Hunting High School

Chapter Four Big News

There are still more than ten minutes before class starts, and the classroom is bustling with excitement.

Zheng Qing took out the Dharma book and "Standard Spells · Freshman Year" from the gray bag, prepared a notebook and a brush, and waited for the teacher to arrive.

Xiao Xiao sat by the window, leaned his head and looked towards the direction of Linzhong Lake, and tapped the black-shell notebook on the table with his fingertips.

Zhang Jixin buried his face in his arms and lay motionless on the table.

"Did you not rest yesterday? It looks like you are in a bad mood." Zheng Qing poked the red-faced boy with the pen.

"Sequence after getting off the plane." Zhang Jixin's face was still buried in his arms, and he said in a low voice: "Last night I had a nightmare all night. I heard from my roommates that I still ground my teeth, which scared them terribly."

Zheng Qing nodded affectionately.

He also had a nightmare last night, and his eyelids have been twitching since this morning.

"I think this way of leaving the cabin of the special plane is inappropriate."

"But we have no choice."

"Why not use a boat? I mean, since we are on an island, it should be more convenient to use a boat."

"The speed is slow, the port is far away, and there are more monsters in the sea." Xiao Xiao did not turn his head, but replied in a lazy voice: "Also, if we take a boat, we may not fall from the sky, but we will definitely be wet ashore."

The girls in the front row couldn't help but chuckle.

It can be seen that Xiao Xiao's cold humor is very suitable for them.

"Why don't you use a clock to go to school?" Zheng Qing remembered the way he came home from Damingfang, and couldn't help but continue to ask: "I think this kind of magic is convenient and fast, and there is no room for accidents."

"The clock channel requires very advanced magic construction skills, which is a high-end travel method. Furthermore, there are too many students and limited channels, which are prone to accidents."

Xiao Xiao’s explanation here is not over yet, Xin Fatty on the other side of Zheng Qing suddenly shouted:

"Fuck! Big news!!"

Fatty pounded the table and stood up excitedly.

It startled all the students around.


"are you crazy!"

The girls in the front row clutched their chests and complained, then turned their heads and gave Xin Fatty a hard look.

Zheng Qing took the stack of newspapers from Fatty curiously.

On the back of the newspaper was an advertisement:

"Beta Town Post: You give us twenty-four minutes, and we give you twenty-four hours of the world!"

Turning to the headline on the front page, a line of big black characters came into view:

"The monster appeared on the special plane of the First University! (Wu Yuan August 2nd, Wu Xinshe Jiu Youdian)"

Zheng Qing was shocked and read it carefully.

"A demon appeared on the special plane for admission to the First University. A flight attendant was killed, but no student casualties were reported."

"This special plane is flying from Chang'an Airport to Phuket No. 1 University. There are about 1,000 students on board, including about 300 freshmen, and about 20 crew members. At about 1:00 noon, the demon appeared on the third day of the special plane. Restaurant No. 1, a flight attendant was killed on the spot. The special plane guards arrived later and drove the demon away."

"The first special plane for university entrance was developed by Martin Thor Alchemy Company and operated by Umong Moon Air. The equipment was put into use in 1990 to replace the Lianyunzhou system that had been in operation for 180 years. During the operation, There is no systemic loophole. At present, the person in charge of the relevant company is accepting the joint investigation work of First University and Trident Sword in Phuket Island, and the Grand Wizard Council is conducting a further risk assessment on the accident.”

"As of 9:00 a.m. on the second day of the lunar new year, the hunting team of the First University is still hunting for the murderer in the relevant waters of the North Sea. At present, no big monster has come forward to claim responsibility for this matter."

"It is believed that the demon that appeared on the special plane is a young lich named Nikita within a hundred years. She was a dropout student at Alpha College of First University. Ten years ago, she lost contact while entering Silent Forest for practical activities. The place where it reappeared was near a certain pyramid in Upper Egypt, where it clashed with a hunter, and the hunter died. It is reported that Sir Ulrich, the evil lich, once haunted the area.”

"Nikita was born in the northern district of Beta Town. Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was raised by magicians from the same district."

"Our reporter, Louvi Pulitzer."

The press release was so bland that it didn't even post a picture of the banshee.

If there is any merit, it is that this report basically restores the general situation of what happened. The only thing that made Zheng Qing a little uncomfortable was the last sentence of the news.

After flipping through the first few pages, most of them were discussing the accident. Including the meaningful comments of various commentators, the sharp interpretations of experts from all walks of life, and even the "Beta Town Post" has opened a special page to publish some readers' views on the accident.

"It's not news, isn't it? I've already told you about this matter in detail." Zheng Qing read through the report, but found no other valuable news except for the name of the banshee. So he shook his head and returned the newspaper to Xin Fatty.

"It's not that one, it's this one!" Xin Fatty snatched the newspaper with a look of disdain, and turned to the entertainment section.

A full-body portrait of a beautiful woman is hung on the left side of the page. Around the beautiful woman's waist, there is a line of deformed and distorted characters:

[Su Shijun gave birth out of wedlock, and the identity of the man is a mystery! 】

The actress is wearing a black cloak, with her face turned away from the readers, Zheng Qing can only see her graceful figure and melancholy eyes. Under her feet, there was a bunch of messy roses, scarlet petals scattered all over the ground.

"The newspaper said that Su Shijun had a baby!" Xin Fatty shouted excitedly.

The originally bustling classroom suddenly fell silent.

Then the freshmen cheered and crowded over.

"What did you say?"

"Let me see!"

"Impossible! It's definitely a rumor!"

"Spreading rumors is fun!..."

Zheng Qing stared dumbfounded at the crowd, a little at a loss.

He vaguely remembered the name Su Shijun.

Xiao Xiao said that Su Shijun is the heir of the Qingqiu Su family, and seems to be the number one beauty in the wizarding world. The purser on the special plane seems to be from the Su family.

Zheng Qing lowered his head and glanced at the huge photo again.

The beauty in the newspaper glanced angrily at the rioting classroom, raised the hood of her cloak, and hid her entire face in the shadows. All that remains of the whole page is a black shadow.

Zheng Qing shrugged and returned the newspaper to Xin Fatty.

With the help of a few skilled freshmen, Shin Fatty projected the report in mid-air.

"Ms. Su Shijun publicly stated to the Duke of Milton yesterday that she has no intention of further cooperation with the Karen family. She revealed for the first time when answering a reporter's question that she is married and has a son, and currently has no other long-term plans."

"Ms Su declined to respond to further questions."

"Ms. Su Shijun is twenty-five years old. She is the contemporary daughter of the Su family in Qingqiu. She is the youngest member of the parliament next month. According to the spokesperson of the Great Wizard Conference, the Grand Wizard Jury has received Ms. Su Shijun's application for relevant assessment. .”

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"The Duke of Milton is a member of the Blood Council, the current head of the Karen family, and one of the five members of the next month's council. It is rumored that the Duke has admired the Su family for a long time, and has had many disputes with the werewolf prince Wilhelm Potter for this reason."

"Qingqiu Su's spokesperson declined to comment on the relevant statements of Councilor Su."

"It is reported that Su Shijun will arrive at First University in early October to attend the opening ceremony of the annual school hunting party."

"At that time, she will hold a press conference to respond to related rumors."

The article is very short, probably less than 500 words.

But everyone carefully read it over and over again, trying to find a little reassuring vocabulary from the words and sentences.

However, the reality is so cruel.

There was silence in the classroom.

The boys' faces were ashen, as if mourning.

This situation is understandable to Zheng Qing. After all, the beloved goddess gave birth to a child inexplicably, which is a huge blow to any boy with longing for it.

But what the hell are the girls looking sullen about!

Just like Li Meng, who even threw herself into the arms of her cousin and burst into tears!

Zheng Qing felt a little toothache.

Although he was very interested in this legendary goddess of the wizarding world, he had no idea. The indifference produced by distance had already been experienced very deeply since he was a child.

When his peers are chasing stars, he prefers to stay in the study and practice big characters a few times.

Moreover, he couldn't understand that this serious-looking newspaper would use such a huge space to publish such gossip.

"The teacher is here!"

A strange cry came from the simple pencil drawing behind the classroom door:

"Sit down!"

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