Hunting High School

Chapter 76 Lost

After watching Dr. Xiao Da and others go away, the black cat raised his feet and trotted two steps, followed behind the forest cat, ready to start the journey to find the 'rat's nest'.

Sensing his movement, the big and small cats who had been scattered around playing, napping, and eating seemed to have received some signal. Hulala stood up, raised their tails in unison, and followed. All of a sudden, cats meowed one after another in the woods, adding to the eerie atmosphere out of thin air, making Fatty next to him shudder several times.

"Hiss...that's scary!" Fatty folded his arms and looked around, his eyes revealed a bit of horror, his tone seemed hesitant: "I said, brother, your cat subordinates, what are you doing? "

The black cat was also taken aback by the actions of the group of cats. It raised its paw in the air, and did not dare to put it down for a long time.

He didn't move, and neither did the other cats. They just raised their tails and stared at pairs of yellow or green round glasses, staring at him motionlessly, like statues.

"The captain is Elvis Presley, so the other cats will naturally go with him!" Sitting on the back of the black goat, Lin Guo seemed to be familiar with the scene before him, and added at the end: "This is common sense."

The black cat turned around and glanced at the little wizard, wanting to confirm his gaze, but unexpectedly met the expressionless thin face of the black goat, and the beard on his face collapsed immediately.

"I've never heard of such common sense!" Fatty was indignant: "I've never heard of cats and herds, and the identity of Elvis Presley."

"This is Phuket Island, the No. 1 University! Don't use the outside world to understand the common sense here." Lin Guo taught in the tone of a young adult: "It's like a school of fish returning to the tide silently, obviously migrating along the ocean current on the bottom of the sea , but actually traveled through countless planes of time and space... Otherwise, what kind of shrimp shells do you think can find the location of Phuket Island?"

"That's not what the professor said." The black cat's ears trembled, and Meow looked at Fatty expressionlessly, with a look of being rejected by the world.

"The professor just didn't mention the details about it." Fatty murmured for a long time, and finally gave a vague answer.

"Does this kind of common sense need to be explained in detail?" Lin Guo looked at the two companions in surprise, puzzled.

The black cat turned its head, pressed its paws hanging in mid-air heavily to the ground, twisted its tail, and followed the forest cat not far away.

Bullshit common sense, the black cat slandered viciously in his heart. Whenever he felt that he knew something about the world of wizards and was familiar with it, there would always be one kind or another of strange common sense rushing towards him, making him confused.

Following his actions, the big and small cats that were originally set around raised their paws one after another, shuttled lightly among the branches and bushes, and set off quietly.

In this way, a group of cats, with three wizards and a sheep, embarked on a long journey to find the rat's nest.

The forest cat is big and has big steps. Every few steps, it stops, tilts its head to look at the black cat, or hooks its tail, or shakes its beard. Covenant gives people a feeling like that.

The black cat sniffled in displeasure, and silently recited the "big and small mantra" several times in his heart.

Then, every time he took a step, his body grew a little bit. Before the group of cats ran far, the black cat had already grown to a height of one meter, which was no less than that of the forest cat.

"Wow, that's amazing! The captain is simply amazing! Show me, please!" Lin Guo yelled and squirmed as he sat on the back of the black goat, looking impatient.

If it weren't for the blue bird pressing his shoulders, the little wizard would have jumped off the sheep's back, rushed to the black cat, and asked him the secret of 'continuing to transform after transformation'.

"This is God... Talent cat boxing, you can't learn it." The black cat opened its mouth and came, babbled a noun, and just perfunctory it. Although he doesn't mind sharing his own little secrets with his companions, he can't just talk nonsense when it comes to certain 'uncertain reasons' behind it.

As Lao Yao said, the world can be destroyed, so what laws cannot be broken? Since some wizards can even break the laws of nature, it is not so difficult to break the laws of society. So in order to be on the safe side, Zheng Qing needs to keep his abnormal deformation within a certain range as little as possible.

"Talent cat boxing... sounds very powerful." Lin Guo repeated the words of the black cat, with a strong feeling of ignorance in his tone.

Fatty's low laughter came from beside him.

Only the blue tit didn't laugh.

"You should let us sign a contract of silence." The swordsman stared at the back of the black cat and said slowly: "Although I don't know why your transformation technique has such a situation, it must not be a trivial matter...for everyone's To be safe, you should also prepare a silent contract."

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The back of the black cat walking in front froze, and its footsteps slowed down unnaturally.

It was rare for Blue Bird to say such a long paragraph, yet choose such an embarrassing topic. It is true that according to the best solution, anyone who knows about his abnormal transfiguration had better sign a silence agreement, and lock this secret firmly in that ancient magic.

But signing a contract is not a trivial matter after all, and the people who know about it are all companions that he feels can be completely trusted. Zheng Qing would not want to see some minor rifts between the Forgiving Knights because of this incident.

"Well, the swordsman's suggestion is good. We can have a meeting to discuss it later. I remember that the doctor has quite a few silent agreements with good terms!" Xin Fatty disagreed, agreeing with the blue bird's opinion, but then moved The topic changed: "Look, the big cat leading the way has turned a corner and disappeared...Let's hurry up, don't get lost!"

The black cat was stunned, and finally didn't speak, nor did it turn around, it just trotted a few steps silently, keeping up with the forest cat's receding back.

"Turn around, we won't get lost." In the team, maybe only Lin Guo didn't think about those complicated interpersonal relationships when he was thinking about problems, and his attention quickly shifted from talking with the black cat to everyone Way forward: "I've never run this far in school."

"I didn't either." Fatty said beside him, "Does anyone remember which pavilion we came out from just now? We are no longer in the academy, right?"

The black cat raised its head and froze for a moment.

Before, I was so focused on listening to everyone chatting, my mind was full of random thoughts, but I forgot to pay attention to remembering the route, and just kept running behind the forest cat. He vaguely remembered that after passing through the grove, he walked through a section of corridor around the mansion, and then turned out at a certain pavilion-he really didn't pay attention to which pavilion it was. (to be continued)

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