Hunting High School

Chapter 107 The Collision Of Guilty And Guilty

"You have the disease!"

Hearing Zheng Qing's doubts, Xiao Xiao glanced at him expressionlessly, and hummed, "You're just wearing a pair of sunglasses, are you really blind? Jiang Yu stood by for so long, you can't even If you don't even say hello, you're still not in the same class!"

Zheng Qing finally realized Own's disrespect, raised his head in embarrassment, adjusted the sunglasses on his face, and looked uneasily at the witch standing not far away. Although he couldn't see clearly through the dark sunglasses, he could still distinguish the half-smile expression on the witch's face, and he couldn't help but feel hot.

"I'm not blind, but I think everyone is familiar with it, so there's no need to say hello." The young public finance student touched the tip of his nose and muttered softly, as if doing so would give him a little more courage.

At the end, he also added a sentence in defense: "Besides, being blind is not considered a disease."

"Blindness is not really a disease," Xin Fatty added with sideways eyes, "After all, there is still treatment for illness, and you have no treatment."

These words were sinister and cruel, which made Zheng Qing's tooth hurt.

Jiang Yu stood aside with a smile and smoothed things over: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, we are all acquaintances, there is no need to be so polite, and he has a bad eye recently, so don't ask too much of him."

Zheng Qing listened to the witch's words, and nodded repeatedly at first, but the more he listened, the more he didn't like it.

Before he came back to his senses, Jiang Yu took a few steps forward, came to the public fee student, flipped through the reference book in front of him, and asked briskly: "What are you looking at? so serious?"

With the sound of her voice, a fresh fragrance rushed to her face, which made her feel refreshed. Different from the rich fragrance on Yi Lianna's body, the fragrance on Jiang Yu's body is very light - if Yi Lianna is compared to a beautiful rose, then Jiang Yu is a quiet orchid.

Zheng Qing shrank her body back subconsciously, but then she reacted and leaned back stiffly.

"I'm reading "Yu Bu Detailed Explanation"" the young public fee student murmured, wanting to get the own book back from the witch, but hesitated, not knowing what to do to be polite.

"You're starting to study Yu Bu now?" The witch raised her eyebrows, showing a bit of curiosity in her tone.

"Oh, you said that, I happened to know!" Xin Fatty hurriedly raised his stubby arms, leaned forward, and said with a low laugh: "Last Saturday, Brother Qing and Lin Guo were at Linzhong Lake at night. While on patrol, I met a little white cat. The kitten is probably less than three months old, but it is said that ghosts and ghosts, although they can't speak, will step on Yubu. When Brother Qing and the others help with something, they keep walking around in front of them, as if they want to use Yubu to spread the word."

"But a certain person doesn't know much about Yu Bu, so he can only stare blankly in the face of this situation." Xiao Xiao quietly added next to him: "Fortunately, he knows his mistakes and can correct them, and he knows how to check for gaps and make up for them afterwards."

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"Actually, it's not that I can't completely understand what that kitten is trying to say!" Zheng Qing couldn't help the desire to fight in his heart when he heard the slander of his two companions, and argued, "I can see that kitten The cat wants me to find something like a big cat for it? But you know, language is a very delicate tool, and there will be some distortion in the process of conveying any message in case I misunderstood , and even a disservice, wouldn't it harm the kitten?"

"So in the final analysis, you still didn't understand its Yu steps." Xin Fatty punched his palm and gave the final conclusion.

The young public fee student was tongue-tied for a while, but was finally speechless.

Several wizards were discussing in this room in full swing, and they didn't notice at all that the face of the witch standing aside had already become stiff——Jiang Yu never expected that he had just asked a question jokingly, but in the end A certain 'little white cat' was involved;!

Zheng Qing knew about her plan to use transfiguration to find out the murderer, but Zheng Qing didn't know that she had already started to implement the plan. If the young payer knows she's starting to shapeshift and walks around the lake

Thinking of this, the witch looked away guiltily, and stuffed the "Detailed Explanation of Yubu" into Zheng Qing's arms.

The public finance student noticed that the witch's face was a little uneasy, and suddenly he was a little dazed—he mistakenly thought that Jiang Yu remembered the kitten that was killed on the rockery in Linzhong Lake at the beginning of school. The kitten was also young and also happened to be white.

So, he coughed twice and changed the topic: "By the way, I heard that at the regular class meeting last weekend, Lao Yao emphasized the issue of the weekly diary again. It is said that we are required to carefully record the big and small things in Life. Class, and let you two monitors serve as inspectors, focus on following up this matter, do you know why?"

Although Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty didn't know why Zheng Qing suddenly changed the topic, they also noticed the witch's sudden change of expression, so they shut their mouths wisely and did not continue to pester the little white cat.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then caught up with Zheng Qing's conversation: "Oh, you said about Zhou Ji. Yes, Lao Yao did emphasize it again. Tang Dun also discussed this issue with me. According to Our guess is that the writing of the weekly diary should be closely related to our future learning of some magic, and it is only this possibility that Lao Yao will take the trouble to repeatedly emphasize the importance of the weekly diary."

"After all, if it's just a simple diary, there is no reason for the two monitors to focus on inspection."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yu suddenly remembered something, looked up at the direction where Li Meng had just left, and said in a helpless tone, "I came to the library today to supervise Mengmeng and make up some of the weekly diaries that she missed before."

"Is it useful to make up this kind of thing?" Xiao Xiao couldn't help interjecting.

"It's better to write more than not to write." Jiang Yu tugged at the silk scarf hanging in front of her, with a bit of trouble on her face: "It's all because I was too loose with her before. During the inspection a few days ago, I just discovered that she had emptied her weekly diary for several weeks, especially during the few weeks of hunting the moon, she almost went crazy, not to mention the weekly diary, even the homework in those weeks was a mess."

"It's all the same, it's all the same." Zheng Qing listened to the witch's complaint, and nodded with sympathy: "My weekly diary for the few weeks of hunting the moon is also a bit rough. I think you should find time to revise it."

"Speaking of which, you didn't go to the regular class meeting last weekend, right?" Jiang Yu suddenly tilted her head, looked at the young public fee student, and said with a bit of teasing in her tone: "If I remember correctly, Irina seems to be Didn't go" (to be continued)

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