Hunting High School

Chapter 159 Calming Talisman

The time in Fu class in the afternoon was more difficult than Zheng Qing imagined.

On the pocket watch, the slender second hand was beating one frame at a time, not in a hurry, it was heart-wrenching to watch. The color of the sunlight outside the window also changed from strong to light, and then faint, gradually falling behind the teaching building.

In the classroom, almost all the students pricked up their ears and stared at the teacher's copybook on the blackboard, lest they miss a line or half a word, and finally went to the examination room and regretted it.

Standing on the podium, Teacher Zhang also explained the key points and difficulties of this year's final exam to the students very seriously, and occasionally mixed some of her experience in the exam that year. The focus of the review is also eye-catching.

But Zheng Qing was sitting under the podium, pretending to be listening carefully, while waiting impatiently for Dean Yao's summons. Most of his hopes now rest on Professor Yao.

"As long as Lao Yao cooperates with me to complete this plan, I promise not to drink millet porridge for a month!"

The young public-funded student stared at the blackboard blankly, full of this idea because Professor Yao's name is 'Yao Xiaomi'. On weekdays, whenever the students are dissatisfied with him, they will always yell and form groups. , Go to the cafeteria or the pedestrian street to drink two bowls of millet porridge together. So much so that millet porridge has gradually become one of the most popular delicacies in Jiuyou College.

Not drinking millet porridge for a month, in Zheng Qing's view, is already a very sincere expression.

Xu Shi heard the prayer from the heart of the young public finance student.

Halfway through the talisman class, a blue origami crane suddenly brushed against the crack of the door and broke into the classroom from the outside. Then hovering in front of Mr. Zhang, this is the default classroom order of First University. During class, if there is a paper crane looking for someone, it must be approved by the teacher.

Lecturer Zhang, who was breaking down a high-level talisman for everyone on the podium, was a little annoyed after being interrupted by the paper crane. But when she saw the label on the paper crane, she couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on her face.

"Zheng Qing?" She raised her head and looked straight to the rear of the classroom, her tone was much gentler than her expression: "Student Zheng Qing... the paper crane that Professor Yao gave you, do you want to take a look now?"

Zheng Qing stood up with a 'hula'.

Because he was standing too fast, he accidentally bumped the desk in front of him and tilted it a bit. The ear-piercing sound of table legs rubbing against the floor attracted the attention of many people.

"Should...not...take a look." The young public finance student nervously adjusted the big sunglasses on his face, his voice was a little high-pitched because of the haste. This time, even Xiao Xiao, who was sitting beside him, raised his head from his notebook and glanced at him.

"Do you want it, or don't you want it?" Teacher Zhang was a little happy when he heard the wizard's answer.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, feeling that Blood Qi was a little rising, and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face, but he still repeated in a very clear voice: "It depends."

The female lecturer on the podium smiled, didn't say anything, but let go of her hand, letting the paper crane fly towards the back row of the classroom. At the same time, she coughed softly, drawing back the attention of those in the class who had just strayed:

"Okay, everyone else look at the blackboard again, let's continue to analyze this talisman...Student Xin, please turn your head to the front."

"Teacher, I also want to see what is written on the paper crane." Xin Fatty raised his hand with a smile, and said something half-complaining. Using the cover of the desk, Zheng Qing raised his leg and kicked Fatty's ass, signaling him to shut up.

"If the paper crane was given to you by Professor Yao, then I can agree to your request." Teacher Zhang politely refused Fatty's request, then turned around, knocked on the blackboard hard, and raised her voice slightly: "Come on, let's continue to analyze this 'calming talisman'."

"I just finished explaining how to write the character 'Shang' at the top."

"Then we look at the bottom left of the character 'Shang', which is shaped like the character 'Go' in cursive script, slightly lifted, connected slightly, to the bottom, and then suddenly raised, entering the upper right and jumping out; and the lower right of the character 'Shang' is 'bow' The shape is folded horizontally, with a total of seven strokes, and the strokes are continuous, so you can't pick up the pen after writing."

"Why can't you pick up a pen?"

"This is related to the two main points when writing the 'Peace Qi Talisman'."

"First, in the second step just mentioned, it must be picked in from the upper right; second, we will talk about the sixth step later, the horizontal line where the pen ends must be from the upper right to the lower left, and there can be white , but don’t write continuously, otherwise the breath won’t escape.”

"If you just picked up the pen in the third step, then when you finish the pen at the end, you will also block the air hole..."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

On the podium, Teacher Zhang was re-immersed in the rune analysis in the blink of an eye. And the students in the audience, after running away for a few minutes, forced themselves to record the teacher’s analysis method word by word. Students need to use their brains and find ways to interpret it by themselves.

Including but not limited to the main points of writing the rune, what are the basic runes used, how to combine the rune gallbladder, how to outline the rune feet, and so on. If you usually just memorize it by rote and don't understand the methods taught by the teacher in class, then even if you memorize the entire "Basic Talisman" for the first year of college, it won't help.

Of course, when talking about this matter, Mr. Zhang also specially added a sentence, the exception of being able to write all the basic symbols proficiently. This sentence made Zheng Qing gain another wave of envious and jealous eyes.

Just like now, young public-funded students can openly receive summons paper cranes in class, while other students can only listen to the lecture on the stage bitterly, and cannot take a nap.

This is one of the perks that good students can enjoy.

It's just that Zheng Qing doesn't feel any joy or ecstasy now.

Because he just took apart the paper crane.

On the paper crane, there is only a short line.

"Symptoms are known. Not abnormal. Pay attention to rest. We will talk after the Sunday class meeting."

One line, eighteen characters, plus punctuation marks, a total of twenty-two characters. Xu Shi was a little anxious when writing, and the handwriting on the letter paper was a little scribbled, which was in stark contrast to the professor's usual vigorous and powerful version.

Zheng Qing stared at the letter paper expressionlessly, and was silent for five minutes.

Then he bravely raised his hand.

Mr. Zhang, who had just talked about the sixth step of writing the "peaceful talisman", had to stop again, and signaled the young public fee student to stand up and speak.

"Teacher, I have something to go out." Zheng Qing said bravely.

"Now?" Teacher Zhang looked a little surprised.

Zheng Qing responded with a wry smile, and at the same time glanced vaguely at the letter on the table. It seemed that he wanted to tell the teacher that he was helpless.

The lecturer on the stage seemed a little frustrated, but he didn't stop him. He just gave a final warning: "Well, then remember to read classmate Xiao Xiao's class notes after class. There are some new contents in today's class..."

Zheng Qing listened, nodding his head quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Xiao Xiao listened, rolled his eyes, and said nothing.

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