Hunting High School

Chapter 40 Medication

Friday night.

On the branches of the moon, the stars are sparse, and the air is clear and smooth.

Homework finished, after dinner.

Zheng Qing solemnly took out the small wooden box from the gray cloth bag, opened it, and took out a transformation potion.

It was the same as the transformation potion he received from Professor Li's office last time. The potion in the bottle was also blue in color and felt a little viscous when shaken. Although it was not heated, the potion was still flowing under the light. Small bubbles were constantly gurgling, and a layer of fine foam condensed on the surface.

But different from the transformation potion issued by the school, the potion that Andrew gave to Zheng Qing is a marketed product produced by Fizzle Magic Potion Company. Although it is also packed in a small transparent ampoule, the bottle is pasted The description in green letters on the paper lists the specifications of the potion, expiration date, product number, corresponding pharmacist's stamp, and corresponding pharmacy company logo.

In addition, there was a light green blank card in the wooden box. Zheng Qing reached out and wiped it according to the method of using the book list, and a large piece of densely packed small characters appeared on it out of thin air—including the name of the potion, main ingredients, properties, main effects, and usage. Dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications and precautions, storage methods and many other information about the transformation potion are listed in different categories, which is amazing.

"It looks quite formal." The young public fee student muttered while holding a potion in his hand.

"The Fizzle Magic Potion Company is the largest pharmaceutical group in the wizarding world, and its status is similar to that of the Martin Toll Alchemy Company in the alchemy world... In terms of formality, there is no problem." Xiao Xiao took the instruction manual, He explained it casually, and at the same time took out a potion, held it up to the light and looked at it slowly.

"If you're worried, you can compare it with the instructions." As he said, Xiao Xiao compared the details in the instructions, one by one, and said: "According to the instructions in the instructions... the potion is blue in color, and it feels slightly sticky when shaken. , the guaranteed bubble layer is intact, it is an effective medicine and can be taken normally. According to these standards, these medicines are all right.”

"That's what I said, but I'm still a little flustered." Zheng Qing admitted honestly: "It's strange to say that the transformation potion given to me by the professors can basically be regarded as a three-no product, but I don't drink it. There's no such panic..."

"There is a first time for everything. Besides, the potions prepared by those pharmacists outside can't be compared with the potions prepared by the potions professor of the First University!" Xin Fatty hugged the fat cat and shook his head while feeding it shrimp. Said.

"That's true." Zheng Qing reluctantly nodded, but still habitually denied Fatty's words: "However, the potion I drank before should not have been prepared by the professor himself... I remember Professor Li said that this standard formula The potions don't need to be prepared by them themselves."

Before Fatty had time to speak, Dr. Xiao Da, who was reading the manual next to him, interrupted the conversation between the two.

"The instructions say that this transformation potion can be mixed and used according to different proportions." Dr. Xiao Da lowered his head, his head almost got into the light green card: "The amount of one potion can maintain one The transformation time of a standard registered wizard is six hours."

"A standard registered wizard is a wizard who has just met the registration requirements." Fatty added empathetically from the side.

"Do I look so stupid?" Zheng Qing couldn't help rolling his eyes.

In Fatty's arms, the fat cat wailed softly, as if answering the fee-payer's rhetorical question, which made Fatty burst into laughter, and immediately took out a small golden fried fish from the watch, and gave it to the fat cat as a reward.

Zheng Qing sneered at the pair's amusing behavior, and was too lazy to continue arguing.

He has more important things to worry about.

" can choose to take it orally or inject it, each has its own advantages and disadvantages." Xiao Xiao's voice is still unhurried, as if even if the dormitory explodes in the next second, it will not affect his mentality. : "Using the injection method has quick results, and the shape transformation can be completed in at most five to ten minutes. If you have mastered certain transformation skills, this time may be further shortened."

"It's just that after using the injection method, the user needs to maintain a period of strenuous exercise to promote the operation of Blood Qi, so that the liquid medicine can flow through the whole body as soon as possible, without the side effects of 'partial deformation'... In addition, the instructions also suggest that, If injections are used, it is best for users to take off their clothes in advance, so as to avoid some conflicts when strenuous exercise and deformation occur."

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"Choose to take it orally." With a dark face, Zheng Qing denied this method: "Professor Li also told me about this method before...I'm not in the wild or in the hunting grounds, so why spoil myself."

"Tsk, it's a pity." Fatty smacked his lips and muttered, not knowing what to say.

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and glanced at him threateningly.

"I also agree with your opinion." Xiao Xiao agreed, and continued: "However, if you take it orally, the transformation potion is a bit bitter, and some users will experience oral paralysis and sequelae of being unable to speak after transformation... According to the instructions, use Blending a small amount of pure milk and honey water can effectively alleviate these symptoms."

"The ratio is different, the effective time and the duration of the drug effect are different. According to the details in the appendix table, use honey water and blend it at a ratio of one to two. The effective time can be controlled within half an hour, and the duration of the drug effect is between six and ten. Between two hours."

"That's it!" Zheng Qing decided decisively, turned to look at Fatty: "Honey!"

Fatty originally planned to bargain, but found that the young public finance student impatiently pulled out a stack of suppressing charms, and immediately complied, obediently opened the menu bar of the watch, and discharged a row of small jars.

"This is nectar honey, and this is natural honey... If you want to blend, I suggest you use natural honey, which contains a lot of nectar and tastes very good. In addition, there are locust honey, longan honey, osmanthus honey, chrysanthemum honey, etc. It has the effects of clearing the heart and nourishing the lungs, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and is very suitable for taking when deformed." Fatty is indeed a master of food and drink, and he is very clear about his watch collection.

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Zheng Qing slapped Fatty away, picked through the pile of small bottles, and finally chose osmanthus honey, then poured it into a small porcelain bowl and blended it with the transformation potion.

Seeing that Zheng Qing was about to take the medicine, Xiao Xiao seemed to want to say something, but finally endured it and did not interrupt Zheng Qing's medicine.

It wasn't until Zheng Qing finished drinking the potion and rolled into his own six-poster bed that Xin Fatty tilted his head to look at Xiao Xiao.

"Doctor, did you have anything to say just now?"

"Do you still remember why he wanted to transform as soon as possible?" Xiao Xiao asked faintly.

Fatty was stunned, recalled for a while, and then answered uncertainly: "Because the efficacy of the medicine is uncertain, in order to avoid any mistakes in time and other aspects?"

"That's right." Dr. Xiao said in a sad tone, "That was my suggestion before I saw the instruction manual... Later I was only interested in studying the instruction manual and forgot to remind him."

"Oh, that's right." Fatty looked stunned: "The instructions all have a detailed form, which lists all kinds of possibilities. It stands to reason that this standard medicine should not go wrong...Why didn't you interrupt at the end?" ?”

"It doesn't make any difference anyway." Dr. Xiao shrugged and spread his hands, "He's going to transform eventually... Besides, what if something goes wrong." (To be continued)

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