Hunting High School

Chapter 47: The Poodle

Accompanied by the "creak" and "creak" swinging sound of the wind lamp, the figures of the patrol members gradually approached the position of the wooden chair in front of the black cat.

"There is a chair here, let's rest for a while!" A sharp voice suddenly sounded, piercing the tranquility by the lake, and frightening the squirrels on the oak branches: "Anyway, there are no people at night... yesterday The next Lantern Festival has just passed, and the guys with some brains are all staying in their own dens now."

"The point is, many guys in the Silent Forest don't have brains." Another voice interface, hesitating, seemed to be hesitant about his companion's suggestion: "Also... I heard that there are pickets tonight, and they saw us Rest, the impact is not very good."

"It's okay, just say you sprained your ankle and need some medicine." The third voice was obviously very satisfied with Own's wit, and his tone was full of complacency: "Anyway, we are just supplementary patrols, not the school's official employee."

This time, everyone had sufficient practical reasons and moral excuses for being lazy, and finally no one opened their mouths to continue to object.

So the "creaking" wind lamp and the "swirling" footsteps got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the wooden chair. Immediately, the wooden chair let out a contented sigh, like a cat purring after eating.

The black cat lying behind the shadow of the oak shrank its own body silently, shrinking even smaller than the previous mouse. Then he continued to stay where he was, and did not run away because of the appearance of several young wizards.

As the breeze blew by, a strong yet familiar fragrance came to the face, making the black cat sniff its nose.

"What sound?" On the chair, someone looked back vigilantly.

"It's probably a mouse." The previous triumphant voice sounded again, seemingly indifferent: "The amulet in my arms has not responded at all... which means that within 500 meters around, there is no one bigger than a mouse." something exists..."

The black cat hiding behind the oak grinned, raised its little white paw, and gestured for its own height, feeling speechless. A few minutes ago, he had just shrunk own body down.

I really don't know if it's lucky or unlucky.

That proud voice was unaware of the disdainful eyes of a certain black cat behind him, and was still chattering endlessly showing off the origin of his amulet: "...this amulet was a New Year's gift from my cousin last year. After graduating from university, he is now in charge of a hunting team of the Black Forest Hunting Group, stationed outside, you know, the magic of those natives is very weird, so they can often get the latest amulets in their hands."

The light green lantern was hung on the walking stick, leaning against the bench, swaying in the breeze, casting a blurred and dim shadow on the grass.

With the help of the light, Zheng Qing saw the appearance of several patrol members clearly for the first time.

A gray, medium-haired, pale wizard; a black, curly-haired, squat little fellow;

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That smug voice came from the last guy in the crisp robe.

Zheng Qing looked at him, sniffed the familiar perfume in the air, recalled for a long time, and finally found a corresponding image from the depths of his memory - that was his experience on the special plane to the school. A "perfume-wearing wizard" once talked for a while in the cafeteria of the private plane about Soprano's plan to trouble someone, which left a deep impression on Zheng Qing.

What impressed the young public finance students in particular was that the college student Li Meng even nicknamed the wizard "Poodle".

At this moment, the classmate 'Poodle' is still the same as Zheng Qing's impression a few months ago, talking boastfully, shaking off the gossip that he didn't know where he got it from to his companions.

"...Speaking of the new world, I remember you said before that the school recalled many high rank wizards over there, right?" The chubby wizard said in a very laborious way: "I That is to say, how come school has been open for so long and I haven’t seen them? Do you know where they are now?”

"Maybe it's a dark prison, maybe it's in the depths of the silent forest, maybe it's in any laboratory in the school, it's all possible." The poodle dragged a long tone, guessing indifferently: "Like this year's school Just like the new secret garden opened by the hunting game, if the school plans to do something, it will not let every student know."

"Xinmiyuan?" Another tall and thin wizard didn't seem to understand the meaning of the poodle, and asked strangely: "Isn't the venue for this year's school hunting competition just in the No. 1 hunting ground? Where is there any Xinmiyuan?"

"The secret garden used by the freshman competition." The poodle's tone was a little impatient, but he still habitually shook his head and said: "According to my uncle, the secret garden used by the freshman competition is a summer tour for several great wizards of the school. At that time, a wreck of the world was dragged back from the void... after a simple transformation, it was used as the competition venue for the freshman competition."

"No wonder I heard people in the student union say that the hunting ground for this year's freshman competition has not been cleaned up... so it is really a new hunting ground!" The tall and thin wizard's tone seemed a little enlightened.

"It's a magic dragon." The fat wizard finally found a chance to show off, and he even spoke more fluently: "My cousin said that there was a dormant magic dragon in the hunting ground, and it was not found when the hunting ground was Marked by magic, it almost ate an entire freshman hunting team!"

"The captain of that nearly unlucky hunting team is a child of Karen's family. It is said that Sir Friedman was very annoyed by this." The poodle sniffled and sighed deeply: "It's just that Yao is the most annoyed. Dean. He is really unlucky."

"That's right, that's right." The fat wizard hurriedly agreed: "It seems that after he became the rotating chairman of the joint meeting, he was full of unlucky things... There was a resurgence of silence, a sand bug, and a scurrying wild man. Demon... oh, yes, there is also the gang fight between the two colleges..."


"Shut up!"

The fat wizard's two companions spoke almost simultaneously, stopping him from continuing.

The tall and thin wizard explained immediately: "Since that matter has been quietly suppressed, don't bring it up again... Otherwise, if you cause any new troubles, it will be all of us who are unlucky."

"If you really have that curiosity, you might as well dig deep into that kitten whose eyeballs were decapitated by the lake." The poodle comforted and suggested, "Although the school said it was an accident, it is said that it was an accident." It's not that simple..."

"I don't want to have my eyeballs taken off when I'm on patrol." The fat wizard muttered, expressing his thought of protecting himself wisely. (to be continued)

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