Hunting High School

Chapter 48: Jiang Kitten

Mentioning the nasty accident that happened by the lake, the conversation among the wizards sitting on the bench became much weaker. The night wind swept across the lake, carrying a faint chill, which further lowered the temperature in the surrounding atmosphere.

After a long silence, the chubby wizard seemed to have finally found a new topic. He stood up with difficulty, pointed at the rockery not far away, and said in surprise, "Hey, look! Is there a little boy on the rocky rock over there?" thing?"

Although there is a full moon hanging in the sky, the view is not particularly good because the lake is often shrouded in mist of different shades. From a distance, the rockery is just a dark shadow.

However, in this black shadow, there is such a small touch of white, which is very conspicuous.

When no one is paying attention, the whiteness is like a coin dropped on the road, which is easily overlooked. But when someone pays attention, the white is the only light on the black curtain, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Looks like a cat?" The poodle seemed to be interested, sat up a little bit, and looked at the rockery: "I remember that the accident where the cat whose eyes were decapitated was there. Right!"

"It's really cruel." Little Fatty couldn't help but sighed.

"Did its family find it?" Another tall and thin wizard guessed, "I remember that the small animals that can stay in the school are somewhat spiritual, maybe it is mourning?"

"Very likely." The fat wizard nodded, agreeing, "The kitten that had the accident was also white. I saw it before the school finally took its body away. I remember that it was published in the school newspaper that day. Its obituary, with a full-body photo of its eyes coded."

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"If you're curious, let's go and have a look!" The poodle leaned on a cane, stood up, walked straight to the rockery, and at the same time greeted the two companions behind him: "Would you like to go together? There is also a duty of patrolling, and there is a duty to keep an eye out for these anomalies."

Although the words are a bit polite, the poodle appears a bit strong in both actions and tone. Perhaps his companions were used to his style. The other two wizards who were originally sitting on the bench looked at each other, shrugged, and finally followed the poodle's footsteps.

With the footsteps of the patrolling wizards, the light green wind lantern faded away. The black cat hiding behind the bushes stood up again, walked slowly to the tree hole, curled its lips, ignoring those who were gradually getting up. Instead of looking away from the distant figure, he refocused on the tree hole.

From just now, he has been thinking about whether he should get in through this hole to see what the hell that big mouse in clothes is--while he is in the right shape now--this The idea became more and more intense after several patrolmen left.

However, thinking of those patrolmen, especially the poodle, Zheng Qing couldn't help but smack his lips.

As expected of a guy who is good at 'cracking'; he can pull out some gossip on any topic.

In addition, what he didn't expect was that besides Jiang Yu, there were people in the school who also remembered the little white cat. If it weren't for Jiang Yu, perhaps the young public-funded student would have forgotten what happened to the cat long ago. It can only be said that it is common for wizards to love small animals. Of course, it is also possible that the atmosphere of the First University is too comfortable, so that the experience of a cat can be deeply etched in the memory of the students. trace.

Speaking of Jiang Yu, since she took away the own transfiguration notebook a few days ago, she seems to have become another gypsy witch, disappearing from everyone's sight from time to time. If she hadn't missed every class, Zheng Qing would have been unable to hold back and went to 'discuss' with her; about the related risks.


Little white cat?

The black cat, which was rubbing its paws and staring at the tree hole, seemed to have thought of something. It froze suddenly, then turned its head slowly, followed the distant figures of those wizards, and looked at the rockery again.

Under the moonlight, on the rockery, a little white cat about a foot high is trying to climb to the highest point of the rockery along a raised rock. Maybe the light is a bit dim for people, and they will not be able to see clearly, but for a cat, especially a cat with magical powers, this is not a problem at all——Zheng Qing can even see the little white cat clearly because The appearance of wrinkling the pink nose forcefully.

The young payer suddenly realizes that he has never seen such a clumsy cat

"It's really a little white cat!" The poodle yelled in the distance: "But it looks so stupid! I've never seen a cat that can't even climb a rockery."

"Maybe, maybe it's because it hasn't been weaned yet," the fat wizard panted, guessing, "Look at it, it's so small, it doesn't feel as big as my slap."

"Don't feel it, you'll know soon after you catch Bibi!" While speaking, several people had already arrived under the rockery, and the poodle was gearing up, reaching out to the little white cat not far away.

Jiang Yu felt a little unlucky.

Although it was she who asked Dr. Duzem to configure the "directed transformation potion", and she herself gave the specific data of the transformed kitten, but she never knew that it is so difficult to be a cat!

If the "traditional transformation potion" is used, then there will always be more or less hidden connections between the transformed animals and the projections in the wizard's heart. The transformed wizard can always directly grasp the "abilities" of those animals by virtue of intuition and instinct ';.

For example, cats climb trees to hunt, dogs track vigilance, birds fly, insects dig holes, and so on.

However, after using the 'directed deformation potion';, there will always be some 'mismatch'; feeling between the wizard and the animal, which requires a certain degree of 'run-in practice';.

Originally, Jiang Yu planned to do "run-in exercises" in the dormitory; but after seeing such a cute kitten, Li Meng, the little troublemaker, completely ignored Jiang Yu's repeated warnings before, and rubbed it endlessly, making the cat completely helpless Practice——Of course, it is also possible that Li Meng is retaliating against her cousin for twisting her ears and rubbing her head.

In short, staying in the dormitory, there is no way to continue the 'run-in practice'; So Kitten Jiang could only sneak away through the crack of the door while Li Meng was not paying attention.

The campus at night is very quiet.

Before she knew it, she came to this rockery.

In fact, she wasn't quite ready to come here. But now that he's here, he won't just turn around and leave. Jiang Xiaomao hesitated for a moment, then decided to do her own 'run-in practice' on this rockery; this is also the reason why as a cat, her behavior is a bit clumsy.

"Tomorrow, we must swell that little girl's face!" During the panting process of climbing to the top of the rockery, Jiang Xiaomao thought angrily from the bottom of her heart, thinking of ways to punish Li Meng.

However, before she could figure out how to deal with Li Meng, a certain patrolman had already figured out how to deal with her. (to be continued)

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