Hunting High School

Chapter 157 Three Sets Of Plans

Although Li Meng and others were fooled by half-truths and half-false words, Zheng Qing didn't think he could sit back and relax from now on. Just like the story in a novel, every character who thinks this way will die a miserable death in the end.

Therefore, he finally made up his mind that he must not go to the Qingqiu mansion with Li Meng, Xiao Xiao and others after class on Friday.

If you don't go, there is still room for maneuver in exchanging space for time. If he went there, he might be exposed because of Su Ya and other acquaintances in the Qingqiu mansion, and he would eventually fall into the terrifying Shura field.

Just thinking about it makes you breathless.

Therefore, he must find an appropriate escape plan before Friday. This plan needs to meet two conditions. First, keep him away from the Qingqiu mansion, or prevent him from appearing in the Qingqiu mansion with other people; The plan must be 'gentle and smooth', and must not leave a 'stiff and rigid' impression on anyone, and must not make others aware of the fact that he deliberately avoided the Qingqiu mansion.

After all, what he is trying to stay away from is the residence of the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world in Beta Town, and according to the reliable information circulated by the First University, Su Shijun is currently studying at the First University, which means that the young wizards who are going to Qingqiu Mansion to visit It is very possible to get close to that beautiful woman. At this time, if Zheng Qing tries to forcefully stay away from that mansion, it will only leave two impressions on others:

Or, there is a problem with some of his orientations; or, he has a ghost in his heart, and he dare not see Miss Su.

Either way, it couldn't be worse for young public finance students.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time. From Monday to Friday, he still has more than four days as a buffer to figure out an appropriate escape plan.

After several days of hard thinking about Meditation, Zheng Qing finally finalized three plans that seemed a bit reliable. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Zheng Qing decided to implement the three plans simultaneously.

The first plan is to find 'foreign aid' such as Lao Yao.

As the dean of Jiuyou College, if Professor Yao asks Zheng Qing to visit him in the office after class on Friday, then the young public-funded student can force a 'sorrowful' smile and watch him off with 'sad' eyes. His companions went to Qingqiu mansion to attend the meeting, but he "helplessly" obeyed the instructions of the top leader of the college, and went to the office building to obey orders.

This plan has many advantages, for example, Zheng Qing’s failure to keep the appointment can be blamed on Lao Yao, the reason is very “tough” and will not arouse the suspicion of his companions, and it is even possible to get everyone’s sympathy and some gifts as compensation, and so on.

What's even more wonderful is that Zheng Qing has a perfect reason, and he can be sure that Professor Yao will send the notice that it is his eyes.

Since being stimulated on the day of the heavy snowfall, Zheng Qing's eyes were suspected to be congested and reddened at the same time. Although the school hospital did not find any adverse symptoms after repeated inspections, Professor Yao still talked to him about the eyes more than once, and told the young wizard to contact him in time for reexamination if he felt any abnormalities in the eyes.

Zheng Qing believes that all he needs to do is to fly a paper crane and vaguely mention on the letter to Professor Yao that his eyes have redness, swelling, pain and other discomfort recently, then there is a high possibility that the professor will recruit him to the office to deal with this matter discuss in detail.

The only factor that will limit the effect of this plan is the "time node" when Zheng Qing contacted Professor Yao.

If the contact is too early, it is likely that after the Friday practice class, young public-funded students will be called into the office by Lao Yao, and the expected effect will not be achieved; if the contact is too late, Zheng Qing may be in Lao Yao's office. Before Zhihe flew, he was forced to follow everyone to the Qingqiu mansion.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to fly paper cranes to the professor after lunch at noon on Friday.

And Zheng Qing's second plan also happens to be implemented on Friday.

Different from the first set of plans, the second set of plans is based on 'self'.

Class 08-1 of Astronomy has a practical class on Friday afternoon, which is held together with Alpha College, and the teacher is assistant teacher Hilda.

The main purpose of the practical class is to guide the young wizards in the school to master various magic skills and use them flexibly in hunting activities, so that the students will not be too focused on the theory and become nerds.

Since it involves real magic practice, it is inevitable to get hurt during the practice. For this reason, the First University specially arranged professional medical staff to supervise the classroom to prevent accidents. provided a solid basis for the argument.

That is, the school uniformly arranges the practical classes on Friday afternoon, so that students can have enough time to heal their injuries during the two days on Saturday and Sunday.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Of course, this statement has not been officially confirmed by First University.

However, this privately circulated statement provided a very good idea for Zheng Qing's second plan.

He intends to 'overuse' a little in the practice class on Friday afternoon. According to the school hospital's habit, all patients with magic injuries need to stay in the school hospital for more than six hours to ensure that those magic injuries will not have some Hidden sequelae.

Six hours is enough for Zheng Qing to avoid the arrangement of Qingqiu Clubhouse, and it will not affect the opening plan of d&k the next day.

Except for a little flesh and blood, this plan is perfect.

But there are exceptions to everything.

The more perfect the plan, the easier it is to fail due to some seemingly insignificant variables during the implementation process.

like now.

"Practice class canceled?!"

Holding a bitten meat bun in his hand, Zheng Qing ignored the grease dripping from the corner of his mouth, just stared at the squad leader Tang Dun who came to report the report, and screamed. Just a few minutes ago, he was still thinking about the afternoon. Find someone to be a training partner in the practice class, and you can make minor accidents without showing any traces.

As a result, his plan was declared aborted before he could come up with any tricks.

It's Friday noon, officially lunch time. Even in the bustling cafeteria, the voice of the young public fee student was still a bit prominent, which attracted many curious eyes.

"Yeah, not only this week's class has been cancelled, but also next week's practical class." Downton scratched Own's scalp, and spread his hands helplessly: "According to the teaching assistant Hilda's words, Because the end of the term is coming soon, it is estimated that the practical class hours of this semester will be occupied by other more important subjects... Everyone should be mentally prepared."

"No... I'm still thinking about the practice class in the afternoon to catch my breath!" Xin Fatty wailed, raised the scroll in his hand, took a hard bite, and said with grief and indignation: "Aren't there exams for other subjects, the practice class doesn't they? How can you do this! Isn't this class a compulsory course for the whole school?"

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