Hunting High School

Chapter 72: Little Beast Ni Wuye

The jade plate was hung on the treetops, and the cold moonlight coated the ground with a layer of silver frost.

Today is the first day of August. According to common sense, there should be no moon in the sky.

Zheng Qing kept staring at the round silver-white celestial body in midair, ignoring the nagging of Nicholas in front of him.

After Professor An handed over the three freshmen who caused trouble to the newcomers for guidance, he left in a hurry.

As soon as he turned around, Nicholas, who was still full of anger just now, eased his tone:

"It's actually not that serious. At worst, it's an extra year of freshman year. It's not a big deal."

Zheng Qing coughed twice, looked down at the elf who was still sleeping soundly in the cardboard box, still feeling a little depressed.

For an old student who is a freshman in the third year, it is really not a big deal to spend two years as a freshman.

But for a freshman who thinks he has upheld justice, this punishment is a bit worrying.

Nicholas comforted: "As early as a hundred years ago, Alpha was no longer a real Alpha. He was holding ridiculous arrogance and telling funny stories. You are the future of Jiuyou Academy. What you need now is a warm dormitory or There is a big comfortable bed. Don't think about anything else."

Zheng Qing hugged the cardboard box and yawned big.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I yawn too deeply.

He rubbed his eyes, sighing.

The long day seemed to have finally come to an end.

As Nicholas mentioned, he desperately needs a big comfortable bed right now.

At the end of the pedestrian street, there is an iron gate with intricate patterns engraved on it.

This gate must be very old.

The bricks and stones at the foot of the door were covered with a thick layer of moss, and the wall skin on the door frame was mottled and peeled off, like a patient with vitiligo. Each student entered and exited, and the arch let out an uneasy sigh, followed by a cold breeze.

"This door is a shortcut from Beta Town to the four college dormitories, but this passage is one-way. You can only go back to the dormitory through this door, but you cannot go directly to Beta Town from the dormitory."

Zheng Qing stood at the door and looked in. The campus under the moonlight was peaceful.

Green grass, green lake, willows, and students strolling leisurely in twos and threes, enjoying the calmness under the moonlight.

The small animals in the spirit beast garden who do not want to sleep are chasing and fighting on the grass, and from time to time they make a hasty quarrel.

like a big park.

There was not a single dormitory building in sight.

"Here! Take out your ID cards."

Nicholas greeted and pointed to an iron door beside the arch: "Behind the door is the corridor of the dormitory building. After swiping the card, you will directly enter the own dormitory. The dormitory for freshmen is randomly assigned. The school said that this will help train students their spirit of solidarity.”

Zheng Qing hurriedly searched for the silver-white card from his robe.

"Of course, there is more than one door to enter the dormitory building. Just like the book says, if you go to university here, you must have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering."

Zheng Qing leaned over and looked at the side door curiously.

The iron gate was off-white, and it was almost integrated with the mottled wall, making it easy for people to ignore its existence.

In the opening about a foot in the middle of the door squatted a palm-sized small green animal with squinted eyes resting.

This strange beast seems to be cast in bronze, and its body is covered with verdigris scars. It looks like a lion, but with horns on its head and a body covered in scales. At this moment, it was resting its head on its front paws, making a purring sound from its throat.

"The dormitory manager of the First University, Mr. Ni!" Nicholas pointed to the little blue beast and introduced it to the freshmen: "It's the first time we meet, please say hello to Mr. Fifth."

"Hi Fifth Master Ni." The freshmen responded sparsely, looking at the blue strange beast with curiosity in their eyes.

The little beast raised his eyelids, glanced lazily at the newcomers, but did not speak.

Nicholas took out an ocher-yellow pill from his pocket, and handed it forward with a smile.

Seeing that, the strange beast opened its eyes wide, with a crimson light flashing in them, stood up very happily, stretched out its long tongue and rolled the pill into its mouth.

Then it trembled violently, and thick smoke came out of its eyes, nose and ears.

The smoke is thick, but there is no peculiar smell.

The little cyan beast opened its mouth wide, swallowed the rising smoke into its belly, and smacked its lips, looking a little unfinished.

Nicholas hastily handed over his own ID card, red light flashed in the eyes of the little beast again, he nodded casually, and slapped the ball under the paw hard, and the iron door made a crisp sound of 'click' immediately.

"Do you know how to get in?" Nicholas opened the iron door and looked at the freshmen: "Mr. Ni is our dormitory supervisor. Thousands of people in the whole school live in the dormitory behind him. You just need to remember, When you see Fifth Master, you can go back to your own dormitory."

"The yellow pills are made from scraps from the pharmacy class. One copper can be exchanged for a large bag. It's not difficult. The only function is to create a lot of waste smoke. Fifth Master likes this kind of thing very much."

Nicholas stood at the door and urged: "Hurry up! Master Wu has limited patience!"

The newcomers hurriedly squeezed through the narrow iron gate.

Zheng Qing held the cardboard box, being careful not to be crushed.

Behind the door is a silver-white corridor with many black handles on both sides.

"Under normal circumstances, you can directly open the door of the own dormitory by waving your own card in front of the fifth master. But sometimes there are more people, such as today, you have to trouble the fifth master to open a few more doors."

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"Look at the own number, find the door of the own dormitory, just push the door and go in." Nicholas had already pushed open a door, leaned out half of his body and shouted to a few dazed freshmen: "Hurry up! Although this passage It can last for a long time, but fifth master has limited patience, be careful not to be thrown out by it again."

Zheng Qing looked at the number 403 embedded on the yellowish door frame, and compared it with the ID card in his hand.

Take a deep breath and push away.

Pushing open the door, there is a small bare gray corridor in front of you.

Just as he was in a daze, a small silver door on the opposite wall was suddenly pushed open.

A familiar watermelon head just poked its head in.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Xiao Xiao nodded, pushed the door open and entered.

"Xiao Xiao?" Zheng Qing looked at him incredulously, then turned his head and leaned out to look to the side. Half of a thin figure just happened to disappear in the silver-white corridor behind him.

"There should be a spell of space extension and resonance here." Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses, opened his own black notebook rather annoyed, and said: "The first university has made quite a lot of changes in technology in recent years. , when my father came here, it was not so troublesome to enter a dormitory building."

"I'm just curious that you share the dormitory with me." Zheng Qing drooped his head and hummed weakly.

A small 403 nameplate hung on the wooden door at the end of the gray corridor.

Pushing open the door, a panting voice rang in the ears of the two:

"Ha... you guys... ha... that's... the last two roommates..."

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