Hunting High School

Chapter 108 Bad Things Happen, Bad Things Happen

The weekend of the fourteenth week was a day of heavy snowfall.

That afternoon, Zheng Qing and the gypsy witch wandered in the pedestrian street of Beta Town. The colorful rays of light bursting out from the White Pagoda—what impresses the young government-funded students the most is not the stone pagoda that is about to blow up on the island in the middle of the lake, but the slightly raised head of the gypsy witch on the lakeside. Delicate lips, and the "kiss me" that always echoed in his ears;.

Even though four days had passed, Zheng Qing still seemed to be able to taste that sweetness on his lips.

Of course, Zheng Qing will not, and has never mentioned this kind of private memory to others—including Xiao Xiao, Xin Fatty and other classmates, as well as Lin Guo, Dylan and other hunters of the forgiveness hunting team. They even include Poseidon—others only know "heavy snow"; At the request of Professor Yao, he went to the school hospital for another examination.

Anyway, from the beginning of the term to now, Zheng Qing's frequency of entering and leaving the school hospital is almost the same as that of the freshmen of the Star Academy, and no one is too surprised gradually.

Jiang Yu suddenly turned the topic of discussion to that snowy day, and immediately caught the young public finance student by surprise.

At the same time, in this quiet corner of the library, several low, booing laughter sounded. Xin Fatty pulled out a box of popcorn and a can of Fatty Happy Water from his watch in the blink of an eye, sipped the drink with a smile, and sat watching Zheng Qing's embarrassed and restless look.

"Eating is not allowed in the library!" Zheng Qing was a little embarrassed, and gave Fatty a vicious look, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao, and reminded: "I remember you were still working as a sorter in the library, right? See Can't he feel the responsibility on his shoulders when he eats?!"

Xiao Xiao stared at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Zheng Qing cleared his throat, helped the sunglasses on his face, decided to forget the question he had just asked, and turned to look at Jiang Yu—for the first time, he praised this pair of glasses from the bottom of his heart, because it completely avoided The direct meeting of sight lines has effectively reduced the embarrassment in his heart—and in this way, the wizard pretended to be very brave and looked at the witch, and said in a casual fishy tone: "Oh, you said last week The matter of the day, I was arranged by Lao Yao to do other things that day."

As he spoke, he raised his left hand emphatically, pulled out a blank contract from nowhere in his hand, and gestured, shaking in mid-air, the slender piece of parchment rattled.

"I can't say what exactly happened..." the young public fee student said, shaking the blank contract vigorously. He believes that this cryptic expression should be understood by everyone present.

Of course, he didn't expect to satisfy the curiosity of the few friends in front of him with just a blank contract: "I can only tell you that I didn't go to the regular meeting that day, but she was also in the hospital that day when I went to the school hospital."

She, of course, refers to Irina.

Jiang Yu didn't seem to notice the wizard's embarrassment at all. Instead, he hugged his left arm to his chest, propped his right arm up, rubbed his chin, and reminded with a half-smile: "Is it just a trip to the school hospital? I heard that you have other activities, so you have to keep it secret? By the way, when I just came up, I saw Elena entering a study room on the first floor, why don't you go and take a look?"

Zheng Qing laughed dryly, and looked at his two companions as if asking for help—maybe it was because of the education of "strike hard on puppy love"; maybe because of the slightly conservative rules at home, Zheng Qing was facing feelings, Especially when in front of other people, I always subconsciously avoid this aspect of the problem.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Just like a person who is used to sneaking around, even if he walks in broad daylight, he still unconsciously lowers his head with his chest folded and his eyes dodge.

It's just that the direction of Zheng Qing's call for help is a bit unreliable after all.

Xiao Xiao sat in the own seat, looking at his nose and heart, staring at the notebook in front of him motionlessly, as if there was a photo of Mr. Sima on it; while Xin Fatty was chewing popcorn, mouth It was stuffed to the brim, and it looked like it couldn't make any sound other than chewing.

Just when the young public finance student was feeling desperate and was about to face up to his personal feelings bravely, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the library bookshelf corridor.

"Tom tom tom…"

Not long after, a short figure jumped over the bookshelf, and ran in front of several young wizards. A few dead branches and leaves hung on the wide robe, and black mud was clearly visible at the corner of the robe.

It is Linguo.

"It's a bad thing, it's a bad thing!" The little wizard was sweating profusely as he ran, and shouted loudly: "Captain, those subordinates of yours are in trouble!"

Zheng Qing stood up and looked at the panicked little wizard with a puzzled expression on his face.

Subordinate? What subordinates!

However, before he could ask more detailed questions, a stern-faced librarian stood quietly behind the little wizard.

"The library is not allowed to make loud noises, and it is not allowed to run around," the librarian repeated the management regulations of the Shushan Library in a dull voice. At the end, he seemed to notice the dripping mud on the corner of the little wizard's robe, and then Frowning, he added: "When entering and leaving the library, you need to be neatly dressed and behave civilly and politely. You have violated the above clauses. Please come with me."

As he spoke, the administrator grabbed the little wizard by the shoulders, and dragged him outside without any explanation. Lin Guo was stunned, without struggling, and obediently walked out behind the administrator.

"Hey!" Zheng Qing just stretched out his hand, and before he could shout out, Xiao Xiao who was next to him pulled him back to his seat and covered his mouth.

"Calm down, don't get excited." Dr. Xiao Da lowered his voice and explained in a hurried tone: "This is not an employee of the school, but an alchemy doll of the Shushan Pavilion. Their procedures are very rigid. , will be dragged to the picket room for registration processing, if you interfere with its duty, it is likely to be blacklisted by it and dragged away."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing stopped struggling, and stared at the receding figure of the alchemy puppet, stunned for a moment.

"Didn't everyone say that this kind of doll has long been stuffed into the Curry by Shushanguan because of poor execution? Why are there again now!" The eyebrows of the young public finance student raised high.

"Manpower is relatively tight recently, so a small batch of inventory has been unsealed in the library as a supplement." Xiao Xiao sighed, and began to pack up the notebooks and reference books in front of him: "I think if you have time to consider those alchemy puppet managers here The reason for the appearance is that it is better to go to the door of the picket room and wait for Lin Guo to come out."

"Oh, oh!" Zheng Qing immediately came to his senses and nodded again and again.

"What happened, is there anything I can do to help?" Jiang Yu, who was standing aside, finally spoke, with a worried look on his face.

Zheng Qing pondered for a few seconds.

"It shouldn't be a big deal." He looked at the witch and said in relief, "It should be related to the hunting team. If there is really trouble, Lin Guo won't come to me."

"Very self-aware." Xin Fatty gave Zheng Qing a thumbs up, not knowing whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, then he turned his head to look at Jiang Yu, and added: "If you really need help, Brother Qing will definitely give you a flying paper Crane, I think you should pay attention to Li Meng now. I bet if you didn't watch her do her homework within half an hour, she would definitely fall asleep on the desk."

Jiang Yu smiled helplessly upon hearing this. (to be continued)

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