Hunting High School

Chapter 73 Blue Titan And Vampire Wolf

Above the head is a dangling fluorescent tube. The silver-white lampshade has not been cleaned for some time. Black stains mixed with brown rust stains reveal an old atmosphere.

There is a thick indigo carpet under your feet, which is soft and pleasant to step on.

In the four corners of the room, there are four large six-poster beds. The purple-black bed boards are carved with complicated patterns, and the crimson curtains are hung on them.

In the center of the dormitory is a huge desk.

The ochre-yellow square table and four matching black armchairs are safely in the center of the room. On the smooth and recognizable tabletop is only a pot of some withered daisies, and the orange-yellow petals hang weakly on the edge of the pot.

The whole room is quite large, but there is only one balcony and one window.

There is a wooden sliding door between the balcony and the dormitory, which is open.

Outside the door, a fat figure in a red robe was struggling to stretch.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he straightened up with difficulty and poked his head into the room.

"Ha, you're here together! I was wondering who the rest of my roommates are."

"My name is Sim Banner Schmidt-Bayer, and you can call me Sim."

Fatty happily waved his hands, and greeted the two people who had just entered the room in a chattering voice:

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

"The thought of being in the same room with Dylan for so long makes me sick!"

Fatty waved his thick arms exaggeratedly, and his voice was high-pitched and resonant.

Looking at this noisy guy, Zheng Qing couldn't think of the story in Damingfang for no reason.

Before he could think about it, the red curtain of the six-poster bed next to him was rolled up, and a figure rolled out of the bed and appeared in front of them.

"Dylan O'Brien Potter." This black curly-haired, blue-eyed, fair-faced, well-proportioned boy stretched out his hand and said in a slow, dull voice: "Students from Class 08-1 of Star Academy Pharmacy .”

Zheng Qing looked at the blue robe on his body, with a bright smile on his face.

"You are the second starry sky academy freshman I know. I thought the dormitory was full of students from Jiuyou Academy." He smiled and stretched out his hand to Dylan, pointing to Fatty who squeezed into the room from the balcony, and said curiously : "What did he mean by what he just said?"

"He's probably worried about his fatness." Dylan held Zheng Qing's hand, shook it in a friendly way, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "I'm a hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire. For many wizards, it's not an appropriate one." roommates."

Zheng Qing held Dylan's arm a little stiffly.

He sort of understood what happened to the uneasiness that Xin Fatty mentioned just now.

"I thought you would have a special dormitory." The werewolf on the night of the full moon and the vampire hunting in the dark appeared in his mind, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but he apologized immediately: "Sorry, I don't have anything else mean."

"It's okay. I was just worried that the new roommate would take out a handful of garlic or splash holy water on my face. Your reaction is much better than I thought." Tilting his head, Dylan smiled without hesitation: "The school hospital will prepare special medicine for me. You can treat me as an ordinary person on weekdays. During special time periods, the school will provide us with a special quiet room. You don't need to worry about safety at all."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"My name is Zheng Qing, a pure-bred human being, a student of Jiuyou College, Astronomy Class 08-1." Zheng Qing carefully pulled out his hand, curiously finding a slight warmth in his hand.

"Vampires are undead, but werewolves are living beings." Xiao Xiao squeezed in front of him, holding Dylan's hand with a smile and refused to relax: "It seems that I really have a very interesting roommate."

"Xin is a blue titan." The corners of Dylan's eyes twitched, he pulled out his own hand calmly, and pointed to Fatty who poked his head out: "A pervert who not only has great strength, but also has high mental values."

Fatty waved his hand honestly.

"Blue titan?" Zheng Qing asked with great interest.

"The variant of the green titan is very rare, I've only heard of it." Xiao Xiao really shifted his attention: "It is said that when he really calms down, he can transform successfully and display superhuman strength."

"That's it. I can't explain it better." Xin Fatty squeezed into the dormitory with some difficulty, panting and laughing: "I'm also a student of Jiuyou College, in Class 08-1 of Astronomy."

"My classmates, it's really not surprising at all." Zheng Qing smiled and couldn't help complaining: "This world is so small. I haven't attended class yet, and I seem to have known all the classmates in the class."

"Actually, you only know six, far less than seven or eight." Xiao Xiao corrected.

"What were you doing on the balcony just now? Did you exercise?" Zheng Qing ignored Xiao Xiao, curiously watching Xin Fatty sitting on the edge of the bed panting.

"It's just an activity, hehe." Xin obviously didn't intend to talk too much on this topic. He pointed to the balcony and said with a smile, "You guys just came here, so you must not have visited there yet."


"The scenery is very nice." Dylan nodded in agreement.

The balcony and the dormitory are separated by a thick wooden sliding door. The area is small, only three to five square meters, surrounded by tall glass windows, which can fully absorb the surrounding light.

The moonlight is bright and bright, and the world outside the window seems to be a little white.

Standing in the middle, looking around, Zheng Qing somewhat understood what Dylan and Xin meant.

The green lawn exudes a soft breath under the moonlight, softly unfolding into the distance.

In the distance, dozens of thick old trees stretch out their gnarled branches, cyan, green, black, white, yellow, red, colorful leaves bloom wantonly on the light green background.

A little farther away, the silver mirror-like lake lies quietly on the edge of the grass, a round of jade plates is reflected in the sparkling water, and animals walking peacefully can be vaguely seen by the water.

In the farthest distance, the light green lawn has been submerged in deep colors, and a tall, bare, conical black hill rises from the shadow, quiet and silent.

"It's so beautiful!" Zheng Qing admired, and turned to look at Xin Fatty: "I can see Linzhong Lake from here, does it mean that the dormitory is not too far from the teaching building?"

Fatty shook his head and said nothing.

"Wangshan ran dead horse, your eyes will deceive yourself." Xiao Xiao explained, pointing to the students who were walking sparsely on the lawn below, then looked to both sides, nodded: "Every dormitory is unique. , every balcony has its own view.”

"You stand on the balcony looking at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are looking at you." For some reason, this somewhat hazy verse appeared in Zheng Qing's mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head and recited it.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"No, no." Xin shook his hands very hard, and said loudly to the two: "What's so beautiful about the scenery, I mean that little guy!"

Afterwards, he squeezed into the balcony with some difficulty, and a heavy sweaty breath came to his nostrils, and Zheng Qing suddenly felt suffocated.

"Look there!"

Following Xin's furry arm and the direction pointed by his stubby fingers, a yellow-white fur ball appeared in his vision.

It was a cat.

The furball stayed securely on a short board protruding from the balcony, enjoying the soft caress of the moonlight without moving, its pointed ears trembling from time to time, that comfortable snoring sound seemed to be heard by several people even though it was far away. People feel it.

"Good guy!" Xiao Xiao was rarely interested in common things.

It seems to be very safe, Zheng Qing looked at the soft and chubby thing, and this feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart.

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