Hunting High School

Chapter 171: Overwhelming Guest

"Here! And here! Put flower baskets!"

"There's a stone under the table, are you all blind? Why don't you clean it up!"

"And the rug, where is the black rug? Put it on! Do you want big men to walk on dirt?"

The little mouse in a blue vest with its hands behind its back walked vigorously back and forth in the narrow shop, waving its arms from time to time, shouting loudly, arranging various reception matters.

A group of mice wearing the same blue vest tightly surrounded it. From time to time, a few mice rushed out, adjusting the layout and deficiencies of the store according to the wishes of the blue mouse.

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Zheng Qing folded his arms and stood at the side of the counter, watching with cold eyes.

Xin Fatty stood on the other side of the counter, guarding in front of the rows of cages by the wall, carefully watching every move of the uninvited customers in the store. And Fatty Cat Tuantuan also left the hard surface at this moment, lying on Fatty's head, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, casually staring at the rats taking over the hosts, a faint sneer appeared on the chubby cat's face.

A few minutes ago, Ding Dong's ears informed them of their coming, and after a brief discussion with his companions, Zheng Qing conditionally agreed to all the reasonable demands of the mice. Anyway, they are also guests, and they have reason to ask for all of them.

This clear-cut tacit understanding finally disintegrated after Dingdang Er arranged for the rats to lay black carpets inside and outside the shop. The young public fee student had to clear his throat, and took a step forward, standing in front of the mice.

"Ahem," he stood on tiptoe, squatted on his heels, put his hands on the ground, and looked into Ding Dong's eyes from a lower angle as much as possible: "I need to remind you... wizards don't use black carpets. They During festivals, if a carpet is required, it will only be red.”

Ding Dang, who was waving his arms and pointing at Jiangshan at first, froze when he heard the words. It took a while to turn around, look at its companion, and asked in surprise, "Is that so?"

"Seems to be."

"That's right!"

"Yes, that's how it is. We Rat Clan are different from wizards."

The blue vest mice around it nodded their heads and agreed with each other.

This conclusion made Ding Dang's ears look a little sad, especially when he thought of the black carpet in a certain huge office, his mood became even worse.

However, this is not the rat world below.

Here is the surface, a world with a yellow moon and a red sun, the world of wizards.

Walking in such a world, the weak Rat Race must learn to compromise.

"In this case, let's change it to a red carpet." Ding Dong reluctantly nodded his ears, retracted his long tail from mid-air, wrapped it around its waist twice, and tied a knot.

Hearing this, several mice in green vests immediately rolled up the black carpet that had just been laid for a few meters, rolled it into a bucket, carried it on their shoulders, and hurried away from the black hole that was 'expanded' to a height of one foot along the corner of the wall. go. I believe that within a few minutes, a group of equally busy mice in green vests will rush back carrying a roll of red carpet.

After pointing out the inconsistent aesthetics with the mice, Zheng Qing did not continue to interfere with their subsequent adjustment work, but stood up straight, sighed, and looked around.

In the small shop, on the walls that were originally clean, from time to time, one or two mice wearing red vests quickly crawled over the skirting boards at the bottom, the plaster statues at the top, or the ceiling with soft light shining. The lamps, as well as the surfaces of the furniture covered with purple-black lacquer, left the figures of those red vest mice everywhere.

After seeing a red vest mouse kick over a small mahogany horse tie, and then left a few strange scratches on it with its small paws, the young public fee student finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and looked at Ding Dong's ears.

"Excuse me, can I ask what they are doing?" The wizard kindly suggested own: "Or, if they are looking for something, they can tell us... there is no need to be so rude at all."

"They?" Ding Dang stretched his neck, glanced at the mouse in the red vest next to the ponytail, and curled his lips: "Oh, they are not in the same system as us... They belong to the inner guard and are responsible for the safety of the big shots."

"You wouldn't think that we would arrange for a big shot to inspect your small shop without doing any security checks."

Zheng Qing tried hard to restrain his urge to roll his eyes, God knows how hard it was for him not to complain about these little mice's weird ideas. The half-year wizarding career has honed his will very well, allowing him to have enough patience to accept any seemingly weird and ordinary things encountered in Life.

Yes, that sounds weird.

But it's normal, isn't it? This is a wizarding world after all.

Ding Dong's ears didn't care about the entanglement in the young wizard's heart, and he was still happily arranging the reception work for the blue vest mice. Suddenly, he raised his head, looked at Zheng Qing, and said curiously: "By the way, I've been curious just now, you How did you know Ding Dong's ears? That little idiot rarely comes to the wizarding world... and it looks like you know me too? But I don't remember seeing you."

"But your eyes look familiar."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing was stunned for a while before realizing it.

Indeed, whether he was dealing with Ding Dong's ears or Ding Dong's ears, he used the identity of a black cat. Especially Ding Dong's ears, when I followed it quietly with a pair of red eyeballs, I must have left a very deep impression on it.

And now in the house, he happened not to be wearing sunglasses.

It's just that being caught by such a tiny detail by a little mouse always gives people a strange feeling.

"Ah, wizards, there is always one way or another." The young public servant said vaguely, and changed the subject casually: "Excuse me, when will your big shot arrive? Our time is very tight..."

As he spoke, he pretended to take out the silver pocket watch in his arms, pushed open the cover, stared at the ticking hands on the dial, and frowned slightly: "...It's the end of the day, and there is less than a quarter of an hour to go. Si time."

"Yes, yes, it's time, good day and auspicious day, I know this, old Huangli!" Ding Dang's attention was easily diverted by the young wizard, and he excused cheerfully: "I remember talking to a short wizard like you, There is also a black cat who talked about this matter. Your selection today is not bad... It is a good day with smooth wind and the opening of Yi'an Home Real Estate. But I have never been clear about how you determine the good time. Can you teach me ?"

"If there is still time!" A slightly irritable voice came from the door of the store.

Dr. Xiao Da held his notebook, stood at the door, stretched his neck, and looked at Zheng Qing: "If possible, I suggest you come outside now... Some guests have already arrived. In the room, stay Xin and Tuantuan will do."

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