Hunting High School

Chapter 179: An Endless Stream

As time went by, more and more figures appeared on No. 97 Pedestrian Street.

Among them, the ones who came the most were the young wizards from the fourth class of freshmen of Jiuyou College. As a man of the year, a young public student and a Merlin Medal winner, Zheng Qing is very influential among these young wizards.

So when I heard that he opened a new store on the pedestrian street, many students in the courtyard came to have a look with some curiosity.

Of course, most of them just hold the idea that even if they don't buy anything, it's good to be lucky as a "student master".

In addition, student self-government organizations such as the Student Union of Jiuyou College, the First University Association, and the First University Student Union also sent officers to send flower baskets.

Jiuyou College students sent flower baskets because of Zheng Qing's status as a public-funded student; while First University students sent flower baskets because of the Merlin Medal—of course, these specific reasons will naturally not be clearly posted Inside the flower basket, it was told privately to the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunt team by the officials who delivered the flower basket.

As for the flower baskets of the Federation of Associations, it is even simpler.

Whether it is the Forgiveness Hunting Team or the Forgiveness Knights, they are all officially registered members of the Federation of Societies. Therefore, Zheng Qing and others opened this small shop in the name of the hunting team, and the Federation of Associations will naturally send corresponding blessings.

In addition, those who sincerely came to congratulate are the friends and relatives of the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

Among them, the blue bird walked alone, Dylan was withdrawn, and the little monk was released from the dust, so they did not bring any guests.

Xiao Xiao was not much better than them, and besides Mr. Sima, he didn't send out any more invitations in school.

Only Lin Guo grew up on the pedestrian street since childhood, and is very familiar with many neighbors, and sent out the most invitations.

The little wizard just drove the big black sheep around the pedestrian street, and brought in a lot of gifts—it's just that most of the neighbors wanted to do business, and they just came to the store to say congratulations, and then left in a hurry. Few people will take the patience to go into the store and take a few laps seriously.

Although Linguo's invitations were numerous, their quality was only so-so.

Apart from Zheng Qing, the invitations with the best quality are Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin.

As the editor-in-chief of the First University’s school magazine, Fatty has established a very extensive network of contacts in the media circle near the First University after only half a year of enrollment—for example, he invited many friends from the media for the opening of the new store. , I plan to advertise my small shop well in terms of public opinion.

And Zhang Jixin, he has a very reliable big brother.

Zhang Jixin's big brother, Zhang Shuzhi, is a senior student in the third year of Jiuyou College, the assistant hunter of the No. 1 school hunting team, and also a senior cadre of Sacred Will, and together with Erwin Hoffman and Zhao Qiao, he is called "" The "Three Heroes of Will" is one of the very strong contenders for the next Lei Zhe.

Because of the convenience of his status, when Zhang Shuzhi came, he sent a flower basket in the name of the No. 1 school hunting team——Zhang Jixin hoped that the big brother would use the name of Sacred's will to send a flower basket, but perhaps to avoid bad influence, Zhang Shuzhi finally Instead of using the name of the society, it borrowed the name of the school hunting team.

Of course, both the will of Sacred and the school hunting team are giants for 'd&k' to look up to. The flower baskets they sent were also placed in the most conspicuous and eye-catching place outside the store by Zheng Qing.

Along with Zhang Shuzhi, apart from a few of his friends, there were also two old acquaintances of Zheng Qing - Deng Xiaojian and Qi Qinglan.

As the official seats of the Judgment Hunting Team, the two of them gave the Excuse Hunting Team a lot of and very important help in the freshman match.

"The two of them are representatives of the Judgment Hunting Team. Hoffman has an off-campus mission today, so let them come to congratulate." Zhang Shuzhi grabbed Zheng Qing's hand, shook it vigorously, and turned his head slightly back, He explained in a deep voice: "The people we met on the road were all acquaintances, so we came here together."

Similar to Zhang Jixin, Zhang Shuzhi also has a maroon complexion, a burly figure, and short hair.

It's just that compared with Zhang Jixin's violent temper, Zhang Shuzhi's temperament is the same as his voice, which is extraordinarily stable. Zheng Qing felt that maybe this was the reason why he was able to become one of the "Three Heroes of Will".

"Our captain asked us to apologize to you." After hearing Zhang Shuzhi's explanation, Deng Xiaojian secretly rolled his eyes behind him, and added helplessly.

"It's okay, it's okay, the visitor is a guest, welcome!" Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly, expressing his own thanks in a hurry. Of course he would not naively think that Hoffman really asked Deng Xiaojian to apologize on his behalf.

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In fact, he doubted very much whether the hunter who had been in the limelight at the school hunting competition really knew about the small shop opened by the Forgiveness Hunting Team on the pedestrian street.

But as the saying goes, people carry people in flowery sedan chairs, and business mutual bragging is actually a necessary skill for human relations.

"Please come inside, please come inside..." Zheng Qing entertained warmly, while leading several old students to the store, at the same time said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, the store is not big, so I'm tired..."

While speaking, Jiang Yu had already squeezed through the crowd with a mahogany platter and came to the side of several wizards.

There were a few flimsy red envelopes on the plate.

Zheng Qing clasped his hands together, silently expressing his thanks to Jiang Yu—there was no doubt that the shop must be understaffed, which led to Squad Leader Jiang personally helping.

Jiang Yu smiled slightly, and didn't respond to the funnyness of the public fee.

"Didn't you think of holding a small reception at the Wandering Bar opposite?" Deng Xiaojian finally couldn't help asking after receiving the thin red envelope.

He pointed at the huge signboard at the rear with his fingers, and reminded: "This small shop of yours is less than 100 meters away from the homeless bar, so you can have a win-win event..."

Zheng Qing glanced at the gloomy signboard not far away, and immediately looked away, smiled awkwardly, and explained in a low voice: "I originally planned to do this, but later found it was not possible... After all, it is just a small business, Budget is limited."

It seemed that it was a bit too frustrating to say this, the young public fee student paused, and made up for it: "...Moreover, we didn't expect so many people to come back! It seems that everyone seems to be very interested in our new products. .”

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and his fingers slid across the front.

A few steps away, several first-year witches were happily walking out of the shop with small cages in their hands. Inside the cage were several fat, lethargic mice.

In just a few minutes of their chatting, more than a dozen wizards walked over with cages. Zheng Qing can completely imagine the scene of Lin Guo Lanque and others frantically replenishing goods in the depths of the store.

Zhang Shuzhi nodded slightly.

"Go ahead, we can go around by ourselves." He raised his hand, stopped Zheng Qing's polite push, and reminded: "There seem to be some reporters from the editorial department of the school newspaper over there... I think as Shopkeeper, you should give priority to entertaining them." (To be continued)

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