Hunting High School

Chapter 160: The Messenger

It's half past three in the afternoon.

There are less than two hours until the big liberation of the weekend. Because it was the time when classes were in session, the entire school was shrouded in a quiet atmosphere.

Zheng Qing walked out of classroom 101 in the middle of the teaching building, and walked a few steps. As soon as he was out of the corridor, he guessed that everyone could not hear his footsteps, so he ran away, rushing to the dormitory.

Along the way, apart from the sound of him panting with his mouth wide open, the only thing he could hear was the whining and humming of the occasional cold wind passing by the treetops. If it is blown by the cold wind on weekdays, the young wizard must take a few pieces of windproof and warm talisman paper on his body, and then walk slowly with his head shrunk, never letting those chilly guys get into his collar .

But not today.

The young wizard's time was very tight. He used a semi-inducing way to cheat half a class vacation from Teacher Zhang, and he must not waste it on walking slowly.

But even if he hurried all the way back to the dormitory, he had to stop at the door of the dormitory for a few minutes, waiting for Ni Wuye to let him go.

Unlike the wizard who waited anxiously, Fifth Master Ni seemed to always be that unhurried look.

He lazily opened his eyes, lazily opened his mouth, lazily stretched out his tongue, rolled the waste cigarette pills that Zheng Qing handed over into his mouth, and then smacked his mouth with insatiable desire. The only thing that was different was that Mr. Ni took a second look at the young public finance student today, as if he was surprised why the young wizard came back so early.

Because Fifth Master Ni has almost never spoken to his classmates, and he has always shown a lack of flexibility, so even if the little bronze beast looked at him with scrutiny, Zheng Qing just laughed along with him, silently waiting for it to open the door, completely in his heart. There was no thought of cracking jokes.

The corridors of the dormitory were also unusually quiet.

If there is any difference between the quietness here and the outside, it is that the corridor is quieter than the campus outside, and there is a little more heating. When rushing into the dormitory, such a nonsensical comparison floated in the mind of the young public finance student.

But the thought was just fleeting.

And as Zheng Qing pushed open the dormitory door, the silence that was maintained all the way was forced to come to an end.

"Fuck! Why are you here?!"

The young public-funded student half stood inside the dormitory, half of his body was still in the corridor outside, staring at the figure that appeared in the dormitory, with a tangled expression on his face: "Also, what are you doing..."

"I'm going! I should ask you this question... It's only what time, why did you run back? The legendary absenteeism?!" In the dormitory, a handsome naked wizard was panicking. Putting a robe on his body in a panic, at the same time he couldn't help but said madly: "As for why I am here... because I just got up!! Where am I not here!! And you, can you come in next time? Knock on the door first?! Would it kill me to be more polite?!"

The mad wizard is Dylan.

Hearing his answer, Zheng Qing suddenly came to his senses. Mr. Vampire Werewolf's schedule is exactly the opposite of everyone else's. Others leave early and return late, but he returns early and leaves late. Occasionally going out for a walk during the day is equivalent to staying overnight.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and according to Dylan's usual habits, it was about the time he woke up.

It's just that when everyone comes back from get out of class on weekdays, this elegant noble under the moon is often dressed well, with oil on his hair, powder on his face, crisp robes, tight belts, and shiny cufflinks like today. It was the first time in Zheng Qing's memory that this kind of 'treat each other honestly'.

Although he really wanted to see how some of the reproductive organs of the vampire werewolf were different from normal wizards, but out of the safety point of view, the young public welfare student obediently moved his eyes to the six-poster bed next to him.

Well, it looks like Dylan has just woken up. His six-poster bed, with its big red curtains still undrawn, looked very messy. Through the gap in the curtain, he could see that the lid of the black coffin was also opened wide, like a monster that chooses to eat people.

This is not a good sign.

The young public finance student hastily avoided his eyes, and then moved his eyes diagonally upwards.

Then a flash of bright yellow light came unexpectedly, almost blinding his eyes.

"Damn it! Why is that bronze mirror still hanging there!" Zheng Qing covered his eyes and shouted, "Didn't I tell you to throw it away a long time ago? After hanging it for so long, the talisman on it has already expired." !"

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The bronze mirror he was talking about was a few months ago when Sandworm hadn’t been caught by the school. Because of the rampant rumors on campus, many students were decorating their dormitories with various Bixie decorations to ward off evil spirits. Dormitory 403 is no exception. Including mahogany swords, Bixie ash, and anti-demon charms carved all over the house.

This bronze mirror was also hung in the dormitory by Dylan at that time.

Later, when Sha Shichong was caught and the rumors died down, Zheng Qing proposed more than once to take the mirror off the ceiling. But because everyone finds it bothersome, and the elves will occasionally fly to the mirror for a while, so this matter has been delayed again and again, and it has been dragged on until today, which blinded the young wizard again .

"If you want to get rid of you, do it yourself, no one is stopping you!" Dylan's angry voice came from the side.

Hearing that his voice had returned to normal, the young public finance student carefully removed his hands covering his eyes. I saw Mr. Vampire Werewolf standing in front of the full-length mirror as usual, meticulously taking care of his own image, and occasionally reaching into the small copper box in front of him, digging out some viscous liquid, and smearing it on his head.

At the same time, the little elves who noticed the return of the public-funded students also flew up from Tuantuan's belly one after another, ending their afternoon nap, or pouring tea, or ironing towels, or tidying the desk and bed, looking like little experts at home. appearance.

"You haven't said why you came back so early today?!" As if sensing the prying eyes of the public servant, Dylan squinted his head and glanced at him, repeating the previous question, and guessed at the same time: "You guys these days Didn’t you keep talking about going to the Qingqiu mansion? Did you leave early today because of this? That teacher Hilda is so easy to talk to?”

Only then did Zheng Qing remember the troubles on her body, and couldn't help but yelled.

"Oops! Almost forgot!"

He didn't bother to explain to Dylan that the practice class was canceled this afternoon and changed to a talisman class, and he didn't care about Dylan's surprised eyes. After just a brisk walk, he rushed into the dormitory, kicked off his shoes twice, plunged into his own six-poster bed, and lowered the curtain.

Through the thick curtain, he said to Dylan in a hasty tone: "When they come back, tell them that Lao Yao has arranged something for me today, which will be troublesome... I guess I won't be able to go to the Qingqiu Guild Hall for a while. Tell them not to wait for me... I will make amends to Li Meng later!"

"Originally, I planned to leave the paper crane to convey the message, but it happens that you are here, so I will let you convey it."

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