Hunting High School

Chapter 29 Destination

Behind the door is a dark, deep corridor.

Exquisite marble wall tiles, simple and heavy wooden floors, mixed with the breath of time, people can't help but stare at it with bated breath, lest they disturb the sleeping soul in the corridor - this is not an exaggerated decoration, but some kind of degree of fact.

On both sides of this corridor, there are portraits of famous wizards who graduated from Alpha Academy. Including Gene Bu Laike O'Brien, the patriarch of the O'Brien family three hundred years ago, Wilhelm Potter, the dragon slaying warrior of the Potter family two hundred years ago, and the combination of Eastern refining techniques and Western alchemy one hundred and fifty years ago. The great alchemist Jiang Qianli who combined theories, the great therapist Edward Jenner who invented the treatment of dragon plague and syphilis a hundred years ago, and the great wizard Smael Nuo who made important contributions to the theory of dimensional topology fifty years ago Wait a minute.

Based on respect for tradition and honor, Alpha people always like to hang these old people who have made outstanding contributions on the wall and put them in beautifully carved walnut wood photo frames for people to admire. It's just that as time went by, more and more portraits were hung on the walls, so that in the entire Alpha Castle, it was rare to see blank walls.

Zheng Qing even heard from Lin Guo that there was a debate in Alpha Fort some time ago, discussing how to deal with too many "hanging portraits": some people suggested opening a special room as an exhibition hall; Hanging in the villa area outside the castle; some people are more inclined to remove "certain wizards with less outstanding achievements", and give the vacant positions to more "qualified" wizards——Edward, who invented the dragon pox planting technique. Jenner falls into the 'certainly underachieving' group.

However, seeing that the therapist who had fought against dragon plague syphilis for a lifetime was still hanging safely in this corridor, Zheng Qing knew that the discussion at the Alpha Academy did not have a final result.

"Oh, I should remember to bring a few silence symbols." The young public fee student noticed the portraits waking up one after another on both sides of the corridor, and whispered annoyed. He remembered that these portraits that had been hung on the wall for many years seemed to have a bad temper.

As the stone door slowly opened, the pale yellow sunlight obliquely fell on this deep corridor, waking up the old people in the picture frame one by one. Some rude, abrupt curses gradually sounded in the corridor.

"It's not your fault." Yi Lianna took out a Paris version of the Dharma book from her arms—— Zheng Qing remembered that the salesman of Shangyuan Bookshop had introduced him to this kind of Dharma book. There is also a proverb in Chapter 7 of Matthew on the mouth of Chrysanthemum.

The Gypsy Witch didn't give public payers more opportunities to watch.

She opened the Dharma book, her fingers danced nimbly among the pages, and cast three incantations in succession:

"I'm still sleepless!"

"Sleep without hearing!"

"Sleep without sleep!"

These three mantras are very familiar to Zheng Qing.

Not long ago, the freshman Saishan, a young public finance student, once used these spells in a certain guardian circle, knocked down his own companions, and then went out alone to face the raging beast tide.

"Shangmeiwujue" means to make people sleep with their eyes closed; "Shangmeiwucong" means to make people sleep with their ears closed; "Shangmeiwuwu" means to make people close their mouths Sleep—In short, using this combination of spells can make people fall asleep quickly, and can't perceive any external information. It is the only way to promote sleep and rob houses.

Although the shadow took a lot of 'experience' after it left, the young public finance student can still skillfully use the spells it once used with the help of Zheng Qing's body.

"A very good choice!" The wizard praised, and suddenly asked: "Do you need phantom charms? I still have a few on me... just be prepared."

His proposal was not aimless - looking at what Elena had done all the way, she probably didn't want people to know that she came to Alpha Castle today. Although she didn't know what her plan was, as her companion, Zheng Qing felt that he should show his due value.

"Thank you then." The witch rolled her eyes, glanced at the wizard with a smile, and took the phantom amulet from him.

Soon, Zheng Qing found out that the act of owning was unnecessary. It seemed that an evacuation drill was being held in the huge Alpha Castle, and there was no one there. Except for a few milky white ghosts floating around drowsily, the young public finance student couldn't see any signs of life.

It's just that this kind of open environment is more conducive to the actions of the 'infiltrator'.

The two wizards who had disappeared quickly passed through the corridor, crossed the courtyard in the center of the castle, and moved quickly along the criss-crossing stairs. Even the huge golden clock didn't distract the witch's attention.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing noticed that Elena's purpose in moving forward was very clear.

So he tried his best to restrain his own curiosity - he would know in the end, he comforted himself in his heart.

In fact, curiosity was satisfied a little faster than he expected. After turning several intersections and passing through an unpopular rest area, Elena's footsteps finally stopped in front of an arch.

"It's here!" She clapped her hands briskly, took out a thin badge that looked like iron from her pocket, and stuffed it into the hands of an alchemy doll standing at the door of the arch.

"Welcome." The puppet's dull eyes scanned the empty corridor in front of it, and without the slightest hesitation, it moved its seat stiffly according to the fixed procedure, and gave way to the entrance of the arch.

"Here is it?" Zheng Qing looked suspiciously at the flower-carved arch and a few familiar badges hanging outside the door. He always felt that he had seen these signs somewhere.

"Friedman's lounge is also the headquarters of Club A." Elena's tone was unusually flat, as if she was talking about what to eat this afternoon: "They are all staying in the villa area outside the castle today... There will be no one here until classes start tomorrow morning."

"What are you doing here?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking.

"I have to do homework, so I have to come." The witch sighed, as if she didn't want to explain more.

"Do you have the secret key here?" The young public finance student was still curious.

"No." The witch shrugged, took the badge returned by the alchemy doll, and tossed it in the air: "I 'borrowed' this from someone."

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded.

Thinking with his heels, he can guess what the specific meaning of this 'borrow' is.

Although he had some disagreements with the big brother Friedman, as time went by, the conflicts between the two because of Arthur Ness seemed to have been resolved a lot. In all fairness, although the young public finance student is not a well-behaved and honest person, he definitely has no 'hobby' for breaking into other people's lounges.

And Friedman is clearly not an easy guy.

Just when he was hesitating whether to say anything more, the witch walking in front suddenly turned her head and showed a strange smile.

"Ah, I almost forgot!"

"You won the first place in the hunting competition, and I haven't given you a gift yet!" (To be continued)

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