Hunting High School

Chapter 155 Half-Hearted

Li Meng had a relationship with Su Ya, Zheng Qing had heard about it.

The First University is not small, but it is actually not that big. There are only so many faces that we often see back and forth on campus. In addition, this is a university, and there is no middle school or elementary school, so there are very few young wizards. There are very few little wizards who can chat and play with Su Ya.

Li Meng is one, and so is Lingo.

But because of gender and personality, Li Meng, who has a similar background, similar age, similar personality, and similar hobbies, is obviously more able to chat with Su Ya than Lin Guo, who acts rigidly and has a weird concept of time.

Regardless of men and women, loyalty is naturally the most important thing when friends are with friends.

Su Ya was assigned by the head maid of the Qingqiu mansion to pick pumpkins and build a pumpkin cart. As her little partner, Li Meng did his part to help Su Ya reduce some of the burden.

"...So, your task is very easy. You only need to pick a few pumpkins in the garden, and then draw a few monitoring runes on the pumpkin as required. The other things will be handled by the master alchemist of Qingqiu Mansion."

"I thought about it for a while. Among the people I know, you are the only ones who are more reliable...Of course, I need to declare in advance that these jobs are not paid! Not a single copper!"

In the last sentence, Li Meng spoke very seriously, raised her little index finger, dangled it in front of Zheng Qing's nose, and emphasized again: "But I will never force you to do this kind of thing!"

"That means we have a good relationship, so I plan to bring you together."

"If I go to the bulletin board outside and post a notice that the Qingqiu mansion is recruiting hourly workers, it won't take me a moment for those paper cranes to overwhelm me!"

Speaking of this, Li Meng stood on tiptoe like a little adult, patted the young public finance student on the shoulder, and put on a look of 'come and thank me'.

Zheng Qing looked at the little witch in horror, then turned to look at Dr. Xiao Da.

What about the preparations for the festival celebration? What about the preparations for the promised winter hunting? How did it become a matter of the Qingqiu Mansion? ! He even got involved with Su Ya's little Fox Spirit!

In fact, when he heard the word "Su Ya" from Li Meng's mouth, his heart started to tremble.

That little fox girl, like Li Meng, is both troublesome, and she is still a tearful young public finance student. He still clearly remembers that when he first met that little fox girl when he was hunting the moon, he was tormented by her tears. Therefore, on weekdays, Zheng Qing took Poseidon to the Qingqiu mansion, avoiding the little fox girl as much as she could.

Not to mention when there are many people!

Whether it was to prevent Poseidon's life experience from being leaked, or to avoid suspicion, he didn't think it was a good thing to appear in the Qingqiu Mansion with other people. He didn't think that little girl Su Ya could have a tacit understanding with him and pretend to be unfamiliar in front of outsiders.

For a moment, the young public fee student was full of melancholy, his mind was buzzing, and he was focused on picking himself out of this maelstrom.

But different from him, the other wizards of the forgiveness hunting team showed great interest in being able to get close to the Qingqiu Mansion.

"From the Qingqiu Mansion?!" Zhang Jixin repeated this word in a shocked tone.

"That's where Su Shijun is staying now?!" Xin Fatty's eyes lit up, and at some point he took out his own small notebook and quill, with the words "I want to interview" clearly written on his face.

In comparison, Dr. Xiao Da was a little calmer.

He first expressed a certain degree of contempt for Xin Fatty's words just now: "Ignorance... Su Shijun is not Jizi, nor is she a woman from the Ji family. Can she use the word Zhubi?"

Then, the short wizard adjusted his glasses and coughed softly: "Well, speaking of it, Su Ya and Zheng Qing also know each other, and we can be regarded as helping friends...Well, it's not a big deal for d&k to open anyway It is the duty-bound responsibility of every Jiuyou student to contribute to the friendly relationship between the parliament and First University next month!"

The awe-inspiring righteousness of these words occupies all the commanding heights that Zheng Qing can see, such as friendship and morality.

This puts him in an extremely passive position.

"Tch, boys." Facing the reactions of the wizards, Li Meng curled her lips, her expression predictable. After all, it is not an opportunity for every wizard to get close to the residence of Miss Su.

She didn't take this opportunity to ask a few wizards for a generous kickback as a tip, she was already very good friends.

Only Zheng Qing opened and closed his lips, closing and opening them again, like a salted fish in a dry rut. After hesitating again and again, in the end, he didn't dare to go against the general trend of Haohao Tangtang in front of him, nor did he find a random reason to refuse like the idea that just popped up in his mind.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

On the one hand, he has just signed the silent contract, on the other hand, it would be more suspicious to refuse on this kind of matter.

Thinking of that contract, the young public finance student suddenly had a flash of inspiration, realizing a small loophole in the silent contract he just signed.

Maybe it was too much emphasis on the principle of confidentiality. The simple silent contract only regulated the conditions for the contractor to keep secrets from beginning to end, and did not force the contractor to complete any work. Perhaps the person who drafted the contract did not think that some students would give up to Qingqiu Opportunity to do odd jobs in the mansion.

"If," Zheng Qing tentatively opened his mouth, he emphasized repeatedly: "Just if... If I have other things on Friday and fail to catch up with your work, will you wait for me?"

He'd really like to hear an answer like 'time is tight and we won't be delayed because of someone's absence'.

But the goddess Aurora likes to tease mortals on such small things.

"What can you do!" Xin Fatty stretched out his fat arms, grabbed the young Gongfei's neck, shook it, and laughed loudly: "I saw it all today, Irina's entire class I ignored you! What else can you do?"

Zheng Qing's face turned red all of a sudden.

But I don't know whether it was because Fatty's arms were wrapped around the neck, which caused the blood to not flow smoothly, or because Fatty's words were too piercing.

After laughing at Zheng Qing, Xin Fatty suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Li Meng again.

"Since it's a pumpkin cart, do you need us to help you buy pumpkins?" With a warm smile on his face, he almost wagged Li Meng's little hand: "I know a few druids in the town. The ability is very strong! The greenhouse opened is very good! It will definitely be able to provide perfect pumpkins! Our boys are very strong, so buy and ship! "

Several exceptions in a row showed some of his confidence.

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