously at the parrot eating with relish—he suspected that he was stopped because this budgerigar wanted some food.

But one more thing is worse than one less thing, and Zheng Qing would not go to debate with a parrot whose brain is no bigger than a walnut for a handful of bird food.

"Excuse me, see you later!" Zheng Qing put the completed form on the front desk, exchanged polite greetings, and then turned to go to Su Shijun's laboratory.

"Goodluck!" The budgerigar raised its wings, showing a small eye from the trough: "We heard that you were cut off by those foxes last must be careful this time! You are a good person, a good person will live a safe life !"

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally decided to pretend that he didn't hear the parrot's blessing.

Turning along the long corridor into the depths of the laboratory building, Zheng Qing found the laboratory after a short walk—compared with the previous visit, it had the same door, the same house number, and the same decorations.

In the laboratory, it is still square, long, empty, and closed like an air-raid shelter, with blue-gray walls, metallic skin, neatly arranged hexagonal stone platforms, and the stone platform on the stone platform. Big milky white light balls.

Everything was the same as Zheng Qing's previous visit, as if there had never been an explosion here—although Zheng Qing was not at the scene of the explosion not long ago, but based on the vibration and flames he felt in the distance, he thought it was here It was already in ruins.

"This is the power of magic." The young Gong Feisheng thought to himself, his eyes glanced at the researchers in black robes and the big balls of light around him, and he walked towards Su Shijun's office skillfully without stopping. .

Maybe it's because Miss Su has already spoken, maybe it's just because the researchers are all concentrating on their own work. In short, there is no one to guide or stop Zheng Qing who is wandering alone along the way. (to be continued)

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