Hunting High School

Chapter 161 Cat Trading

"Do your own thing...why don't you tell them yourself?!"

"You let me, a 1,500-year-old old man, be your mouthpiece, and you still use an orderly tone, and you don't even use the word 'please'. Have you considered the dignity of the nobles under the moon? Do you even talk about respecting the old?" I love the old traditional virtues!"

"Well, having said that... If I help you pass the message, can I take your place?"

"Anyway, according to what you said, you won't have time for a while, and you won't be able to go to the Qingqiu mansion... Help me to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and I'll help you go to the mansion for a while."

"If we happen to meet Miss Su, do you want me to bring her autograph for you? If so, where do you plan to sign it... Do you have a clean shirt or a new law book? A new notebook is also fine."

"Hey, anyway, I want to help you, let me give you a reply!"

"It's all a dormitory, a hunting team, and you know everything. Are you still afraid that I will cheat you? By the way, if I go instead of you, do I need to find a guarantor? You will guarantee it for me, right... Mutual benefit Reciprocity, right?"

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence..."

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Dylan carefully polished his sharp fangs with his small ivory-handled brush, and complained endlessly to Zheng Qing that after being suddenly assigned a task by a young public fee student, he felt that he You have every reason to complain like that.

It's just that no matter how excited and spittle he said, there was still no response from the curtain covering Zheng Qing's six-poster bed. If it wasn't for the exuberant vitality of the young public welfare student through the curtain, Dylan would have been unable to hold back his curiosity, and would have opened the curtain to find out.

But until he brushed the two tusks clean, powdered and polished the tips of the teeth, there was still no movement behind the curtain.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

After taking off the obsidian cufflinks for the third time and replacing them with two ruby ​​cufflinks, the reserved noble under the moon finally couldn't bear it, and cautiously approached Zheng Qing's tent.


"Zheng Qing? Are you still there?"

"The public-funded students of Jiuyou Academy..."

With a long voice, every time he changed his name, he took a step closer to the tent. After a few steps, the red curtain was within reach.

A few elves flapped their wings, held their small arms, and blocked his nose, as if they would not give an inch.

"Excuse me, I just want to see if your master is smothered to death by the pillow." Dylan bowed to the elves and said kindly.

I don't know if they understood what he said, but although the elves responded 'xixi', they didn't show any intention of moving away. Instead, they moved closer and closer, almost touching Dylan's eyelashes.

Just when Dylan was considering whether to use a little magical power to solve these small troubles, a voice finally came out from the tent:

"As long as you bring the news, it doesn't matter if you want to follow them and be a coolie."

"The premise is that Li Meng has no objection to adding you to the temporary labor list."

"As for the autograph you mentioned, well, if it's convenient, you can bring me one... There is an unopened law book in the desk drawer, which is a Thanksgiving gift from the Student Union to the government-funded students. It is enough for autographs. "

Listening to Zheng Qing's fairly orderly arrangement, Dylan couldn't help frowning.

Compared with before, that is, when he entered the dormitory, the voice of the young public finance student was a little hoarse, as if he hadn't drank water all night and then forced himself to speak. Gives a feeling of extra effort.

"Are you okay?" Dylan poked his head and asked with concern: "Didn't you just say that Dean Yao arranged for you to do something? Do you need help?"

"No, thank you!" The voice in the tent roughly interrupted the vampire werewolf's kindness.

Seemingly aware of own's impoliteness, the young public-funded student immediately explained in a remedial manner: "... If you plan to join the work of Qingqiu Mansion for a while, it is best to go outside the teaching building and wait for Li Meng to finish class, so that both sides can discuss room. Well, there is less than half an hour before the end of get out of class, so you still have time to run faster."

"Also, if I were you, before negotiating with Li Meng, I would definitely give her some favors... For example, a piece of Black Forest cake, or a small bag of crispy cream puffs would be nice."

"Don't buy dim sum in the school cafeteria. The workmanship is too rough and the taste is too strong. I recommend you to go to the Miao Miao dessert shop on the pedestrian street. It is just next to Shuang Tang Ji. The newly opened shop is very popular. Li Meng I've said it several times."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Also, you must carry Jiang Yu behind your back when giving gifts. She doesn't like Li Meng eating too much sweets, and she's been very strict lately..."

Before the nagging in the tent was finished, Dylan ran out like a gust of wind.

Thirty seconds after running out, the dormitory door was knocked open again with a bang.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf looked at the frightened elves with apologetic expression, and quickly explained: "I left in a hurry, I almost forgot our Dagong Feisheng's notebook..."

As he spoke, he rushed to the desk in a few steps, opened Zheng Qing's drawer, and found an unopened thick and bulging soft-covered law book from inside.

"Tsk, the student union has always been so stingy." Dylan shook his head, then turned his head and smiled at the elves surrounding Zheng Qing's tent, and ran out like a gust of wind.

The whole dormitory, in this farce, the only thing that didn't react from beginning to end, maybe only the fat cat who was napping on Xin Fatty's pillow after eating and drinking. It just shook when Dylan broke into the room again. He shook his ears and didn't even open his eyes.

But its 'stableness' came to an end less than five minutes after Dylan left the dormitory.

Because a black cat slipped out from the crack of Zheng Qing's curtain without making a sound, then walked on catwalks, walking unhurriedly in front of Fat Cat Tuantuan.

Fat Cat finally couldn't stand the close distance of the same kind, and opened one eye angrily.

What are you doing? !

Tuantuan questioned the black cat with his eyes, and flicked his tail subconsciously.

"Cough, I know you can understand me," the black cat squatted in front of Tuantuan, and coughed pretendingly: "When they come back at night, if the atmosphere in the dormitory is good, fly me a red one." If the atmosphere is bad, fly me a white paper crane... Hey, the paper crane is in my drawer, already folded."

Fat Mao closed his eyes again indifferently.

"Five chicken legs, two deposits." The black cat immediately raised its paw.

On the pillow, a claw protruded from the ball of fur that had been clumps like lightning, and slapped Zheng Qing's paw.

make a deal!

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