Hunting High School

Chapter 70 Skills Of Being A Cat

After tidying up the clever forest cat, the black cat walked back and forth slowly back to its own 'stump throne'.

In front of the throne, there are piles of tributes offered by cats.

Staring at those various things for a while, the black cat stretched out its paws, flicked to the left, and flicked to the right, within minutes, it threw all the messy things aside, and finally only a few big dead mice were left .

'Aw! '

The black cat raised its paw, pointed to the pile of dead mice in front of it, and yelled again. At the same time, it looked majesticly around, and then moved the pile of dead mice to its side, making a gesture of embracing it.

The group of stupid cats seemed to have finally opened their minds, meowing, and swishing out of the forest again.

Seeing the backs of the cats going away, the black cat purred in satisfaction, then strolled back to the other tributes that he had just discarded aside, and began to fiddle with them, picking and picking, although most of the things inside were not for him. It is worthless to say, but it is inevitable that a blind cat will encounter a dead mouse.

For example, that well-behaved little puppet cat brought back a slap-sized scorpion with a tail. This kind of scorpion is called 'Eighth Stage Mountain'. It is a rare hermaphroditic scorpion. It is covered in black and purple. It is very poisonous, and its courage is as small as its poison. Whenever it encounters natural enemies, this kind of scorpion often pretends to be dead. escape. It's a pity that it met a puppet cat who was even less courageous. That little female cat didn't even dare to touch the grasshoppers jumping around. It happened that this scorpion pretended to be dead and simply picked it up as a tribute.

Although Zheng Qing is not clear about the twists and turns between the puppet cat and the Eighth Stage mountain scorpion, he does not deny that he is more satisfied with this tribute, second only to those mice, because this kind of scorpion is not only used to prepare Qianzhengsan and Huoluodan It is an adjuvant to many medicines, and this little poisonous scorpion is a great pet treat.

During the recent period, every week Zheng Qing took time to take Poseidon to the Su's Mansion in Beta Town as a guest, and Miss Su prepared all kinds of snacks to entertain the little fox. Among them is 'Fried Eighth Stage Mountain'. Zheng Qing was very impressed by this, because when Gein was a guest these few times, Poseidon would always dig out those fried and fragrant little scorpions from the snack pile and eat them up. So much so that young public finance students sometimes worry in private whether their little fox will be abducted by the big fox of the Su family because of these delicious snacks.

The black cat rummaged through the pile of tributes for a while, and besides the half-dead Eighth Stage mountain scorpion, he also found a handful of fresh catnip, a notebook with a tattered cover, and a very beautiful honey yellow opal.

God knows where those wild cats found these things.

Zheng Qing flipped through the notebook. It seemed to be a Potions notebook made by a certain senior a long time ago. It was thrown away in some corner, and was picked up by a wild cat. This made the young public fee student a little depressed for a few seconds. I originally thought that I had picked up a great wizard's practice experience, and the kind that could help him advance to the great wizard was that these potions notes were not complete, and many of the contents had been soaked by mold and ground moisture.

The notes are made with a fine black pen, with neat handwriting and exquisite composition, but the contents inside are nothing more than heavenly scriptures to Zheng Qing.

With Zheng Qing's two months of Potions foundation, it is still difficult to tell the difference between Schisandra and Galla, let alone improve those obscure concepts in the Potions Notes of the grade.

But the black cat fiddled with its paw a few times, and finally gave up its plan to throw it away.

Anyway, there is a book-loving guy in the dormitory, who likes these weird notes the most. Zheng Qing thought it would be a good choice to give it to Dr. Xiao Da.

As for the opal, it was only the size of a fingernail, and the whole body was translucent, with a ray of yellow light running through the center of the gemstone. Zheng Qing felt that the color of this gemstone matched the bohemian dress he gave to Irina before. It would be a good Christmas gift. under the paws.

As the date approaches the end of the year, many students in the class have already started discussing Christmas, annual leave and other things that seem far away but will actually be faced in a blink of an eye.

Zheng Qing is no exception.

He had previously considered what kind of Christmas gift to prepare for the Gypsy Witch, what was the budget, and whether he needed to embezzle a little from the 'provident fund' of the Exoneration Hunting Team, but with the appearance of this opal, all troubles disappeared. It was easy to solve. The young public fee student even wondered if he should change the cat several times.

Maybe a few more days of being a cat king, including the forgiveness hunt team, and the holiday gifts of other friends in the class will have their way.

Just as Zheng Qing was thinking about this tempting idea, the cats that had gone out to hunt had already returned in twos and threes.

With a clear goal, these cats are still very efficient. Most cats can come back with a mouse that meets the requirements. Even if there are a few that don't meet the requirements, such as the timid puppet cat, it doesn't know who is behind, and it picks up a litter of pink and tender mouse cubs that have just been born and have not even grown hair. The big belly expressed tolerance.

Anyone who has an opal under his paw will be in a good mood.

One, two, three...

The black cat nodded, counting the number of cats in the forest, nodding head by head, then slowly narrowed his eyes.

Well, there seems to be a guy missing from the cat group.

What about the Norwegian Forest cat?

Could it be that he ran away from the group because he was beaten twice?

Zheng Qing wondered inwardly, but seeing that most of the cats had returned, and there were already a lot of dead mice in front of him, he finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to wait.

The black cat stretched its paws under its belly, dug out, and found a folded paper crane. This paper crane was prepared by him before he turned into a cat. One was hidden under his belly and stuck tightly with double-sided tape, just in case he needed it.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Touching the paper crane out, the black cat immediately spit at it. After trial and error, Zheng Qing confirmed that this was the most effective way to activate the talisman after he became a cat.

The paper crane covered with cat saliva stood up tremblingly, shook its wings, and then hurriedly flew into the wind before the two wings were glued together by the sticky saliva.

Flutter, flutter!

The sound of the paper crane flapping its wings quickly attracted the attention of other cats, and even a few more active ones were rubbing their paws, eager to try, as if they wanted to knock down the paper crane.

But under Zheng Qing's "majestic" gaze, these cats finally obediently folded their tails and watched the paper crane fly farther and farther, over the treetops, until it disappeared into the gray sky.

After a while, there was a sound of kicking footsteps outside the forest, as well as the voices of several people whispering. (to be continued)

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