Hunting High School

Chapter 71 Two Groups Of Subordinates

"It's here, right!"

"Nonsense! Follow the paper cranes. We will follow wherever the paper cranes fly. How could we go wrong?"

"But it's too remote here! There are only a few of us in a radius of 500 meters, is it really okay? Tell me why a cat is running in such a remote makes people panic."

"What a grown-up, not even a cat!"

"No matter how far you go, it's still in the school, where can you go."

A few familiar voices came from outside the forest, they were the voices of the hunters of the forgiveness hunting team. The black cat squatting on the tree stump couldn't help but tilt its head, and looked in the direction of the sound. With this turn of its head, the big and small cats that had surrounded him seemed to be chased away by the dog, and they slid and scattered. And fled, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The black cat turned its head, shook its ears, and said something in its heart:


Should we say they are sensitive, or timid? With a little wind and grass, it can run faster than a rabbit! No, the rabbit will not run away when it hears people talking, at least it has to stand up and look around!

Not to mention the black cat's yelling and cursing, the originally chaotic voice in the woods disappeared immediately after the phrase "Mamaipi", and after a few seconds of silence, the voice boomed again.

"It's real, it's here!"

"I heard Brother Qing's voice!"

"Doctor, can cats really talk? It must be Captain Zheng who spoke just now!" The voice of the last sentence was full of curiosity, and along with this voice, the black cat also faintly heard a few crisp bells.

He couldn't help but squinted his eyes. The owner of the voice was very familiar to him. Naturally, it was the talented young alchemist from Alpha Academy, Linguo. But the owner of the bell is not a friendly guy.

While speaking, several figures walked around the big trees in the forest and appeared in front of the black cat.

Walking in the front were Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin. Fatty was holding a bucket of fried chicken and eating a can of beer with great relish. Zhang Jixin, on the other hand, was wearing a hunting suit, gloves, and a dharma book hanging on his belt, as if hunting at any time.

Behind the two of them was a big black goat with pan horns. On the back of the goat sat a little boy, and there was a small bell hanging around the goat's neck. As the goat's hooves were kicking and walking, the bell on the sheep's neck flicked and flicked, making a crisp sound.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

On the left side of the goat is a blue bird holding a sword, and on the right is Xiao Xiao holding a notebook. Compared with other people, these two people seem to be a bit out of the sky, relying on goats to lead the way, walking slowly forward.

The black cat's eyes paused on the black goat, deliberately ignoring the goat's looking down, and finally set its sights on the red-faced wizard.

"Ahem, why are you here in such a suit?" The black cat coughed, trying to greet everyone in a normal tone: "Is there a hunt today? Where's Dylan? Why didn't he come!"

As soon as the black cat spoke, the originally peaceful scene suddenly exploded.

"Wow, it's true! Black cat! Talk!" Lin Guo screamed, grabbed the shoulder of the blue bird next to him, and shook it vigorously, with an excited expression on his face, as if he wanted to stuff the black cat into the laboratory immediately expression: "Can I touch him? Just touch it!"

The blue bird pressed the little wizard's arm, stopping Zheng Qing's unrealistic plan before he got angry.

"Dylan is still asleep in the coffin. It's broad daylight, why don't people have a good rest." This is Zhang Jixin's answer to Zheng Qing's question.

"I was also talking about his clothes just now," Xin Fatty grabbed a piece of fried chicken, habitually criticized the red-faced wizard, and interjected in a vague tone: "In the final analysis, he is a bag... Ever since our hunting team was in the After winning the championship in the freshman competition, as long as he doesn't go to class, he can't wait to wear that hunting suit forty-eight hours a day!"

"A day in your house is forty-eight hours?" Zhang Jixin's face turned red rapidly visible to the naked eye, he opened and closed his hands, and his tone became unfriendly.

"This is a rhetorical technique, exaggeration... rhetoric, do you understand rhetoric?" Fatty shrank his neck, slid behind the tree stump where Zheng Qing was, hugged his fried chicken bucket, and retorted cautiously.

Zheng Qing raised his head and sniffled.

There is a tempting aroma of fried oil in the air, which makes the index finger wide open. Although he is just a cat now, he still has some appetite and doesn’t know what it’s like to eat fried chicken wrapped in catnip. The black cat looked at the handful of fresh catnip not far away, and suddenly this thought popped up in his heart. idea.

"What are you calling us for?" Xiao Xiao, who hadn't said anything, seemed to be awakened by the noise around him, turned his head, found the black cat, and asked feebly, "Hurry up if you have something to say, I have to go back and take notes." Woolen cloth……"

"Take notes, take notes, and be careful that one day you will be eaten by the notebook." The black cat muttered, raised its paw, tapped the pile of mice in front of it, raised its head, and said triumphantly: "Today's prey! Help me!" Put it away... I feel like I've changed a few more times, and this year's final exam is definitely excellent!"

Everyone's attention finally focused on the pile of mice 'Jingguan'.

"Hey, there are teeth marks on it!" Fatty casually threw the half-eaten fried chicken on the ground, without caring to wipe off the grease from his hands, bent down, and leaned in front of the group of mice: "Didn't you say that the fried chicken was beaten?" Don't you die to catch mice...Huh? How long has it been...'It's so fragrant'!"

The black cat didn't understand Fatty's stalk, but he heard Fatty's last word clearly, he couldn't help but tilt his head, and looked at Fatty worriedly. He thought that Fatty's gluttonous problems had spread to dead rats.

After a pause, seeing that Fatty had no intention of eating dead mice, the black cat was relieved and explained: "I didn't bite these subordinates did it. You didn't see the teeth marks on those mice. Are they different?"

"Subordinates?" Fatty bent over, tilted his head laboriously, and looked at the black cat: "Do you have subordinates? Do you still have subordinates?"

The tone was full of doubts, which made the black cat have the urge to raise its paws and give him a bite.

Fortunately, there is another person in the hunting team who likes to run on Fatty.

"If you put your head under your ass, you can see Brother Qing's subordinates helping you clean up your trash." Zhang Jixin taught the lesson unceremoniously: "A three-year-old child knows not to throw trash casually... ...It's not even as good as a cat, shame on other races!"

Of course Fatty didn't put his head under his crotch. For him, that kind of difficult movement was beyond his lifetime. But he could do it another way. Fatty stood up with effort on his knees, turned his head, and looked behind him.

On the piece of half-eaten fried chicken that was dropped just now, there was a puppet cat about the size of a foot lying on its stomach.

"Meow." The kitten raised its head and let out a soft meow, then lowered its head again, earnestly gnawing on the half-eaten piece of fried chicken that Fatty had eaten. (to be continued)

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