Hunting High School

Chapter 39: I'm Going To Become A Cat Again

For Zheng Qing, this year's Xiayuan Festival is particularly special.

Not only because it was the first time he spent this festival in a wizard's school, but also because there was a day off for the next Lantern Festival this year. It is because he and the gypsy witch had an interesting little adventure together on this special day.

Moreover, although a lot of school rules and regulations were violated, the two of them were not caught by the school's picket team, and the small adventure ended safely——what satisfied the young public finance students most was that after the adventure was over, His frank and serious exchange with the gypsy witch.

Of course, this is just his own point of view.

But as the saying goes, if there is no good, there will be misfortune - or if there is a blessing, there will be a blessing - in short, everything has a positive side, and there will naturally be a negative side. When looking at things, we must always grasp the dichotomy and the two-point theory.

Far away.

In short, maybe it was because the day went so smoothly, and luck gave a little backlash; maybe it was because the pessimistic thoughts of the gypsy witch left traces in his heart; maybe it was the guilt brought about by violating the school rules; of course , the greatest possibility is that the time for the last "treatment effect" has come-in short, after falling asleep on Wednesday night, the young public fee student has another nightmare.

Although he has never recalled the details of the dream, the color of the dream is very clear.

Layer after layer of rich red, like paint, was painted over and over again in his dream. So much so that when he opened his eyes in the morning, he still felt that his eyes were glowing red, and subconsciously glanced at the Bixie mirror hanging on the ceiling of the dormitory, lest a Bixie copper light brush off it and beat him half to death.

This pressure finally gradually eased when he finished washing up and left the dormitory for morning class. But the faint throbbing pain from the temple cast a shadow over the heart of the young public fee student.

He was very familiar with this throbbing pain - it used to only happen on the eve of his headache - but in recent years he rarely felt this kind of feeling, and he almost forgot about it. It was the experience during the period of enrollment that helped him recall this feeling again.

However, according to the professors, after using the method of avoiding catastrophe, it should be able to maintain stability for a long time - although this "very long time" is not a fixed number, it is often more than two months.

And it hasn't been too long since Zheng Qing turned into a cat last time.

Thinking about this, for some reason, Zheng Qing subconsciously recalled what happened to him in the freshman game, and remembered his own shadow that slipped away—his intuition told himself that the appearance of the headache omen was related to these things.

According to the optimal coping strategy for discovering and solving problems, Zheng Qing should go to the school hospital immediately when there is an abnormal warning in his body, get a leave slip, and then go to Lao Yao or Professor Yi—of course, the professor of pharmacy Professor Li is also a good candidate, but his office environment is too bad. The young public finance student rejects this choice from the bottom of his heart—go around the offices of the other two professors, let them palm their eyes, and look at themselves There is no danger.

After some hesitation, Zheng Qing still gave up this option.

As a grown man, he felt he had the ability and experience to handle this on his own. If you go to the professor every time you have a headache, then you will never have a chance to grow.

Besides, no matter how serious the situation is, the change of cat will probably be solved. His gray cloth bag now contained a small box of polymorph potions, and there was no need to bother the professors with that excuse.

In this way, facing the throbbing pain in his temples from time to time, Zheng Qing still went to the teaching building honestly to attend classes-this is also the "obligation" of being a good student.

The vague sense of threat lasted all day on Thursday, and at night, the situation still didn't get any better. The young public fee student finally made up his mind to drink a transformation potion—because of the various senses of division and behavior after the last transformation, Zheng Qing both liked and hated this way of avoiding disaster.

Of course, the bigger reason for his decision is that Andrew gave him ten transformation potions not long ago, so that he can transform at will even without going to the professor's office to fill out a lot of application forms—although it is not in compliance with the rules, but Be freer.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but since wandering around the Alpha Castle with Irina, the young public servant feels that he seems to have broken free from some barriers, and has a feeling of freedom.

It seems that it doesn't matter if you violate these rules.

"But tomorrow is Friday!" After listening to Zheng Qing's thoughts, Xin Fatty took the lead to question: "Maybe the teaching assistant doesn't care about individual absentees in the alchemy class in the morning, but there is still a practical class in the afternoon! Hill Assistant Teacher Da will definitely notice that you, a top student, are absent from class... Are you planning to turn into a cat to go to class? You will be played and ruined by those witches!"

Professor Tesla in the alchemy class has been "absent from class" for many years, and he only shows up in the first few classes of the school. On weekdays, he entrusts most of the classes to his researchers. Due to the large number of researchers and the complicated business, the teachers who teach everyone are different in almost every class. That's pretty much what Fatty means by "safety".

Unlike Professor Tesla, Assistant Professor Hilda has to attend every class, which can be called "conscientious". In addition, he is quite familiar with several boys, if Zheng Qing absents himself from class for no reason, he will definitely attract his attention.

If there is some basis for the speculation about the two teachers, what happened to Zheng Qing after Fatty turned into a cat is groundless and malicious metaphor.

The young fee student's face turned green as he listened to Fatty's increasingly rambling speculations.

"I didn't say I'd drink the transformation potion today!" The young public funder said angrily, with blue veins on his forehead, "I won't hold on until tomorrow for the holiday?! You're so fat, you're thinking about something every day Messy things..."

According to Zheng Qing's plan, similar to the previous one, after class tomorrow, mix the transformation potion with milk at night and drink it before going to bed-this will not only ensure stable transformation, but also will not affect the night patrol mission on Saturday night- Referring to the previous transformation experience, I will use the "cat body" to go outside for a lap after getting up tomorrow, and I will be back soon in the afternoon, and I can spare a little time in the afternoon to adjust my mental state and cope with work at night.

"The only problem is that you are not sure about the effect of the transformation potion given by Andrew." Dr. Xiao Da checked for Zheng Qing's plan and said: "The potion prepared by the school itself and the products produced on the assembly line of the off-campus pharmacy are different from each other. There will definitely be some differences in effect.”

"I suggest that you don't mix it with milk, just pour it in the puree, change your body early, and come back early, lest there really be any timing problems that affect the patrol mission."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he agreed.

"But it's more dangerous outside at night than during the day... Xiayuan Festival is only one day away! In case a werewolf's animal nature is delayed, wouldn't you send it to someone's door?" Xin Fatty also gave own opinion : "I remember that there seems to be a natural contradiction between cats and dogs...Although werewolves are not dogs, you are not a real cat either."

The opinion is good, but Zheng Qing always feels that Fatty is expressing something maliciously and veiledly.

After a pause, he concluded: "It's a big deal not to go out. I'll stay on the balcony and play with the group."

On the desk, the fat cat who was sniffing the dried chrysanthemum in front of the vase, heard the young public servant's plan, sneezed twice, and despised his plan with his eyes. (to be continued)

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