Hunting High School

Chapter 77 Hesitating

Outside the main campus of First University, there are many small and relatively hidden school functional areas. Although these areas are also under the management of the First University, they have semi-independent territories. They are not in the Jiuyou Institute or Alpha Castle and other academic territories, but are similar to those in the Institute, hidden in a certain place in the Silent Forest. corner.

Of course, these territories are also covered by the school's large guardian formation.

The bridge connecting these territories and the academy is in Jiuyou Academy, which is the deep corridor that surrounds the academy.

The main body of this promenade is made of obsidian, and the roof is decorated with many exquisite sculptures. In summer, it will be covered by thick, densely-grown vines, making it look more secluded; in winter, due to the withering of the vines, the long The main body of the corridor is exposed to the cold wind, making it much brighter and cooler.

There are many 'nodes' constructed of gazebos in the promenade around the mansion, and these nodes are the gateways to those semi-independent territories. For example, Pavilion No. 3 leads to the "Feiyuan" territory where Zheng Qing and others do morning classes; Pavilion No. 7 leads to the office building of the school working committee; and Pavilion No. 4, which was bustling with people not long ago, Leading to University One, Game One, and all that stuff.

A few minutes ago, the forest cat leading the way also passed a gazebo with the black cat.

It's just that at that time, the black cat was only listening to other people talking, and was full of random thoughts, but for a while, it forgot to pay attention to which pavilion they turned into--including Fatty and other people also ignored this problem.

"It doesn't matter, we're all at school anyway, what's the big deal!" Hearing Lin Guo's nervous voice, the black cat immediately reassured him: "I have so many cats under my command, I can't lose you! "

As he spoke, he raised his little white paw and swung it backwards—the big and small cats behind him meowed very cooperatively, and for a while it seemed that he, the cat leader, was majestic and spoke with weight.

"You have a cat under your command, what does it have to do with us getting lost?" Fatty asked with a puzzled expression. He was not afraid of getting lost, and took out a bag of potato grids from his watch with great ease, as if he really took this search trip as a wild trip.

He asked that question purely out of habit as a 'professional reporter', and he always likes to find fault with things.

"Have you heard of 'Old Horse Knows the Way'?" The black cat tugged at its ears, squinted at Fatty, and snorted, "Old horses can know the way, so kittens can too...follow the cat later, why not?" No matter how you come and go, you can’t lose it.”

His words were not entirely taken for granted.

Many small animals, including cats and dogs, have the barbaric habit of rubbing scents around, pee-marking, and burying their prey. On the one hand, these habits are delimiting the territory and warning other animals not to invade at will; Most wizards have much easier minds.

Along the way, although Zheng Qing didn't notice which gazebo they turned into, he clearly felt that more than one cat had left 'marks' on the side of the road. From these strong-smelling marks alone, he could tell he couldn't lose them.

"Well, you're the cat, you're in charge," Fatty muttered, stuffing himself another handful of french fries.

The little puppet cat that was running outside the crowd smelled the scent of oil, and slipped back silently. It came to Fatty's feet, meowed, and stared at him pitifully with its big eyes far away. Food in hand.

"Tsk, I can't stand your little eyes..." Fatty lowered his head, immediately forgot the conversation with the black cat, happily took out a potato grid and handed it over.

The puppet cat sniffed carefully, took a small bite, then spit it out, then turned around, and jumped into the group of cats in front again without looking back. Fatty, who was looking straight ahead, was dumbfounded.

Unlike Fatty, who has a big heart and a fat body, and who is also flirtatious with cats, the little wizard riding on the back of a black goat is relatively more nervous.

"Why do I feel like I've never been to this territory before?"

"Has any of you been here? Does anyone know the territory behind which pavilion this is? Which department of the school manages it?"

"Why have you been walking for so long without even a single person? Even in Feiyuan, there are pets from the pet garden going to have fun when there is no one else... Don't you think this territory is too quiet?"

Ling Guo didn't say anything, but Zheng Qing didn't feel it yet. But as the little wizard chattered, the black cat's scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb, and the hair on its back involuntarily exploded into a small piece.

After hesitating for a while, he silently recited the "big and small mantra" several times in his heart, making his head taller - to be precise, his current shoulder height is more than two meters away. If he stood up on his hind legs, It looks a bit taller than the crooked-neck willows next to it.

"Ahem!" The black cat coughed heavily, and after attracting all the attention, it raised its paw to signal everyone to stop first.

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Then he propped his tail, grabbed the big tree next to him, stood up on his hind legs, and checked in private. Seeing the majestic appearance of their leader, the group of cats screamed as if they were on a stimulant.

Unlike the excited cats, the black cat who stood up slowly sank in his heart.

With his front paws grasping the tree trunk, his eyes just passed the top layer of tree canopy, looking around, as far as he could see, there was a piece of dust - if it was in summer, what caught his sight would definitely be a lush greenery. However, it is winter now, and except for some evergreen trees, most of the trees have lost their leaves.

All the black cat could see were bare branches shivering in the cold wind. In the distance, a collapsed ruin can be vaguely seen, looming in the light blue mist.

The mist seemed to be alive, rolling slowly, as if it was still expanding in all directions.

Where does the fog come from in broad daylight, fall!

The black cat fell back to the ground in a jerk, and its body also shrunk rapidly with the 'pupu', changing from a height of two meters to about half a meter in the blink of an eye.

"This territory is a little weird." Zheng Qing hesitated, and began to describe what he saw to the apologetic companions, and said his own guess: "I heard that there is a cemetery in the school, it seems to be somewhere In the territory... is it here?"

"That cemetery in the legend? That cemetery that is said to have kept several thousand-year-old dead heads?" Linguo screamed, and then his eyes lit up, looking like he wanted to rush to the depths of the territory immediately.

Contrary to his performance, Blue Bird, who had always been fearless and expressionless, frowned at Zheng Qing's judgment, and pressed the little wizard's shoulder to stop his impulsive plan. (to be continued)

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