Hunting High School

Chapter Thirty: Elena's Gift

Sir Friedman's lounge is spacious.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows were closed tightly, and the blood-red velvet curtains were half-covered, and there were two gold hooks with silver tassels hanging beside them. Through the bright windows, there is an endless azure blue in the distance, and a flock of wild geese flying high can be vaguely seen under a few sparse white clouds.

Unlike the habits of most wizards, the portraits hanging in this lounge are just two very ordinary oil paints. There is no magic effect attached to the portraits, and naturally there is no residual shadow of an old man pasted on them—of course, from From an artistic point of view, these two oil paintings are very talented and do not lack the so-called 'artistic soul'. So much so that when Zheng Qing saw them for the first time, he almost threw out a few Silence Talismans.

Of course, following behind the witch, he finally realized the mystery of the portraits, and he did not throw out the talisman of silence in his arms, maintaining a bit of poise that a boy should have.

Elena didn't notice the subtle movements in the boy's heart.

As she led the way, she casually introduced to Zheng Qing the furnishings in this lounge—as if this was her own home—which gave off a very strange feeling: “…the two oil paintings, on the left side The old man sitting face to face on the chair is Tony j. Bo Laike, the patriarch of the Bo Laike family with a very long history. The book he is pressing on the bottom of his hand is the basic principle that the parliament must follow throughout the next month. Rules—"Moonlight Code."

"The old handsome guy on the right is John Hugh Karen of the Karen family, a legendary figure among vampires. The cup he holds in his hand is said to be the holy grail of blood...Of course, no one has proved this. It's all outside Gossip going around."

"And the maroon wooden table behind you is said to be made of a coffin board that a vampire who surpassed the great wizard once slept on. Only this guy, Friedman, can afford this blessing... "

Listening to the witch's introduction, the public finance student who had been leaning on the maroon desk suddenly felt a chill go down his back, with a creepy feeling, and immediately bounced off the edge of the desk, avoiding it far away. At the same time, he was reviewing his carelessness from the bottom of his heart - he knew that these vampires had unique hobbies, yet he carelessly touched the things in this room, it was too inappropriate.

"As for the terrace in front, that's the purpose of my coming here today."

Having said this, Yi Lianna turned around, and at some point in her hand, she found her set of Tarot cards again.

"Did the knight of the scepter bring it?" She suddenly asked without thinking.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately came to his senses.

"I have it, I have it." As he said, he immediately opened the gray cloth bag and found the card that had lost most of its luster from a small purple wooden box.

This card was given to him by the witch to soothe his nerves when she heard that he was having nightmares a few weeks ago. Although it has long since expired, Zheng Qing has always been with him as a souvenir.

The witch's eyes fluttered, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Just now I said I would give you a gift..." Seeing Zheng Qing open his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to refuse, Yi Lianna immediately raised the Tarot card in her hand and shook her head: "This is a congratulatory gift, you must Accept... pick a card."

The young public fee student twitched for a few seconds, and smiled—although this excuse was old-fashioned and hypocritical, but in society, he had unconsciously acquired these habits—then he squinted his eyes , Draw out the Knight of Wands that was just stuffed back from the Tarot card.

Compared with other cards, the color of this Knight of Wands is obviously a bit dull, and he has touched it for a long time, and it is more or less stained with his breath, which is the easiest to identify.

Seeing his choice, the witch couldn't help curling her lips: "You're cheating... Hey, before I give you the gift, tell me how you killed so many demons in the hunting ground? You really cheated." ?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing felt a little wronged subconsciously, and couldn't help arguing: "Why did you cheat? You saw it on the hunting ground too...that big black...tiger, it killed those monsters and followed me... ..."

Thinking of the documents that the professors asked him to keep secret, Zheng Qing tied his tongue, and the 'big black cat' that was supposed to be exported suddenly turned into a 'big black tiger', but Yi Lianna only thought that he was in a hurry, and didn't Pay attention to this detail.

But obviously, she was taken aback by the boy's sudden attack.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I've heard what everyone said." The witch was obviously aware of the sensitivity of this issue, and couldn't help explaining: " were rescued by our hunting team on the hunting ground, but in the end You won the title of the best hunter, but we didn't get anything. Everyone is more or less unhappy, and there will naturally be rumors... I'm not saying that you cheated, I didn't mean that at all."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing was still a little annoyed at first, but seeing Elena's performance, that anger dissipated a lot immediately.

He simply waved his hand and smiled wryly: "There is no way to reason about this kind of thing... After a while, everyone will naturally have other topics."

"Knight of Wands, with a piece of luck, march towards the unknown Realm. This is both courage and recklessness." Yi Lianna took the card from Zheng Qing's hand again, and brought the topic back to the gift: "I think , I know what gift I want to give you."

"You didn't prepare before?" Zheng Qing obviously didn't think about his words.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it, and couldn't help explaining: "I mean, I thought that the gift you were going to send was a prepared gift bought from a store..."

"Gift, why do you buy it from a store?" The witch looked a little surprised: "It is natural to give something you love! Otherwise, how can you reflect its preciousness?"

This is so reasonable that it is impossible to refute it.

Zheng Qing's lips trembled, deeply admiring this logic.

"Turn around, I'll make preparations first." The witch suddenly said, dismissing the boy.

Zheng Qing immediately turned around obediently, and at the same time, all kinds of pictures that were suitable for the time appeared in his mind, as well as all kinds of sweet words that might be used later. After thinking about it, he felt that his nose was a little hot, and when he touched it, his nose bleeds.

"Shame, shame...Be calm when it comes to big things." The boy muttered to himself, and at the same time quickly took out a few Ganlin talismans from the gray cloth bag, and patted them on his nose.

"What are you mumbling about?" The witch asked briskly from behind: "Okay, turn around!"

Zheng Qing took a deep breath.

Trying to squeeze out all kinds of charming images in my mind, I turned back stiffly.

"Hey, this is a gift for you! I just packed it!" Yi Lianna held a square wooden box and held it up to Zheng Qing, with a look of reluctance: "You must cherish it... "

She asked me to turn around just to wrap the present...

Zheng Qing stared blankly at the criss-cross golden ribbons on the box, and the sadness in his heart was beyond words. (to be continued)

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