Hunting High School

Chapter 44 Temporary Plan

Zheng Qing squatted in the middle of the desk, holding a dried fish in his arms that was longer than his arm, gnawing on it with relish. From time to time, he would turn his head to the side, put it on the cup, and lick two mouthfuls of water to moisten his throat that had been damaged by oil and salt.

I don't know if it's because his original body was a 1.7 meter man, although he has shrunk to a 30 cm tall kitten, his appetite has not diminished at all - compared with him, the head It is said that the fat cat, which is very edible, has rolled to the corner of the table after the five small fishes were dried, and began to doze off in a dazed way with its stomach full.

Zheng Qing, on the other hand, was unhurried, one after another, stuffing food into the belly that never seemed to be full. He completely ignored Fatty's mournful expression.

Compared with Fatty who loves his own snacks, Xiao Xiao cares more about Zheng Qing's current state.

At this moment, he is holding a notebook, checking with Zheng Qing one by one according to the questions listed a few minutes ago:

"In other words, you haven't lost your independent consciousness?"

"Nonsense." The black cat viciously bit on the belly of the dried fish, and took the lead in eating the fattest piece of meat into Own's stomach.

"And you also transformed successfully?"

"Obviously." The black cat chewed the fish, and replied vaguely. At the same time, it did not forget to turn its head and look at Dr. Xiao who was taking notes, as if curious why he would ask such a mentally retarded question.

Xiao Xiao turned a blind eye to the strange eyes of the black cat, and continued to ask patiently: "What about the stability of magic power? You haven't experienced a magic riot, but you haven't completely lost your magic power either... Is your magic power stable now?"

This question is a little more difficult.

The black cat bit the tail of the fish, tilted its head, pondered for a moment, and then replied slowly: "My magic power is very stable now... For example, if the magic power mark is 0, the magic power mark of a normal wizard is 100." , both of these fixed values ​​mean that the magic power is in a stable state."

"The magic riot is expressed as a fluctuation range, similar to (0-100)."

"As for myself... I feel that my own magic power can be marked as 50 now. It's not a complete loss of magic power, nor a complete state of magic power, but rather, my magic power is in a very special stable state..."

"Just say that your current magic power is slightly stronger than that of a magician." Fatty seemed to have finally found a place to vent his anger, and added something beside him.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and gave Fatty a menacing look. A cat's claw suddenly swelled, from the size of a coin to the size of a pineapple bun in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the sharp claws between the pads also popped out at some point, shining with a gloomy light under the white light of the dormitory.

Fatty's face froze, and he whistled involuntarily and turned his head away, as if he hadn't spoken just now.

The black cat's whiskers curled up triumphantly, its huge paws shrunk to the size of a coin in the blink of an eye, and hugged the dry fish in its arms again.

Dr. Xiao Da didn't care about the interaction between the two funny ones. He adjusted his glasses, looked at the black cat with a serious expression, and finally gave a somewhat horrifying conclusion: "According to your current situation, rule out all The final conclusion is that you have violated the 'Mundell Paradox'. In other words, you have broken a certain law of this world."

The black cat originally gnawed on the small dried fish with relish, but when he heard the doctor's words, he was stunned for a moment, his mouth moved subconsciously, and he blinked, showing a bit of bewilderment in his eyes.

"I, broke a certain law?" The black cat swallowed a mouthful of dried fish with great effort, and the rough fish slid down its throat, pungent and hot, which made its throat a little uncomfortable, and its voice became hoarse. : "Can the rules be broken?"

"It's not theoretically possible." Xiao Xiao nodded and admitted, then shook his head and looked at the little black cat with a subtle expression: "But the facts are always born out of the theory and higher than the theory...Magic, it is to use To subvert the existence of this world."

This sentence is a bit of a mouthful and a bit esoteric.

The black cat pondered for a while, and finally gave up on discussing these complicated issues with the two roommates.

"I'd better find time to talk to Lao Yao about this matter... I guess he knows a little more than you." The black cat ate the last small piece of fish and smeared oil on the napkin as he spoke. Then he looked at the two small dried fish left on the plate, and suddenly lost his appetite.

"Indeed." Xiao Xiao sighed and put away the notebook in front of him: "Your current situation is beyond our ability to solve by ourselves...I suggest you talk to the professor about this matter as soon as possible."


The black cat that had raised its paws and was about to pounce on the bed suddenly stopped, tilted its head and glanced at Dr. Xiao Da.

Then it threw its head back violently and looked out the window.

Through the transparent glass window, the dark world outside appears mysterious and far away. Even the cold moonlight and sparse starlight cannot fill the emptiness under the bleak wind.

The so-called choosing the day is worse than hitting the day, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, there are so many as soon as possible.

It is also said that today's affairs are completed today.

Maybe it would be a good choice to talk to the professor about this now? The black cat blinked, thinking about this sudden thought, thoughtfully.

Anyway, I can speak now, and it is in a deformed state, which is more convincing in front of the professor.

"What, you plan to go out now?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows, and immediately noticed the flickering eyes of the black cat.

Xin Fatty, who was hiding on the bed and pretended to be dead, immediately sat up like a carp when he heard Xiao Xiao's words, and looked at the black cat with burning eyes: "You want to go out? Do you want to leave a will before you leave? ? I just don’t know if Danhag’s identification department recognizes cat paw prints as valid evidence..."

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He thought so far!

Hearing Fatty muttering about 'notarial deeds' and 'heir in line', the black cat almost got a big cat's paw on it, making his chubby face even bigger.

Taking a few deep breaths, he repeatedly warned himself not to care about Fatty, and at the same time tried his best to flatten his ears to shut out Fatty's nagging efforts, and the black cat finally calmed down.

"I didn't plan to go out before because I thought it was dangerous outside... But now, I think there are not many creatures on campus that can pose a threat to me." As he said, Zheng Qing raised a paw, thinking silently in his heart, the paw Then it suddenly swelled up, and the thick short hairs on the tips of the claws almost rubbed against Dr. Xiao Da's face.

"Well," Xiao Xiao snorted, took a slight step towards the retreated, squinted his eyes to look at the black cat's paw, and finally nodded: "From this point of view, the risk is really not that big... the power is small, it can run and fight, The school is such a big place, so nothing really goes wrong."

"Come, come, help me hang the black donkey's hoof around my neck." Zheng Qing pondered over his own plan, and the more he thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and he greeted cheerfully: "In case you really encounter something dirty, use it Block it for a while, and then I run back... I feel right!" (To be continued)

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