Hunting High School

Chapter 172: No. 97 Pedestrian Street

No. 97, Beta Town Pedestrian Street, where the ‘d&k’ store is located.

As Beta Town, or the most prosperous commercial street on Phuket Island, there are hundreds of shops of different sizes and names on the pedestrian street.

Famous ones, such as the office of Martin Toer Alchemy Company in Beta Town, or the first university branch of Fizzle Magic Potion Company, or Green’s Grocery Store, which specializes in wholesale department stores. These companies are not only in Phuket Island, but also in the wizarding world Famous, even famous in the multiverse.

The lesser-known ones include Miaomiao Dessert Shop next to Shuangtangji, and 'Dingding Financial and Pesticide Company', which is holding its opening ceremony. The famous shops and companies are all standing on the same street, but the eyes of passers-by often slip past their signboards and fall on other more famous shops.

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It must be admitted that as a newly opened shop, the name 'Ding Ding Financial and Pesticide Company' is a bit of a mouthful. Although the signboard 'd&k' has tried to simplify the complex feeling brought by the original name, it is hard to say what kind of impression the students of First University have on this new company. If we have to say what impression d&k will leave on everyone , perhaps that impression came more from 'd&k''s neighbor, the vagabond bar.

Yes, the location of d&k is located diagonally opposite the vagabond bar.

When decorating the store, Zheng Qing once tried: If he stood behind the window of the store, he could clearly see every wizard entering and leaving the wandering bar, and see the runes embroidered on their robes clearly. I can still see the pink tongue popped out by the janitor frog in the Wandering Bar.

This is not a good thing.

Because the wizarding world, like the rest of the multiverse, is more dangerous the more you know.

Originally, Zheng Qing didn't want to rent this shop either.

But on the one hand, the hunting team has a very limited budget. Excluding other expenses such as stocking and decoration, the rent budget left for them is less than fifty jade coins. If it is in the North or South District of Beta Town, fifty jade coins can buy a mansion villa with an independent garden; even in the West or East District of Beta Town, fifty jade coins can also rent a spacious storefront .

But here is the pedestrian street.

This is the busiest commercial street of First University.

In this business district, fifty jade coins were thrown in without even a sound being heard.

That is, it is near the wandering bar, a notorious gray market. There are many unscrupulous wizards coming and going, and there are often 'magic runaway incidents', which leads to the rent of a small area around the bar on this street. A collapse is formed. Only then did the forgiveness hunting team have a chance to pick up the leak, which can't be called "leaking".

As for another reason why Zheng Qing decided to rent this shop in the end, it was because of the No. 99 shop on Pedestrian Street, which is only one shop away from No. 97 Pedestrian Street.

The signboard of this store is Sanyou Bookstore.

That's right, it was the Sanyou Bookstore that Mr. Wu opened in the Yunhua Community, where Zheng Qing had copied the posts for more than ten years. The names are exactly the same.

Because the front of No. 99 shop was somewhat concave, and because the door had not been opened for a long time, and the signboard was covered with dust, the young public finance student did not notice the name of No. 99 shop at first.

When the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were standing outside the shop to discuss whether to lease the shop, their discussions disturbed Mu Mingzi, the owner of the No. 98 shop, which is located between d&k and Sanyou Bookstore. A shop that mainly sells all kinds of strange amulets, the name of the shop is the same as the name of the shop owner, they are both called 'Mu Mingzi', but I don't know if it is because the shop owner sells amber wood amulets, or because the shop owner Dao's name is Mu Mingzi. Akiko.

In short, when the young wizards were negotiating fiercely and tensely with the intermediary on the issue of rent and lease outside the No. The intermediary called:

"Grandma Crystal has already said that these shops around the Wandering Bar are not suitable for business... After all, you are also an old man in the town, why are you lying to these young dolls?!"

Granny Crystal, Zheng Qing knows, is the nickname of the owner of the shop at No. 96 Pedestrian Street, which is the shop owner on the left hand side of the shop that Zheng Qing intends to rent.

Shop No. 96 is a divination shop. It is said that the owner is a very superb psychic who has high attainments in crystal ball divination. Many girls who believe in old-fashioned divination like to come to this shop on weekends.

After hearing Mu Mingzi's warning, the young wizards were startled, subconsciously took a step back, and seemed to be planning to give up the contract.

The intermediary was in a hurry.

"Grandma Crystal curses many customers to death every day...but the death rate in Beta Town has never been that high, hahahaha." The slightly hunched intermediary laughed and looked nervously at several young wizards, He breathed a sigh of relief: "If you sincerely want to rent, I can lower the annual rent to sixty-five jade coins."

Originally he planned to ask for a rent of seventy jade coins, but under Mu Mingzi's disturbance, Mr. Intermediary decided to cut the mess quickly and rent out the shop first. It's so easy to meet a few stupid young people, we must not let them run away.

"If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the Sanyou Bookstore next to me." Noticing the hesitation of the young wizards, Mu Mingzi called out again: "...Because it was opened near the wandering bar, the business was so poor that only spiders would Visit this store."

"Sanyou Bookstore?!" Zheng Qing stared blankly, turned his head vigorously, and looked at the signboard of the shop.

Sure enough, through the thick dirt and dust, the big characters of Sanyou Bookstore can still be discerned.

He walked a few steps and came to the window of the bookstore. As expected, just like the Sanyou Bookstore in Damingfang, this Sanyou Bookstore was also dead silent. Except for a few empty bookshelves, there are only criss-crossing spider webs and the figures of little spiders crawling on the web.

"Forty jade coins." Zheng Qing turned his head and looked at the agent: "The annual rent is forty jade coins, and we will rent it... and will sign a long-term contract with you for four years!"

"Forty-five yuan, I guarantee that the annual rent increase will not exceed 5%!" The agent hesitated for a moment, and immediately offered new conditions.

"Deal!" Zheng Qing stretched out his hand and held it firmly with the agent.

The other wizards of the forgiveness hunting team all noticed the serious expression of the public fee student, and kept silent. But Mu Mingzi cursed in a low voice, "I don't know good people", retracted his head again, and closed the shop window heavily.

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