Hunting High School

Chapter 67: Li Meng's Story

"Cousin, what I said is true!"

"Absolutely did not lie to you!!"

"That black cat was originally only a little bit, and then its paws suddenly became bigger, as big as a millstone... Slap, that Norwegian Forest Cat was sent flying with one slap!"

"And its tail!"

"As soon as its tail twitched, whirring, it suddenly became so long and thick! It feels like its tail can split that tulip tree into two pieces!"

On the edge of the small square outside the library, Li Meng stopped Cousin Own, waving her arms vigorously, talking excitedly and incoherently about her recent experience: "...Later, its claws changed back in a flash, almost like It's like magic!"

Holding a few heavy reference books, Jiang Yu raised her hand to check the time, and sighed helplessly: "Mengmeng! This is the first university. Is it strange to have a cat that knows magic and can change in size?"

A few minutes ago, the dirty little witch rushed into the library. Before the librarian got angry, she dragged her cousin out of the study room, and danced and recounted what happened not long ago.

From her bribing cats with dried fish to catch mice, to the Norwegian forest cat robbing her in the middle—in order to increase her persuasiveness, the little witch also revealed the little mouse caught by a certain short-haired cat, holding the mouse The tail swayed in front of Jiang Yu——then talked about the stuffed bear's collapse in front of the wild cats, and then the little black cat descended from the sky, bowed left and right, and beat up the group of wild cats with malicious intentions.

Of course, the various descriptions in between are naturally mixed with many little witches' own imaginations and subjective assumptions.

But on the whole, the general course of the matter is not much different from what she said.

"Strange! It's so strange!" Li Meng jumped around Jiang Yu like a rabbit, and shouted at the same time: "It will become bigger! I don't know if it will have other magic! I have always wanted one A magical animal...of course, the premise is that it cannot be transformed by a wizard."

"A cat transformed by a wizard cannot use magic logically... Mundell's paradox, I remember telling you more than once." Jiang Yu bent over, patted the dry mud on the little witch's robe, and said with a frown: "And your clothes! It's dirty, it's outrageous."

"Wash it when you turn back, wash it when you turn back!" Li Meng looked at the sky with bright eyes, didn't care about her cousin's scolding at all, and still snapped her fingers happily: "Tell me, if I find the owner of that black cat, can I Can't let him bred me a breed? I remember there are several purebred Persian cats at home... But judging by its appearance, it seems to be an ordinary garden cat. What if it doesn't like Persian cats..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Cousin, cousin, do you know where there are purebred pastoral cats? Black ones are best!"

"Also, cousin, you said that the offspring of magical cats can also be magical? What if there is a litter of kittens that can't magic!"

Jiang Yu stood up silently and looked at the little witch expressionlessly.

The little witch who was staring straight at her closed her mouth, and Jiang Yu said slowly: "The descendants of magical animals do not necessarily inherit their magical abilities. It's just relatively speaking, they are more spiritual... Instead of caring about that cat, you should care about it." Li Neng. I think it needs a good wash in water."

As she said that, the witch cast a stern glance at the plush bear in Li Meng's hand, her gaze fell on a black mark on the bear's face, and then she added: "Ask the housekeeper to make another disinfectant, soak it well one night!"

The stuffed bear whimpered, but didn't dare to speak.

Because of the previous incident, the plush bear was covered in mud in the woods. Although the large pieces of mud had peeled off after drying, the plush bear still looked dirty compared to usual—that absolutely Dirty is not allowed in the dormitory.

"But, didn't you say that a big black cat saved you a while ago?" Li Meng pouted, hid the stuffed bear behind her back, and persistently mentioned the previous topic, as if she was a little bit indifferent to her cousin's indifference Puzzled: "I thought you always wanted to find it to repay your kindness..."

"Repay your kindness?" Jiang Yu put his hands on his forehead, looking like he was defeated by the little witch: "How do you repay your kindness? Do you want to marry that big black cat with your body?... How many times have I told you, don't look at those Strange novels of gods and ghosts, if you have the leisure time, go and finish your life notes for this week! Tomorrow you will receive your weekly notes again, and I tell you, this time I will definitely not delay your time!"

"Got it! I'm going to write now!!" The little witch wrinkled her nose, and agreed in a drawn-out tone, her face full of reluctance, and at the same time she muttered in a low voice: "Threatening others if you can't say it, is too careless! ... When others help you, you should always say thank you!"

"Huh?!" Jiang Yu lowered her head, looked at the little witch sternly, and snorted heavily.

"Go, go, I'm going now!" The little witch replied perfunctorily, and at the same time grabbed the plush bear by the ear, and walked towards the library unhappily.

The plush bear drooped its head, letting its round ears be turned into pointy ears by the little witch, without the vitality of its usual struggle. Maybe it's already mentally preparing for tonight's sanitizer nightmare.

"Go back to the dormitory first, and clean yourself up!" Jiang Yu shouted behind her: "I'm going to the office building to file some materials, and I'll go directly to the library to find you later... the old seat, Feifei will help us occupy it What about the location?"

"Got it, got it!" Li Meng didn't turn her head, but raised her small arm, shook it weakly, then turned a corner and walked towards the dormitory.

Behind her, the stuffed bear is like a pendulum, swinging back and forth, fluttering in the wind.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the little witch, Jiang Yu finally restrained her previous expression of nonchalance, turned her head to look at the grove by the lake, and bit her lip.

Although she appeared indifferent in front of her cousin, she was not so calm in her heart. In fact, after being rescued by the big black cat that night, she came to the lakeside more than once at night, hoping to see the big black cat again and express her gratitude to it—for this, she also prepared a large Pack fragrant special steak as a meeting gift.

But wandering for many days, but still failed to do so. Maybe he didn't want to cause a commotion, maybe he just left. In short, Jiang Yu has never seen the big black cat again during this period of time.

Sometimes, she even wondered if the black cat was an experiment in a laboratory in the school, but it just slipped out for some reason. Therefore, she also asked the elders in the family to make representations to the school, hoping to repay the big black cat in an appropriate way.

However, after repeated investigations by the school, this possibility was finally denied. (to be continued)

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