Hunting High School

Chapter 68 New Identity

In fact, apart from Jiang Yu, the school was also very interested in a certain spirit beast with a huge size and unknown origin, because it not only related to the safety of the students in the school, but also whether there were any omissions in the guardianship of the First University. .

After all, a huge creature with an unusual size appeared in the hinterland of the school. If it really had any bad intentions, then it would be too much of a threat to the school.

Therefore, the Working Committee of the First University once specially organized an investigation team to communicate with Jiang Yu and try to locate the big black cat.

It's just that recently, for some reason, the school work committee has been a little slack on this matter. According to Jiang Yu's understanding, even the investigation team responsible for following up the big black cat incident seems to have been disbanded recently.

This puzzled her.

According to the witch's judgment, if this happens, either the big black cat has been found by the school, or the school has judged through other channels that the big black cat is not a threat to the school, so it does not want to be involved in this matter. Waste of precious experience.

But no matter what the situation is, since the school did not ask her to confirm or testify in the end, it means that the big black cat is not within the scope of the school's "control".

For witches, no news is good news.

Until today, when Li Meng ran out of the grove in a disheveled state and dragged her out of the library, after what happened earlier when she was out of breath, the witch came to a realization.

Her immediate intuition told her that the black cat whose paws and tail could become bigger and smaller was the big black cat she had been looking for all along.

No wonder the figure is so conspicuous, but no other witnesses have been found in the school.

No wonder after searching for so long, I couldn't find it.

It turns out that it can change size.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. Out of some secret thought, she always hoped that the big black cat was not transformed by a wizard. Now, after confirming that the black cat can change in size, she can finally grow longer. Exhausted.

After all, the animals transformed by the wizard's transfiguration can only be ordinary creatures and will not have any magical effects.

This is a deeply rooted common opinion in the wizarding world.

Brushing her long hair by her ear, the witch raised her hand, opened her palm, and pressed against the air in front of her. I don't know what to think of, and suddenly smiled.

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Then she immediately restrained her smile and carefully looked around.

Fortunately, fortunately, this corner is relatively secluded, and no one saw her smirk just now.

Looking up, the winter sun was a bit dim, although it was still bright, it couldn't erase the decadence under the sun. The dark water of Linzhong Lake shimmers in the sunlight, and finally converges on the small island in the middle of the lake, setting off the small white pagoda in a particularly solemn way. On the lake, those fiery red big birds stuck their heads in their wings as usual, like sculptures, even though the buffaloes looking for food walked slowly past them, the big birds remained motionless.

In the distance, the gray forest still lacks the greenness of summer. Looking from a distance, it gives people a depressing feeling.

The witch raised her legs and walked towards the woods. After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped.

It was only then that she remembered that when Li Meng told her about that incident, she had already said that because of the fight, all the cats in the woods had scattered and ran away, not knowing where they were going.

Maybe she went to catch mice, the witch sighed slightly, took a last look at the grove, and then walked towards the office building without looking back.

Now that she knew the clue of the big black cat, she believed that she would meet it again eventually.

As for now, instead of thinking about things here and there, pondering those thoughts that you have or don't have, or going to that small forest to remember the traces of a group of wild cats fighting, it is better to go to the office building and complete the procedures for reporting the use of Transfiguration.

In view of the recent complicated security situation around the school, the guardian formation of First University has raised the relevant alert level. Originally, Jiang Yu planned to use the transfiguration technique to do some "small investigation" quietly, and was implicated because of this.

In the end, under Dr. Duzem's persuasion, the witch agreed to report to the school and practice transfiguration under the supervision of the school, just in case.

According to Dr. Duzem's explanation, there are two completely different situations between reporting and not reporting the use of Transfiguration.

Although the former will be subject to a certain degree of surveillance by the school, there will also be guidance and arrangements by relevant school professors, so there is no doubt about its safety and legality.

The latter, on the other hand, is downright illegal.

"Although it is only a minor violation of the law, breaking the law is breaking the law, and it is a devastating injury to your resume."

"Even if you only reported it once, and then performed multiple transformations later, it is much better than not reporting anything at all."

When Dr. Duzem said these words, his tone was a little melancholy, and he didn't know what he thought of:

"... After all, at your age and level, using restricted magic is outright illegal... especially if you are still in college. If you have the idea of ​​exploring a new world in the future, then any stain on your resume will be completely illegal. It is not allowed, and it is a very fatal mistake."

"But as long as you have made a report, even if it was only once, then you will have room for maneuver if you are caught by the picket team in the future."

Recalling what the doctor said, the witch couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Originally, she planned to delay for a few more days, and report to the police after the rat tide in the school subsided a little. But just after being dragged out of the library by Li Meng and telling the black cat the clue, the witch suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

As if she would lose something if she didn't go to Transfiguration Detective recently.

As a wizard, especially a wizard who grew up in a family of wizards, she is extremely convinced by this idealistic idea similar to spiritual perception. So I immediately made up my mind and walked to the office building.

I heard that there are a lot of forms to fill out when registering Transfiguration. Thinking of this, the witch suddenly remembered that a certain public-funded student wondered if he would go to the office building to submit a lot of materials every time before transforming?



When Li Meng dragged the plush bear to the dormitory unhappily.

When classmate Jiang Yu hurriedly walked towards the office building.

At the end of the gray grove by the lake, Zheng Qing did not leave at this moment as the two witches guessed. He was squatting on a low tree stump, looking at a group of big and small cats in front of him with burning eyes.

After defeating the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Black Cat unexpectedly gained a new identity.

He became the leader of the pack of cats. (to be continued)

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