Hunting High School

Chapter 41 Mutation

While Xiao Xiao was chatting with Xin Fatty, Zheng Qing's bed suddenly shook violently, which startled the two of them. Even Fatty, who was seriously eating shrimp skins, raised his head and looked at the picture curiously. Bed glance.

I saw the red curtain covering Zheng Qing's six-poster bed, which bulged up as if it was inflated after a while of shaking. The little elves who were hovering outside the tent, waiting for their master to come out, seemed to sense some terrifying aura. Xixi screamed and flew around like headless chickens.


Xin Fatty swallowed loudly, stared at Zheng Qing's curtain without blinking, hesitated for a moment, and then asked Dr. Xiao next to him in a low voice: "Doctor... Did the manual say that drinking the transformation potion Is there a risk of explosion in situ?"

Xiao Xiao frowned, carefully opened the own method book, and stared at Zheng Qing's bed as well, and replied in a very soft but very serious voice: "Theoretically, there is no such possibility...but you also know, Sometimes magic is unreasonable. In history, many magical accidents happened inexplicably."

This explanation is increasingly disturbing.

Fat Cat Tuantuan raised a paw and patted Fatty on the arm. Fatty understood, moved back two steps calmly, and hugged the cat to the balcony door.

Xiao Xiao's eyebrows drooped helplessly, and he said angrily: "It's only such a big place, if there is any danger, where can you hide?!"

"Just hide a little farther than you." Xin Fatty grumbled, and slowly stuffed the fat cat into the corner behind the balcony, then leaned forward and picked up the Own Dharma book from the desk. When flipping, there was a blue halo It has slowly floated up.


Outside the curtain, the two students in Dormitory 40 were ready for battle as if facing a formidable enemy.

In the tent, Zheng Qing, who had just drank the transformation potion, was closing his eyes, naked under the quilt, struggling with all his strength—if possible, if there was a next time, Zheng Qing would definitely not be so rough Potion of shapeshifting is used.

The bitter liquid slid down his throat, making him feel like he was on fire from his mouth to his stomach. Even if a certain amount of honey has been blended according to the requirements of the instructions, it is a drop in the bucket, and the sweetness of honey has little neutralizing effect on the bitter taste. Zheng Qing even suspects that the use of honey is purely a psychological placebo.

Why didn't I have such a strong feeling when I mixed the milk last time? Maybe milk has the effect of promoting sleep, or the medicine prepared by the school itself does not have such strong side effects?

When Zheng Qing was nestled under the quilt, he was still thinking wildly.

The potion got into his stomach, and the young public fee student felt his stomach was overwhelmed. He wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, making him roll around in nausea.

Originally, he only took the medicine after he was full, because he was worried that the effect of the medicine would be too strong, which would have adverse effects on the stomach. Of course, there was another reason, which was to prevent a hungry cat from running out of the dormitory and what would happen. irrational thing. For example, rummaging through garbage dumps, or eating mice, insects, etc.

The thoughts in my mind are like shooting stars, passing through my mind bit by bit, leaving one after another gradually blurred and disappearing thoughts. Zheng Qing felt that his own consciousness seemed to be slowly sinking into the deep water, but at the same time, there was a strange sense of relief blooming from the inside out—this feeling was so contradictory that he forgot the discomfort in his body , trying to pursue this sense of contradiction.

Chasing, chasing, until his consciousness felt deeply exhausted, he couldn't help lying down, closing his eyes, and began to rest.

At the same time, in Zheng Qing's curtain, a pair of green eyes opened suddenly the moment his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.


The deep roar passed through the thin curtains and echoed endlessly in the 40 dormitory.



"What is it?!"

When a dark head poked out from the tent, the two young wizards who were waiting outside uttered foul words at the same time.

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They have good reason to express own shock.

According to normal logic, after Zheng Qing drank the transformation potion, he would turn into a garden cat more than one foot tall at the shoulder, covered in short black fur, with four paws on the snow, and two green eyes.

But now, the 'guy' who emerged from the tent of the six-poster bed, except for the two green eyes and the black fur, has nothing to do with the 'cat' in everyone's consciousness from beginning to end ——On the contrary, the figure that climbed down from Zheng Qing's bed made Xiao Xiao and Fatty immediately recall the figure that dominated the entire hunting ground in the freshman competition.

That 'black tiger'.

"Let me just say, that guy has an unclear relationship with him." Dr. Xiao Da's mouth twitched, and he took a small step back cautiously.

"I don't know, you don't know!" Xin Fatty felt a bit bitter in his mouth, and couldn't help regretting that he lent the honey to Zheng Qing to make medicine: "If it's really that guy, neither of us can get enough of it... ..."

Having said that, Fatty still firmly held the book in his hand, letting those dazzling mantras flow in the clear light. At the same time, a faint blue color began to appear in his eyes.

"It's definitely not the one on the hunting ground." Xiao Xiao said affirmatively, but he didn't seem to relax his vigilance in the slightest. He also activated the spell in the Dharma book to a state where it could be launched at any time.

"Damn! Tuantuan, what are you doing?!" Fatty suddenly screamed.

The fat cat that he had hidden behind the balcony slipped back into the dormitory at some point, kicked past the two wizards, and walked to the feet of the big black cat.

Then it raised its upper body, curled up its tail, and sat securely in front of the 'big black cat', tilted its head, raised its front paws, and gestured the distance between itself and the black cat's front legs, looking surprised.

The 'big black cat' shook its head, raised one of its front paws, and patted its head vigorously, as if it still didn't understand the situation in front of it.

‘Xi Xi, Xi Xi! ’ The elves screamed softly, flapped their wings, and landed tremblingly on the shoulders and back of the black cat. The big black cat froze, pulled its ears to the sides, glanced sideways at the elf on its shoulder, and finally didn't make any drastic moves.

Not far away, the two young wizards who were holding the dharma books heaved a sigh of relief.

"My dear mother!" Fatty didn't know where to learn the dialect, and smashed the Dharma book in his hand on the bed, and whispered: "Big brother, I was almost scared to death!"

"It's impossible to be scared to death. Even if it really turns into that monster, you won't be scared to death." Xiao Xiao put away the book slowly, although his tone was calm, but his fingers were trembling involuntarily: "According to its habit on the hunting ground, you are more likely to be cut open and dismembered."

The big black cat did not respond to the words of the two roommates.

It was using its front paws to open Dylan's large wardrobe, and leaned in front of the huge full-length mirror, looking at Own's appearance. (to be continued)

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