Hunting High School

Chapter 49: The Big Cat And The Kitten

The gray-black thousand-layer stone is hard and dense, and is covered with a soft regolith. Perhaps because it is close to the lake and has been infiltrated by water vapor for a long time, the surface of these thousand-layered stones is a bit greasy, and it is easy to slip when stepped on. Coupled with the overlapping of rocks, many corners are covered with moss, which makes these artificial rocks even more dangerous. Even in the daytime, there are few small animals crawling around on them.

Except for the little white cat tonight.

The kitten is not big, and the fluff all over its body exudes a soft feeling under the moonlight. Outside the dark pupils are slightly yellowed eyes, shining brightly in the night.

The little white cat has not yet learned how to use the claws between its toes, but it is trying to climb up with the help of momentum and the friction between the pads and the rockery.

Even though the white fluff on her belly was stained with green moss and lime, and her little pink paws were covered with black mud, they couldn't stop her from climbing up step by step.

"Oh, this little guy is so cute!" the poodle smacked his lips, reached out to the rockery, and tried to fish the kitten off it.

"You can feed it some oatmeal," the fat wizard leaned on his knees, took a breath, then shook his head and added: "Of course, the premise is that it is willing to eat."

The reason why such a premise is temporarily added is because the kitten on the rockery seems to be somewhat resistant to the paw stretched out by the poodle.

Under normal circumstances, it is always very easy for wizards to get in touch with small animals--most animals like the magical energy dissipated from wizards very much--however, the kitten on the rockery is different. When the young wizard standing under the rock stretched out his arm, the kitten screamed, its fluff exploded, and it jumped up from the half slope of the rockery, and instantly jumped to the top stone platform of the rockery.

Only the poodle with raised arms was left standing there awkwardly.

"Pfft, puff..." The kitten clumsily turned around on the stone platform, pointed its head at the young wizards, sneezed loudly a few times, then tilted its head slightly, and gave them a disdainful look.

"Hahahaha, I was despised by a cat!" The tall and thin wizard stood not far away, pointed at the poodle, and laughed, "I told you to put less perfume on your body, and now you are fine, even the cat can't help it." Put up with the smell on you!"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"It sneezes because of the cold weather! What does it have to do with me!" The poodle retorted angrily.

The tall and thin wizard shrugged, smiled without saying a word, and was noncommittal to his companion's remarks.

"Today I must catch it!" The poodle wiped his sleeves, thrust his cane into the mud by the lake, then took out a thick Dharma book from his arms, opened it, and slapped it heavily: "I don't believe it!"

A light blue halo suddenly rose from the Dharma book, shining brightly in the night, like a dazzling lamp. Several slender vines protruded out of thin air, like octopus with eight claws, wriggling unhurriedly, tying the prey on the rockery.

"Meow!" the little white cat screamed, arched its body, waved its two little paws like a pair of hot wheels, and tried its best to resist the few vines that were getting closer.

Perhaps considering the deterrent effect of the "Wizard Code", or simply wanting to show his fine manipulation ability of the binding spell, the poodle did not use a rough and simple 'binding net'; it directly wrapped the kitten down, but muttered He commanded those vines, shuttled between the shadows of the little white cat's waving claws, trying to take them down in a row.

"Since it doesn't want to come down, let's not bother." The fat wizard looked at the glowing book in the poodle's hand, and persuaded him with some uneasiness: "This is a school, what if there is something behind this kitten?" Scary background, we hurt it, will it cause trouble?"

"Just kidding! What kind of background does a kitten running around the campus in the middle of the night have?" The poodle sneered, and turned his head as if intending to educate his own companions, but before he could finish speaking, he froze in place, holding The Dharma book he was holding fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

"The book fell!" The fat wizard yelled, and quickly rushed over, quickly picked up the book, and at the same time whispered: "Fortunately, you only used a small magic, in case you are using high rank magic When the dharma book dropped, the few of us will be blown to pieces by the out-of-control spell!"

The poodle held its arms stiffly in front of its body, its eyes were straightened, and the corners of its mouth twitched, as if it wanted to say something.

"Is this hysteria?" The fat wizard stretched out his hand, waved it in front of the poodle, and looked back at another companion: "He seems to be sick, why don't you bring medicine!!"

Before he finished speaking, the fat wizard seemed to have stepped on a spring, bounced on the spot with a 'boom'; then slid a crude arc in mid-air, and sat down on the ground.

The bluestone slab under his buttocks was extremely cold in the night, and wisps of cold air penetrated his wide robe and thick fat, and kept drilling deeper into his body.

But no matter how heavy the cold air under his buttocks was, it was not as severe as the cold air coming from his heart.

Behind several young wizards, a big black cat with a height of three meters is squinting, looking dangerously at several 'little wizards' in robes in front of them;

"My God!" the fat wizard moaned, raised his head, and looked at the big cat—he felt that even if he stood up straight, he might not be as tall as the black cat's front legs.

This is no longer a cat! Hey, this monster!

The big black cat doesn't have the talent of "his heart", so he doesn't know the slander of the wizards in front of him. But this does not affect his complete initiative to occupy the scene.

With a deep growl in its throat, the big black cat slowly squeezed away the skinny wizard blocking the way, and unceremoniously stepped on the fat wizard's fat belly with one paw—not to mention, the cat's flesh Stepping on the human flesh pad with the palm, the claw feels very comfortable.

The fat wizard felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed, but he didn't dare to move.

The black cat walked up to the rockery, turned its head sideways, glanced at the poodle frozen in place, twitched its nose, sneezed forcefully, and sprayed a viscous unknown liquid all over the poodle-curly hair The dog looked at the fangs that were close at hand, not to mention protesting, it was already a show of courage to hold on without being soft to the ground.

After frightening a few young patrolmen, Zheng Qing finally raised his head and looked at the little white cat on the rockery.

The rockery was very high, but he didn't need to raise his head to see the highest part of the stone platform.

The little white cat also seemed to be frightened by the huge black cat, and stood stiffly in place, the fluff on its neck exploded round and round, as if it was trembling all over.

The big black cat shook its beard, tried its best to squeeze a kind smile on its face, then raised its basin-sized paw, and approached the little white cat.

The little white cat was stunned for a few seconds, seemed to have a little recollection, then gestured, raised its little paw, and aligned it with the big paw in front of it--to be honest, she didn't even have black cat paws in her head A meat pad on the chest is big, which makes the "high five" action look extraordinarily funny.

The big black cat raised the corners of its mouth in satisfaction, then lowered its head, and moved to the edge of the rocky top of the rockery.

This time, the little white cat didn't hesitate, trotted a few steps, jumped onto the black cat's head briskly, hugged his ears, and sat firmly on the top.

The black cat forcibly resisted the urge to shake its ears, hooked its tail, turned around, and disappeared into the depths of the campus unhurriedly.


The poodle, which had stood frozen for a long time, finally fell to the ground happily.

"It doesn't pay to scare people to death, when did such a monster come to school!" The fat wizard said tremblingly.

"It looks like the monster that was killing people in the freshman competition! It's bigger than that monster!" Another partner snorted and added: "Just now when it looked at me, it felt like its soul was frozen "

"Would you like an alarm firework?"

"Crazy, do you think the school guards are blind and can't see such a big monster!" Another companion growled, "We, on the other hand, should pray that the little white cat is not the transformed appearance of some big man."

"...Crazy!" The poodle snorted, and finally closed its mouth obediently. (to be continued)

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