Hunting High School

Chapter 178: Elena Tie A Knot

Just as the public fee student looked up in a daze, in a secluded corner of the campus, Shushan Pavilion, a gypsy witch was also staring at a dry branch outside the window in a daze.

There is not a leaf on the branches in winter, and there are no noisy birds and tree sperm. Under the white sunlight, the gray-white bark was shivering wildly under the cold wind.

Like the messy mood of a witch.

She is hesitating whether to go to the pedestrian street.

Today is Saturday, the Forgiveness Hunting Team or Zheng Qing opened a new shop on the pedestrian street in Beta Town, which seems to sell some simple charms, potions, and small animals such as mice and insects.

This is not some secret news, and any wizard who cares a little bit about campus trends knows it.

Because this matter was not only a hot topic in Jiuyou Academy's Astronomy Class 08-1, it also caused a lot of discussion in Jiuyou Academy and even several other colleges.

On the one hand, the protagonist of this incident is the "upstart" of Jiuyou Academy this year, a super public student who won the Merlin Medal as a freshman; freshmen who have only been enrolled for half a year can rely on their self-organized hunting team to accumulate enough money. The capital opened a shop on the pedestrian street of Beta Town, which is not an easy task from any point of view.

On the other hand, the school has never given a very clear statement on whether the students of the First University can do business outside of the classroom. In the eyes of most people, including school professors and parents outside the school, the main task of students in school is to study. Although some practical projects are not excluded, the content of learning should definitely not include doing business outside the school.

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However, since the school has always encouraged students to work-study, and the difference between doing business and work-study is very subtle, both the school and the students have criticized the behavior of Zheng Qing and others.

Fortunately, Zheng Qing is a public-funded student with a Medal of Merlin, and her academic performance is not bad, so she does not feel the real pressure from the school for the time being.

Far away.

Jelena knew about Zheng Qing's opening of the store very early on.

The young public finance student mentioned this matter more than once in his paper crane correspondence with her.

And the invitation to the opening had been sent to the witch a few weeks ago, and Elena believed that she must be one of the first few people to get the invitation. But this is also the main reason for her hesitation.

Because she has been avoiding any contact with young public money students for some time now.

The reason for doing this is because she feels that things are a little bit out of her control.

Elena first met Zheng Qing not because of his status as a public servant. It is true that the status of a public-funded student at First University is a shining signboard from any angle, and it has a natural attraction for most witches in the school.

But what the witch values ​​more is the wizard's attainments in talismanology.

She desperately needs this attainment.

Whether it is to crack the complicated and profound seal in the depths of the academy, or to find the reason for the continuous decline of the Gypsy Witches, or just to complete the studies at the First University, she needs to master a lot of talisman knowledge.

It requires a lot, more knowledge of spells than a registered wizard can master.

So far, witches have been able to contact wizards who have this knowledge and will not have prejudice or doubts about her, and there is only one person, Zheng Qing. Regardless of the expensive fees or doubtful abilities of those wizards, the huge risk of dealing with dark wizards alone made her give up this idea early.

Why go far away when there is a friend who can help?

Yes, my friend.

Elena really regards Zheng Qing as a friend.

It's just that she didn't, and she won't open up completely to the wizard, and confess everything.

This is impossible.

In addition to the huge risks in what she is doing and the need for strict secrecy, the natural rejection of sincerity by gypsy wizards is also a very important factor. They deal with dark creatures like humans, and because of this, they are gradually infected by those bottom-level creatures.

For example, clever words.

To describe it in popular words, it means good-looking and good at rhetoric.

The good here does not simply refer to lying. Lying is certainly a manifestation of being good at using rhetoric, but in addition, communicating with people, convincing people, inciting emotions, leaving traps in communication, and many other means are also good at using language.

Elena didn't feel that she had lied to Zheng Qing.

She just selectively told him part of the truth, and what she said was also true!

The reason why the witch feels that things are beyond her control is because she feels that the relationship between herself and the wizard has surpassed the boundaries of ordinary friends, and is slipping in a direction that makes her feel uneasy, a real gypsy witch Direction not involved at will.

Moreover, the rate of sliding seems to increase with more contact.

This frightened her a little.

"We're just good friends." She comforted herself in this way, and then she couldn't help but think of a day when heavy snow fell, the calm lake surface, cold lips, and her face turned pale.

"He's just helping me...we're just helping each other." As if to cheer herself up, she said to herself.

The wizard helped her learn the talisman, how about her?

The witch was silent for a moment, remembering a certain dirty crawler she found at school. For some special reasons, the witch discovered the identity of the cobra on the first day she saw it.

"That snake must be mean to him...I'll help him watch his back!" Thinking of this, Yi Lianna suddenly felt a little relieved. As for reminding the public servant to pay attention to the snake, there is no need to even think about it.

On the one hand, after being reminded, she lost this unnecessary reason to help; on the other hand, she didn't know how to explain to the wizard that own found that there was no way to cope with the follow-up school's investigation.

So, just help him watch his back.

Thinking of this, the witch turned her head and looked out of the bright window.

Outside the window, by the lake.

A tall and strong murloc just broke through the thin ice layer on the lake and climbed up from the shore. Carrying a huge fish skin bag on its shoulder, it walked slowly but firmly towards the pedestrian street.

The gypsy witch knew the murloc, it seemed to be called Iseni, and it belonged to the young men of the Linzhong Lake murloc tribe.

She remembered that Zheng Qing once mentioned this murloc to her when he was telling her the story of the freshman match, as if they were helping each other in the hunting ground, or they were comrades in arms.

"Everyone has gone." She sighed deeply and closed the notes in front of her. After sorting out the thoughts in her heart, she was not so resistant to contacting Zheng Qing.

After standing up, she hesitated for a few seconds, and finally took out a small bottle from her handbag.

The bottle is not big, only inches high and low. The body of the bottle is transparent glass, without any logos, patterns, or marks on it.

In the bottle, there is a small half bottle of pink liquid, which has been bubbling and bubbling with tiny bubbles.

The witch held the small bottle and stared at the liquid inside for a long while.

"Last time," she murmured, talking to herself, as if to cheer herself up: "Never next time..."

As she spoke, she lightly pressed the sprayer on the bottle cap.

Under the action of air pressure, the pink liquid jumped into the sprayer along the straw, and then turned into fine droplets, which landed on the witch's hair and robe.

A strong fragrance spread out.

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