Hunting High School

Chapter 28 Temporary Pass

The campus is very empty.

Because of the Xiayuan Festival, most of the students stayed in the dormitory obediently according to the requirements of the teachers. The few students who dare to walk up and down the corridors are mostly wearing bright red sleeves on their arms - that is the temporary sign of the student union picket team. In Fatty's words, the red sleeves are the "hawk dogs" of the professors .

Facing the patrolling figures, Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, then decisively took out an invisibility amulet from his pocket, and patted it on his body. This standard talisman can perfectly hide the wizard's body shape, smell, body temperature and other elements, and lasts for nearly a quarter of an hour. With only a pair of naked eyes, it was difficult for those pickets to find Zheng Qing.

But even so, the young public welfare students still choose the gravel path beside the road or the dry hardened ground to advance, lest they will be caught by the pickets because of footprints or other reasons.

The golden-red leaves trembled in the breeze, and a few weak leaves fell from time to time. As far as the eye can see, there is a soft golden leaf blanket under your feet, rows of black tree trunks beside you, and at the end of the tree-lined road, there is a little blue sky, which makes people feel hopeful.

The young public fee student touched the notebook and reference books in the gray cloth bag, rehearsing the conversation when we meet later in his heart.

Walking through the tree-lined road, crossing the rockery by the lake, and seeing the glass door of Shushan Pavilion in the distance, Zheng Qing's expression froze, and he couldn't help but stop.

Today is the next Lantern Festival, the library is closed.

A large bright red notice was posted on the glass door.

Zheng Qing hid behind the bushes, and after a moment of frustration, he finally took out the letter, trying to find a little more detailed address from its corners.

But from the beginning to the end, there are only nine characters on the letter paper—eight and a half to be precise, because the last letter that replaces the name does not belong to a complete character.

So much so that for a moment, the young public finance student suddenly wondered in his heart, was this letter the work of some students who were dissatisfied with the results of the freshman competition, trying to knock him down?

But soon, he denied this speculation. The rich fragrance on the letter paper is unique to Irina, unique. He was determined not to admit his mistake.

Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer to the deadline, Zheng Qing had no choice but to fold the letter paper into a paper crane again, then held it in the palm of his hand, and made a wish to it: "Paper crane, paper crane! If you know where she is, the clever and intelligent Zhihe, please take me to her... I kowtow to you!"

As he spoke, he raised his left hand, folded his index and middle fingers together, and kowtowed in front of the paper crane.

Strange to say, the 'Second-Hand Crane', which was originally motionless, suddenly raised its slender neck, stretched its wrinkled wings, shook its body, and flew up after receiving Zheng Qing's tap.

Fly up? !

The young public finance student looked at the paper crane fluttering in mid-air in surprise, then glanced at Own's left hand in surprise, kissed his finger with "Mu" and trotted all the way, chasing after the paper crane.

The revived origami crane seems to have a little more Spiritual Qi than before, and it seems to be more lively - to use a more precise description, this origami crane likes to fly around - even if it is not disturbed by bees and butterflies, it will not affect it It fell on the flowers for a while, and got into the bushes for a while. So much so that the young public fee student quickly turned from joy to gnashing of teeth.

If there was not only one solution left, Zheng Qing would definitely prepare a small cross and use magic to tell the paper crane the cruelty of the 'fire torture'.

Crossing the lawn by the lake, passing through several layers of bushes, and then sneaking in the promenade around the lake for a while, the paper crane's wings crooked, and led Zheng Qing into a remote promenade.

Zheng Qing hadn't decided whether to grab the paper crane that was flying around to vent his anger, but when his eyes lit up, he stopped immediately.

There is a stone gate at the end of this remote corridor, which is hidden among the lush vines and leaves. Even though it is late autumn and early winter, the leaves on those vines are not sparse, but the color has changed from emerald green to golden red.

In front of the stone gate, stood a slim figure, bent over, discerning something carefully. The paper crane spun in mid-air, and lightly landed on the wide shawl on the witch's shoulders, tilted her head, and rubbed against the witch's ears.

"I thought you wouldn't come today!" Elena turned her head and looked at Zheng Qing with a little surprise: "It's because I didn't think carefully before. I didn't expect that the library would be closed. I originally thought about flying another paper crane to tell Zheng Qing Say hello, but you happen to have no letter paper with you..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing has already removed the invisibility amulet, revealing his whereabouts.

"I didn't expect to find you either." The young public fee student scratched his head, couldn't help grinning, and smiled foolishly: "Your paper crane is so smart! It can even lead the way!"

"It's not my fault." The witch smiled slightly, glanced sideways at the paper crane on her shoulder, and added in a slightly hoarse voice: "...we will never truly understand the magic of magic."

This is a deep philosophical question.

Zheng Qing wisely closed his mouth and did not reply - he still remembered the clumsy and difficult conversation between him and the gypsy witch at a dance not long ago. There is nothing more likely to derail a conversation between a man and a woman than talking about philosophy.

"Where is this place? Why does it look familiar to me..." The young public finance student easily changed the topic, and set his sights on the stone door behind the witch.

The door looked very old. The magic lines etched on the lintel, threshold, fan leaves and other structures had become dull under the influence of time, and many lines had lost their complete structure. However, the faint imprints on it seem to be able to see many badges and symbols that are still very famous in the wizarding world today.

Zheng Qing looked more and more familiar.

"This is the shortcut from Jiuyou Academy to Alpha Castle," Irina's explanation made the young public finance student suddenly realize. When he was on patrol at night, he once saw people from Alpha Castle coming in and out of here.

It's just that he saw him at night, and if the time was changed to daytime, it would inevitably make people feel a little uncomfortable.

"You want to go to Alpha Castle?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and asked with a little interest.

"Yeah, it was a small matter." Elena turned her head again, touched the door knocker beast on the stone door, and patiently turned the door knocker from time to time, as if hoping to find a way to pass through the door from above: "...but, this one The knocker beast doesn't seem to welcome me."

"Maybe you are just short of a Zhang Tong license." Zheng Qing confidently took out a card and inserted it into the mouth of the door knocker beast.

"Ah, bah, bah!" Accompanied by a retching sound, the door knocker rolled its eyes and spat out the card. The originally closed stone door slowly opened with a creaking sound.

"They have always had a prejudice against the students of Jiuyou Academy." The young public-funded student immediately explained.

"How did you let it open? I tried my student card just now, didn't I? But it ignored me!" Irina looked at Zheng Qing in surprise.

"This is not a student card. This is a temporary pass from the school work committee, which is not named." Zheng Qing couldn't help showing off: "During the hunting competition before, I was also responsible for patrolling and picketing... this temporary worker The card was issued to us by the school work committee. It’s just that it hasn’t been taken back after the hunting game. It’s also your coincidence. I guess this card will be taken away during the Saturday night patrol this week.” (To be continued. )

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