Hunting High School

Chapter 31: A Post

Holding the gift box in his hand, Zheng Qing would naturally guess what gift was in the box.

Due to the previous two gifts, his first reaction was that the box contained rune guns.

"There is such a light talisman gun?" The young public fee student weighed the box, raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously expressed his guess in the bottom of his heart.

"Amulet gun?" Elena's reaction to the wizard was a bit inexplicable, and she asked strangely: "Why is it a rune gun? Do you want a rune gun as a gift?"

Zheng Qing suddenly came to her senses—the witch in front of her had participated in the freshman competition just like herself. She didn't know about her use of the slingshot, so naturally she wouldn't prepare a corresponding gift.

At the same time, he also felt a little embarrassed by the oolong he made.

"I, I just guessed that way." He stammered and explained, his face slowly turning red: "Before, I received several talisman guns before... I thought, I thought..."

"Do you think I'll give away the talisman gun too?" Elena waved her hand with a smile, looking very free and easy: "The talisman gun is so expensive, I can't afford it... If it's a few talisman bullets, I can think of a way .”

Seeing that she didn't care about Own's faux pas, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he couldn't help but think of the two talisman guns he had received, and felt more pressure in his heart.

The way to reduce stress is naturally to divert attention.

Zheng Qing immediately tore off the silk on the box, and opened her present in front of Elena.

Inside the box was a black notebook.

The notebook looked a bit worn out, and there were some traces of blood stains on the greasy cover. Other than that, the book is otherwise in good condition—the pages are ironed, and the corners are wrapped in thin metal sheets, giving it an unexpectedly neat look—but even so, it's hard work. An appropriate gift.

Zheng Qing couldn't help frowning.

Of course he wasn't dissatisfied with the dilapidated notebook - in fact, he couldn't have given him a more satisfying gift than this notebook - he had seen this notebook in Elena's hand a few weeks ago. At that time, the gypsy witch was holding a notebook and asking him for some difficult talismans drawn in it. For this reason, Zheng Qing had to waste a long time in the library, consulting a lot of materials, and barely gave an approximate solution.

For a person who is good at talismans, there is no more suitable gift than a notebook full of unfamiliar talismans.

"You gave it to me?" The young public finance student asked back in surprise, with some uncertainty in his tone.

"Otherwise?" Elena seemed a little unhappy, and said gloomily, "Since you have drawn that card, I will naturally give you the most suitable thing for you..."

"If you are reluctant, you can give something else." Zheng Qing suggested in a low voice.

"Isn't that lying to yourself?" The witch looked at the boy in surprise, as if she was very curious about why he had such an idea: "It's understandable to lie to others, but what's the point of lying to yourself?"

Zheng Qing's face turned dark, and he didn't continue to entangle on this topic.

Just like Linguo's timeline, the thoughts of wizards are always full of some kind of magical color, which is difficult to explain logically.

Fortunately, Elena did not continue to discuss this complicated issue.

"Ah! I was so busy choosing gifts for you that I almost forgot about the business!" The witch suddenly jumped up, as if frightened, she left the dull wizard behind, turned around and ran to the balcony not far away.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, put the notebook back into the gray cloth bag first, and followed. Although he still has many questions in his heart—such as where this notebook came from, which genre the talismans recorded in the notebook belong to, etc.—but when he thinks that the two of them are still in someone else's lounge, when he thinks of the 'private Words like breaking into a private house, the young public finance student couldn't help shrinking his neck.

It is true that he has accumulated a little credits, so he doesn't care about being deducted a few points for violations occasionally. But this does not mean that he can squander his own credits casually.

After all, he still has to be promoted to the sophomore year, and he still needs to exchange credits for many resources necessary to be promoted to a registered wizard. It is a little bit to be able to save a little bit.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The terrace of this lounge is very large, and there is more than enough room for two people to stand between them.

There used to be many vines growing around the terrace, attached to the fence of the terrace, but because at the end of autumn and early winter, many plants shrank their branches and leaves, even if some of them did not shrink, many leaves began to turn yellow. So much so that the fence that was originally shrouded in lush vines was completely exposed.

"Although you can see a lot of these fences, in fact, the entire terrace is said to be carved out of a single piece of marble." Yi Lianna lowered her head, bent over, stroking the exquisite reliefs on the fence with her fingertips, her tone was somewhat Erratic: "From left to right, every forty-nine steps, there are a total of seventy-two columns... Each column has a different relief, depicting the last of the seventy-two elves suppressed by the wizards. look like..."

"Elf?" Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting the witch, pointing to a relief on a parapet, and said in surprise: "This thing is an elf? Isn't this a demon?"

At the position of his finger, a strange creature with fangs and sharp claws, bat wings and scorpion tail, but with arms in all directions was opening its eyes wide and roaring with its head raised. Even if it's just a piece of stone carving, Zheng Qing can feel the soaring resentment - this is not the temperament and appearance that a good elf should have.

"Mountain ghosts, monsters and sprites are all elves." Yi Lianna was still checking the railings on the balcony one by one, and said at a leisurely pace: "The cool breeze breaks the summer, the clear song lingers, and the moon is missing." The household of the sparse star court. Why do the elves wait for Qiutong, for a wash, to obscure the present and the past."

After singing, her figure stopped and stopped in front of a railing.

Before Zheng Qing could see what was on the pillar, the witch slightly bent her fingers, and gently tapped the upper and lower joints of the pillar. In just a split second, she knocked down the originally solid pillar, scaring the wizard down. He took a breath of air—he looked around nervously, but there was no ground shaking, no siren beeping, and not a single demon escaped from the broken post.

It was as if an ordinary pillar had been knocked down from between the railings.

Before the wizard could draw his breath, the witch took out another post that was exactly the same from her bag, and replaced it. With the clear light passing by, the terrace became complete again, just like the beginning.

"Okay, we're done, let's go back!" Elena stood up, clapped her hands, and said briskly.

Zheng Qing gave her a blank look.

"Is this the end?" He couldn't help lowering his head and glanced at the post that had been "really stealing the beam and changing the column" again, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Am I here to supervise the work?" (To be continued)

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