Hunting High School

Chapter 43 It Can Be Said That It Is Very Similar

In the evening at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, a strong chill has begun to flow in the air.

The insects that used to chirp in the grass and crevices of rocks have already gone to sleep in deeper and warmer places. Outside the window, apart from the cold moonlight and sparse starlight, there is only the rustling sound of the wind and the faint rustling sound behind a few pieces of dry leaves falling on the ground.

Jiuyou College, male dormitory, room 40.

At the desk.

Dr. Xiao Da and Xin Fatty sat opposite each other on both sides of the desk.

The thick notebook was spread out in front of the doctor, and several shorthand quills of different colors and thicknesses were dancing on the page in an orderly manner, taking notes. But Xiao Xiao himself crossed his hands, propped his chin, and stared at the front with a serious expression.

Opposite him, Xin Fatty folded his arms, sitting cross-legged on the own bed, across the narrow aisle between the desk and the bed, poking his neck and looking forward, his brows knit into a knot.

Between the two of them, on the big red desk, two cats were lying weakly on the table, competing with each other to see who was more paralyzed. The lively elves screamed and flew around the two cats, cheering them on.

Of course, this is more the idea of ​​that fat cat ball—as an adult wizard, Zheng Qing refuses to admit that he will compete with a cat and play such mentally retarded games—he has more important things things to consider.

At this moment, Zheng Qing has shrunk his own body to a height of 30 centimeters. At this height, not much mana is consumed, and the impact on other 'life' in this room is relatively small, so it won't make others feel uncomfortable.

"I still suggest to go to the professor... The current situation cannot be solved by ourselves." Xiao Xiao straightened up, lowered his arms, tapped his fingers alternately on the notebook, and added quickly: "Pharmaceuticals Professor Li is a good choice, he has a good temper and strong professional ability, and he will definitely give Brother Qing a satisfactory answer."

"Professor Li?" Xin Fatty immediately objected: "Let's not say whether you would like to enter his office, or whether the professor is still in the office... Purely from the school's point of view, if the professor finds out that some students have taken the 'restricted Drugs', this is not a matter of deducting a few credits!"

Xiao Xiao sighed slightly, but did not continue speaking.

Because what Fatty said is quite reasonable—Professor Li's office has become a place that most students of the First University fear to avoid because of its bad smell and bad environment; It is no longer a violation of school rules and disciplines, but an illegal act included in the "Wizard Code".

"But we can't just sit like this all the time." Xiao Xiao took off his glasses, rubbed his face, and expressed a bit of fatigue in his tone: "It is impossible for a wizard to realize the free transformation of species, the independence of will, and the stability of magic power at the same time." The first condition... Brother Qing has realized the conditions for the free transformation of species and the stability of magic power, that is to say, whether his current 'will' is complete or not is a very debatable thing."

"It's very simple." Fatty lifted his double chin, reached out and took out a small dried fish from the watch storage, and poked it to the edge of the desk, temptingly said: " ..."

At the same time, he turned his head sideways and looked at Xiao Xiao with a look of embarrassment: "If Brother Qing eats my dried fish, it means that his 'cat nature' is greater than his 'human nature', and his will is independent." It must have been affected, otherwise..."

"On the contrary, you will be scratched by two cats together and have scars all over your face." Xiao Xiao twitched his mouth: "Who gave you the courage to tease cats in front of their two uncles? Even if Brother Qing has become a cat, that's still How could it be possible for a wizard to become a cat..."

"How could you see dried fish but not eat it?" A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded on the desk, startling the two wizards who were bickering.

Before they could recover, the black cat had jumped up, re-evolved from a puddle of cat cakes to a lump of black cat, waved its white claws, and hooked the dried fish in Fatty's hand to its mouth.

Fat Cat Tuantuan belatedly got up from the desk, shook his head and moved to the side of the black cat, shook his ears, sneezed, with an expression of "half meeting".

The black cat hesitated for a few seconds, lifted the pad, popped out a paw, and with a light wave, the dried fish was neatly divided into two halves. Then it pushed half of them in front of Fat Cat.

Tuantuan snored in satisfaction, lowered his head, and began to gnaw on this unearned snack.

After the black cat finished eating the dried fish, it went to its own cup to lick a few sips of water, then looked impatiently at Fatty who was dazed not far away, and yelled: "Dried fish...the dried fish just now is still there." Is it? I have changed for a long time, and I am a little hungry again."

As if to prove his words, the black cat's stomach purred at the right time.

"Gulu." Fatty swallowed loudly, turned his neck 30 degrees stiffly, looked at Xiao Xiao, and his voice seemed a bit ethereal: "Doctor... I am not dreaming! I must be dreaming! A cat that can grow and shrink and can talk?! It must be a dream, it must be."

Compared with Fatty, Xiao Xiao's performance is much calmer.

"Since it can become bigger and smaller, it's not surprising that it can talk." Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses, and the expression on his face became more and more interested: "...Hey, can you understand what we say? ?"

"Nonsense! You two are not talking about bird language, why can't you understand... Also, don't call me 'Hei Hei' or 'Cat Brother' understand? Such a big person, no point Be polite." The black cat—or Zheng Qing—agreed impatiently, then turned its head and raised its little white paw to wave at Fatty: "Dried fish! Take it out quickly! Otherwise, I'll let Tuantuan scratch you!" night!"

Next to it, the fat cat arched its back very cooperatively, and let out a threatening sound from its throat.

Fatty resolutely followed his heart, and quickly took out a large plate of dried fish from the watch.

"Since you can speak, why didn't you speak earlier?" Xiao Xiao asked persistently, and the quills on the notebook jumped more and more cheerfully.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I also just realized that I can talk." Zheng Qing bit the dried fish and flattened his comfortable ears. When he heard the doctor's question, he replied vaguely: "I thought I couldn't talk at first." ...But I suddenly remembered that a certain guy could talk, so I tried it...and it turned out that he could talk."

"A certain guy?" Xiao Xiao immediately noticed a word that Zheng Qing had ambiguously.

"I can't say it, I can't say it." The black cat waved its claws again and again, as if it was not negotiable: "Old Yao won't let me say it casually...Of course, if you guess it, you don't care about my business."

"Oh, it's the big black cat that your shadow turned into! It can's really amazing." Dr. Xiao Da really understood everything, and immediately realized the meaning behind Zheng Qing's words. (to be continued)

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