Hunting High School

Chapter 156: Faux Pas

Just when Xin Fatty diverted his attention and showed off his rich contacts outside the school to Li Meng, the young public finance student finally broke free from under Fatty's arms.

Hearing Fatty's bragging, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Qingqiu Mansion still needs you to buy pumpkins? The pumpkins in their garden are overrun now! Even those flower sperm, weeds that sneak into the garden every day to overwinter Sperms are not rare to eat that stuff, why do you need to find some druids!"

As soon as the words came out, the public fee student regretted a little.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, several other young wizards including Li Meng turned their heads in unison and looked at him with strange eyes.

That look made the scalp tingle and the heart tremble.

"Hehe..." The little witch showed an expression that you really have a ghost.

"Is that so?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows, pulled out the own notebook from his pocket again, then took off the cap of the brush, brought it to his mouth, and licked it slowly.

"Ahem." Zhang Jixin didn't speak, but coughed twice, then folded his arms and stood there, bulging his strong biceps, smiling without saying a word.

And Xin Fatty, smacking his mouth, stretched out his stubby arms again, and wrapped the neck of the young public payer.

"Well, explain explain?" Fatty's tone was very friendly, but his demeanor was a little rude. Zheng Qing could even clearly feel the throbbing of blood vessels at his temples, and for a few moments, he seemed to hear the creaking and moaning of his neck bones.

"Explain...explain...explain what?!" Struggling to take a breath, the young public finance student still held a trace of fantasy in his heart, and tried to express an innocent expression. At the same time, his mind was spinning crazily, trying to find an appropriate excuse.

"Explain, why do you know what happened in the garden of the Qingqiu Mansion." Li Meng spoke impatiently, and immediately asked Eight Trigrams: "Even I have never been there! Su Ya came to me several times Just kidding, he said he would take me to the garden to catch flower sperm, but in the end it all went away..."

"Qingqiu Mansion is so famous, this is not some secret news." Zheng Qing laughed a few times, trying to continue to muddle through.

But it is a pity that Dr. Xiao Da is standing aside, and he is still on the 'opposite side' of him.

"Including the Qingqiu mansion, many mansions in the western part of Beta Town are shrouded in powerful guardian magic. Without the permission of the owner, no one will know the exact location of those mansions. Let alone know the mansions Is there a garden here, and are there any pumpkins?"

The young public finance student's heart sank suddenly.

Xiao Xiao took off his glasses, wiped the lenses calmly, then raised his head and glanced at Zheng Qing: "In other words, only if you have been to the Qingqiu Mansion, you will know that the pumpkins in it are overrun. Already... Now the question is, why do you know the specific address of Qingqiu Mansion?"

"Of course the address of the mansion was written on the note Su Shijun gave me." This answer Zheng Qing only dared to think about it in his head, and decided not to say it.

Speaking out is a big trouble. Why did Su Shijun give you a note? How did you know Su Shijun? What is the relationship between you two? How many times have you been to Qingqiu Mansion? Wait, a series of questions will follow.

Young public finance students can fully predict the consequences of telling the truth.

But it's also not a good choice without telling the truth.

Having grown up so much, one of the things that Zheng Qing understands the most is that if you can tell the truth, you must never lie. Because every lie requires countless others to make up. But a lie is a lie after all, when the truth cannot be made up, it is when the truth collapses.

Perhaps it is to see through some thoughts behind Zheng Qing's wandering eyes.

Dr. Xiao reminded in a 'good faith' way: "If you want to say that you heard gossip in the wandering bar, I must remind you that wandering wizards are very strict about the control of 'certain news' in the bar. Especially those involving When it comes to great wizards, or some large wizarding forces, they are even more cautious."

"Unfortunately, whether it is Su Shijun, who is a great wizard, or the Qingqiu Su clan, who is a large force, or the council under the moon, they all meet the above conditions."

"Not to mention the figures chasing behind Miss Su."

"As long as the wandering wizard doesn't want his shop to be demolished by some rough werewolf prince or duke of vampires, he will definitely not allow anyone to chew on the news of Miss Su in the bar."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Take a step back, even if there is indeed news about the Qingqiu mansion spread in the homeless bar, then the cost of that news is definitely not something that a poor public-funded student like you can afford."

The last sentence seems a bit hurtful.

But the young public finance student touched his shriveled gray cloth bag, and finally lowered his head dejectedly.

"Moreover, there must be many people who know about the news that can be spread in the homeless bar." Xin Fatty let go of his arm, let Zheng Qing take a breath, and added on the side: "When I used to collect news with the senior, more than I went to the Wandering Bar once... It was full of newspaper and media reporters. The "Beta Town Post" even booked a place in the bar for a long time. If there is any news, they run faster than anyone else. That's it, I I haven't heard of your news just now."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily.

Most of the time, having an all-knowing friend is a great experience especially in unfamiliar environments, surrounded by strange things, but it's terrible if this 'know-it-all' isn't on your side.

Now he would rather be pissed on by Poseidon than be surrounded by several partners.

"It's Poseidon!" The young public finance student's mind was about to smoke, and he finally came up with a half-truth and a little half-false excuse: "You all know Su Ya! Yes, it is the Su Ya that Li Meng just mentioned. bud!"

"Su Ya likes Poseidon very much. He always plays with it, and even takes him to the Qingqiu Mansion to play hide-and-seek...I always go there to bring Poseidon back, right!"

"Why didn't Su Ya bring Poseidon back to you personally?" Li Meng immediately questioned.

"It's very troublesome to run back and forth every time... That little fox girl has always been very lazy, you know." Zheng Qing immediately gave a very reasonable explanation.

"That is to say, you went to Qingqiu Mansion because of Poseidon?" Xin Fatty looked at Zheng Qing suspiciously.

"I can swear according to the "Wizard Code"!" Zheng Qing immediately raised three fingers towards the sky. This move was not deceitful, he could really swear. Because he was able to go to Qingqiu Mansion, it was indeed because of Poseidon.

Yes! That's how it was originally!

After several questions and answers, several other people also believed it.

"It's's like a dog's power." Fatty muttered enviously.

"Poseidon is a fox, not a dog." Zheng Qing heaved a sigh of relief, smiled broadly, and had the energy to correct the minor flaw in Fatty's words just now.

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