Hunting High School

Chapter 5 The Professor's Opening Remarks

The courses of First University are divided into major courses and small courses according to the number of students in the class; according to the degree of professionalism, they are divided into whole-school courses and professional courses; and according to the importance of the courses, they are divided into compulsory courses and elective courses.

Zheng Qing's class is Tianwen 08-1 class, corresponding to it, magic text is their professional compulsory course.

The history course extended by the magic text is a professional elective course-this means that the book list of each freshman in class 08-1 of astronomy has subtle differences.

Another example is the philosophy of magic, which is not mandatory in Alpha Academy and Star Academy, and is a school-wide elective course. In order to save corresponding teaching resources, the school will arrange students from different colleges or classes to attend lectures together. This kind of course is a big class, and there are sometimes hundreds of students in the class.

Another example is the Charms class that is about to start. Any student from the First University needs to obtain enough credits for this class, which is a compulsory course for the whole school.

The students in this class belong to the Astronomy 08-1 class, which is a small class.

After receiving the warning from the pencil drawing behind the door, the chaotic atmosphere in the classroom subsided slightly.

Everyone returned to their own positions and sat down quietly.

Zheng Qing looked at the pencil drawing curiously, wondering:

"How does it know the professor is here?"

"It has stayed on the wall longer than many professors, and it is not surprising to know what the professor looks like." Xiao Xiao put away his own notebook and sat up a little: "Besides, you think that the painting only has this foothold ?"

Zheng Qing nodded in understanding.

"Be grateful to our omnipotent seniors." Zhang Jixin shook his head and patted him on the shoulder.

Zheng Qing sighed and turned his attention back to the textbooks that had been spread out in front of him.

He previewed the characters that he couldn't understand at all, trying to struggle before the teacher came in, so as not to behave too ugly in class.

However, if you don't understand, you still don't understand.

His eyes slid across the textbook without leaving a trace in his mind.

The classroom door was pushed open with a bang.

A tall, thin figure walked up to the podium with big strides.

Zheng Qing raised his head and looked nervously at this imposing man.

The professor was wearing a black robe with fluttering sleeves and feet, giving off a strange feeling. He had a sallow complexion, with small, but very dark, bright eyes. There are many wrinkles of different shades on his face, and although his hair is a little thin, it seems to be smooth because he has applied a lot of pomade. Although he was a little hunchbacked, the professor's tall figure covered up his flaws, giving him a sense of reliability instead.

Maybe forty, maybe sixty, maybe God knows how old he is.

Zheng Qing sat at the table with his head held high and his chest held high, thinking wildly in his mind.

"My name is Yao Xiaomi. I am your counselor. I am also the professor of your Charms class. I also teach the philosophy of magic in three classes including you."

Facing the freshmen in the classroom, the wizard with a combed-back hair flicked his right hand casually, and the three characters 'Yao Xiaomi' were clearly displayed on the blackboard.

Without a pause, he went on to say in a smiling, but very cadenced tone:

"You can call me 'Old Yao'. In fact, I am very happy that some students call me by this very relaxed name. However, I firmly oppose any students calling me 'Xiaomi', and even other derivatives such as 'Gaoliang', "Old Mi" and other titles! This is a great disrespect to the professor! The impact is extremely bad!"

As he said that, his right hand made several heavy movements from top to bottom, very much like those politicians on TV.

The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth couldn't help but twitched, seeing Lao Yao's actions, his heart suddenly felt a little relieved.

But many freshmen are still immersed in the sadness brought about by the big news not long ago.

The atmosphere in the classroom is a bit dull.

Professor Yao raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"It's strange! You are the first freshman who didn't laugh when I introduced myself. Melpomene's sigh, is there something I don't know? Don't make me Epimetheus."

There was still silence in the classroom.

Li Meng's sobs could only be heard faintly.

Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao, his face turned pale, he was horrified to find that he didn't understand most of the professor's last sentence.

"Did the teacher recite the spell just now?" He asked Xiao Xiao in a low voice.

Watermelon lowered his head weakly, and pushed the notebook in front of Zheng Qing.

"Melpamene, the goddess of lamentation, is also called the goddess of tragedy; her lament means 'what a tragedy.' Epimetheus, the stupidest god, means 'the one who knows later.' This is the wizarding world Two sayings, not spells."

Zheng Qing put his raised heart back into his stomach.

He was always worried that he could not understand the lectures of the school teachers.

It's nice to have a living dictionary.

On the podium, Professor Yao put the Fa books on the podium, walked slowly, and walked up to Li Meng.

"What happened?" He patted the little girl's head lightly.

Li Meng red-eyed, sobbing, and answered intermittently: "Su... hiccup... Su Shijun... yes... hiccup... has a child."

Zheng Qing buried his head on the desk, trying to avoid meeting other people's eyes.

He wanted to plug his ears too.

Li Meng's words made him feel embarrassed and cancer-like.

He couldn't understand the little girl's star chasing psychology.

It is even more impossible to understand their mentality of interweaving fantasy and reality.

Professor Yao nodded thoughtfully:

"Don't be anxious or worried about Mr. Su's matter." The professor walked slowly in the classroom and comforted him: "So far, there is only one vague message about this matter, and there is no clear statement. The school's October Councilor Su has been invited as a guest at the event, and I will ask her to explain to you in person!"

As he spoke, the professor waved his arm domineeringly again.

"Will she come?" a freshman asked in a low voice.

This is a rhetorical question that is not very respectful, but this question is rolling in the minds of every freshman.

It's absurd to ask a senator of next month's parliament to answer personal questions face-to-face with a group of freshmen.

"No problem!" Lao Yao replied very positively, and returned to the podium: "I can still confirm this matter."

The haze in the classroom gradually faded.

The news of being able to meet the goddess face to face in October dispelled the nightmare of the goddess giving birth.

Vitality returned to these young people.

"Can I ask the goddess to sign my clothes?"

"Can I give the goddess a scarf?"

"Can I shake hands with the goddess?"

"What clothes should I wear to meet the goddess!"

Almost everyone started to excitedly discuss the unwarranted things in a month's time.

Many people start planning every detail of meeting the Goddess in detail.

Xin Fatty in front of Zheng Qing was even considering whether to lose dozens of pounds of fat to avoid leaving a bad impression on the goddess.

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Lao Yao looked at the chaotic classroom with a smile, without the slightest intention to stop him.

for a long time.

He coughed lightly.

"Cough." Professor Yao looked at the newcomers with a smile: "Except for today's class, you still have four classes."

The classroom suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared at the professor closely, trying to understand what he meant.

"I will teach you two spells this month. Only students who have fully mastered these two spells can get tickets for the meeting."

Seeing that the classroom was about to fall into chaos again, Professor Yao raised his index finger and shook it slightly.

"Don't make a mess." He shook his head slightly, with a malicious smile on his face: "Don't make a mess."

"You have to show some performance this month. For example, good classroom discipline, excellent homework."

"This is the premise of the meeting."

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

Zheng Qing noticed that several boys beside him even straightened up, trying to sit up straighter.

He swallowed, admiring the professor's simple move.

Lao Yao looked at the restored classroom atmosphere with satisfaction, and resumed his lecture:

"Very good! I hope you keep it up."

"Then, let's continue."

"This is your second class in First University."

"Put away your Dharma books. In the first month, you will be more adapting. There may be some experimental teaching, but overall, it will not be too difficult. So, you don't need to be too nervous."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, and quickly put away the textbook at hand, feeling more relaxed all over.

"You don't need to start studying right away. You must first adapt to this atmosphere, get to know your classmates, know why you want to come here, and understand what you can get here."

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