Hunting High School

Chapter 66 One Claw One

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are Rivers and Lakes.

This sentence is also very suitable for animals. Where there are animals, there are Rivers and Lakes.

It's just that, unlike the bloody storms, swords, swords, and intrigues on the human Rivers and Lakes, the animal Rivers and Lakes are much simpler and more straightforward.

The one with big claws eats meat, and the one with big claws eats dirt in a ball.

Zheng Qing felt that within a radius of 500 meters, no cat had bigger paws than himself, which was why he dared to stand in front of that forest cat with confidence and stare at it.

Of course, staring at the forest cat does not mean that he turns a blind eye to the actions of other big cats. Although at first his attention was indeed focused on the forest cat, but as the figures in the corners of his eyes moved, the black cat's ears moved involuntarily.

This is an instinctive act of being a feline.

The other big cats walked very lightly, stepping on the wet mud with almost no sound. Not to mention the whining cold wind blowing across the lake, rattling the treetops, making it even more difficult to distinguish the subtle sounds under these noises.

Good thing he's not a cat.

"Be careful! There's a cat behind who wants to sneak up!" Li Meng's scream broke the silence in the forest, which seemed a little abrupt.

Well done!

Zheng Qing didn't look back, his ears trembled, only the sound of the wind rang in the back of his head, and a vigorous Russian blue cat had already rushed towards the little black cat from behind.

Zheng Qing's reaction was also quick and turning around to meet the enemy would definitely not work. There was a forest cat with the largest size staring at it in front of him. In my heart, I compared the pros and cons of various responses, and then chose the most straightforward method.


A thick black shadow slid across the air and hit the blue cat heavily.

The blue cat is a short-haired cat that lacks thick, thick fur to protect it from foreign attacks. What's more, it was jumping in the air right now, and it didn't expect to be attacked like this at all.

"Aww!!" The blue cat screamed, as if a baseball had been hit by a baseball bat, it fell heavily to the ground, and even bounced a few times in the soft soil.

Not far away, the little witch who had red eye circles and was squatting on the ground shook her head vigorously, then raised her little hand, completely ignoring the dirt on her hand, and rubbed her eyes vigorously.

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She felt that she must have been dazzled just now, but she saw that little black cat grow a thick tail!

But after a few seconds of pause, she doubted her own feeling again. If the little black cat hadn't grown such a thick tail, then how did the blue cat get blown away?

Thinking of this, she involuntarily looked around, trying to see a familiar figure walking towards her holding a Dharma book. According to her thinking, if the black cat didn't fly away, then someone must have used the binding spell nearby.

However, the surrounding area was quiet, and no other wizards appeared.

So she turned her attention back to the little black cat and soon, she found that many of her guesses just now were wrong.

When the blue cat was hit on the ground by a black shadow, the forest cat, which was half lying in front of the black cat and was planning to pinch it at the same time, was startled, paused, and turned backward involuntarily. Crooked. The other big cats around who were trying to besiege also hesitated, stopped, and tilted their heads to look at the forest cat.


"Meow meow?!"


Short cat meows sounded all around one after another, making it look more human against the quiet environment.

The forest cat's eyes fell on the little black cat about a foot tall, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally gave up the plan to make peace with the cat, bared its teeth and roared, and jumped on it as a cat raised by a wizard. Although it has a bit more Spiritual Qi than ordinary wild cats, its intelligence is limited after all, and animal instinct still occupies a huge control space in its actions.

The other big cats around seemed to have received the order, heeling forward and backward, and also rushed over.

The black cat raised a small front paw and looked in front of it.

The kitten's paws were very tender, with pink pads embedded in tufts of snow-white short hairs. Of course, due to the muddy ground, these short hairs were stained with some stains, but this did not affect the appearance of this little paw in the slightest.

What a pity, the black cat sighed in his heart, looked at the figure of the forest cat pounced, raised its front legs and drew its paws.

Seeing the wind, the claws swelled up, from the size of a coin to the size of a person's palm in an instant, and then to the size of a bowl.

But the front leg behind the paw didn't grow up along with it, and was still thin and weak, looking like a hemp rod was pressed against a big millstone.

However, the goose mill is a mill after all, even if it is supported by a hemp pole, it is still full of weight.


The huge cat's paw slammed heavily on the forest cat, flying it directly to the tulip tree. Then the giant palm was returned, taking advantage of the opportunity to knock out the other approaching Maine Coon cat.

One palm at a time, one at a time.

The other big cats, whose pace was a bit slower, after seeing this scene, let out a cry, turned their heads and ran, and fled straight to the depths of the forest. They ran faster than the plush bear, and two ran slower. Yes, with a scream, he jumped up the tree and refused to come down again.

The forest cat didn't run away.

After it got up from the ground, it seemed to be still dizzy, wobbly, and staggered for a few steps before standing still. I don't know if its head was broken, but the big cat not only didn't run away, but carefully moved forward again, revealing its belly to the black cat without saying a word. A cat is a way of showing submission.

Although I haven't figured out what is the use of adopting a big cat as a younger brother, it is naturally better to be able to speak well. Fighting and killing are the way for the beasts to solve their problems. He's a serious wizard cat.

Thinking of this, the black cat stretched out its big paw in satisfaction, and patted the forest cat on the head.

The forest cat pulled its ears back slightly, and purred happily from its throat.


The black cat still didn't bark, just coughed twice, then put away the 'Faxiang' and made its paws small and exquisite again. Only then did he think of a little witch who was almost scared to cry.

When he turned his head to look at Li Meng in a leisurely manner, the little girl was looking at him stupidly with her mouth wide open. She still has the plush bear in her arms, but looking at the strangled thin neck of the plush bear and its weak struggle, it is hard to tell whether she wants to protect the stuffed bear or kill it it.

Seeing the black cat's gaze, Li Meng finally swallowed with difficulty. Only then did she realize that Own's small mouth had been growing all the time, and her tongue was a little dry and numb from the cold wind. (to be continued)

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