Hunting High School

Chapter 216 The Professional Ethics Of Rats

As a non-famous recipient of the Merlin Medal and the second-ranked first-year public-funded student of Jiuyou College of First University, Zheng Qing received a lot of gifts on Christmas Day.

Of course, most of these gifts are just a greeting card of congratulations. After all, they are poor students, and a certain public-funded student is not an idol. Naturally, there are no die-hard fans who sell their kidneys and blood to buy gifts for him.

But because today is Christmas, even if it is a greeting card, it has to be delivered by the 'Christmas Mouse' pumpkin cart route. This is a mandatory regulation jointly issued by the school working committee and the student union.

Because of this, Zheng Qing began to encounter a steady stream of pumpkin cart attacks from the morning exercise.

It was okay at first, maybe those Christmas mice had just started working, and they were full of energy. Whether they were singing names or driving the car, they seemed to be well-behaved, strictly following the sop manual issued by the student union.

But as more and more gift packages accumulated, the pumpkin cart became heavier and heavier, and once the novelty wore off, the Christmas mice quickly slacked off. For wizards, a day may be twenty-four hours, not long; but to the mice, a wizard's day was equivalent to more than a month for them.

It's been a long time.

From Zheng Qing's point of view, it is easy to see that the pumpkin carts delivering gifts to him are flying faster and faster, the voices of the Christmas mice are getting louder and louder, and the packages delivered to him are getting more and more complete. Low.

Moreover, he has encountered accidents with pumpkin carts more than once.

It's better to plunge into the snowdrift. At least the fluffy snow greatly slows down the impact of the pumpkin cart. Compared with this, driving a pumpkin cart and crashing into a tree trunk is particularly tragic.

The shattered car shafts, torn apart pumpkins, and gift packages falling from the air like hailstones gave the onlookers a strange visual impact.

Fortunately, the Christmas mice have more or less magical powers. So far, Zheng Qing has not encountered a really injured mouse.

"Could you please slow down, and no one will compete with you for business." Zheng Qing complained to himself while digging in the snow: "Did the school provide you with insurance? If you don't have the insurance, you will be hit." Don’t you have to go to the school hospital at your own expense if you break your neck? It’s a major operation to get your head removed, and that’s a lot of expenses, are you sure you can afford it yourself?”

"The students will buy accident insurance and safety insurance for us, which is underwritten by Sam Chase." The Christmas mouse slumped in front of the bushes, letting its red robe fall on the ground in a mess, and didn't even bother to clean up the mud and snowflakes that fell on it.

Hearing the public fee student's complaint, it tilted its head and rested its pillow on a twig protruding from the back, lazily, but retorted solemnly: "Besides, time is life, efficiency is money... this is your wizard. Own words."

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"From early this morning to midnight today is the golden twenty-four hours for giving gifts. After today, can the gifts we send be considered Christmas gifts? We are afraid that we will be chased by customers and hit with slippers."

"That's not bad." Xin Fatty stood behind and laughed loudly. He didn't know when he was holding a bucket of fried chicken in his arms, and he was grabbing the meat with one hand and holding the bucket with the other, eating with relish and enjoying himself. And Elder Zhang stood obediently beside him, nodding and cheering, in exchange for the opportunity to reach out to touch a few pieces of chicken from the bucket from time to time.

Christmas Mouse's nose twitched, looking around thoughtfully, and saw the bucket of fried chicken in Fatty's arms.

"It smells so good." Its nose trembled, and it took a deep breath.

"Would you like a piece?" Fatty kindly took out a small piece of chicken breast and handed it over.

Christmas Mouse salivated at the piece of fried chicken, struggled for a long time, and finally violently pulled up the twig behind him, broke it, and then slammed the snowflakes and mud on his body, cursing viciously: "Damn it! The sop manual...the ghost knows which guy with a not wanting face wrote it, and it doesn't allow us to accept food from guests!"

"Curse him to walk and wrestle when he goes out, every step he takes!"

While speaking, Zheng Qing had already dug the round, yellow pumpkin cart out of the snowdrift.

"Calm down, calm down, your posture of cursing like this is wrong, it won't work." The young public finance student kindly reminded.

The Christmas mouse suddenly became depressed.

"Where's the student card? Take it out first to check your identity." It dragged its voice, and weakly raised its little paw, stretching it towards Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing put his hand into the gray cloth bag, touched it, and took out his own student card, and handed it to the Christmas mouse.

Compared with the size of the mouse, the student card of the First University is slightly bigger, and it needs to open its arms to hug it.

"There is still a quill..." The Christmas mouse muttered, turned around and threw the student card at the pumpkin cart.

At the same time, it shrank its head, flicked its tail, and flashed its figure. With just a few simple pulls, it nimbly jumped onto the robe of the young public fee student.

Before Zheng Qing could react, the Christmas mouse had already jumped over his shoulder, jumped into the air, and stepped on the student card that was still spinning in mid-air. As if riding a flying carpet, it wobbled and finally landed in front of the pumpkin cart.

"Fuck, this action is too foul!" Xin Fatty looked like a hell, chewing subconsciously, completely unaware that the fried chicken he was holding between his fingers had fallen to the ground.

Zheng Qing nodded again and again, just about to say a few words of praise, when he took a closer look, the quill in the mouse's hand looked familiar.

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his chest.

Sure enough, the quill that he had clipped around his collar had disappeared at some point.

"Hey, hey, did you make a foul... What about professional ethics? What you did is not in line with the sop manual!" Zheng Qing yelled, clutching his neckline.

"Efficiency! Efficiency!" The Christmas mouse waved its paw, and while grabbing the quill pen and scratching it on its memo board a few times, he raised Zheng Qing's student card, moved it to the side door of the pumpkin cart, and shook it.

Accompanied by a few beeps, the door on the side of the pumpkin cart slammed open, and then a thin greeting card shot out like a bullet and flew into Zheng Qing's arms.

"The receipt is complete!" The Christmas mouse patted its paws in satisfaction, flicked its tail, jumped back into the own pumpkin cart with a bang, and then politely tugged the red pointed hat on his head at several young wizards. Added: "Remember to give a five-point praise~~"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the tail of the cart mouse, shook it vigorously, and yelled, "Let's go!"

The big black-haired mouse pulling the cart pawed a few times in the snow like a windmill, and in a short while, grabbed the pumpkin cart and jumped out. By the time the wizards came back to their senses, the pumpkin cart had already flown a long way.

"Who knows how to rate him?" Zheng Qing took one last look at the pumpkin cart flying away crookedly, and finally turned around and consulted his own partners.

"You don't know who receives the most gifts, how would we know!" Xin Fatty glared at him angrily, then reached out and took out a new piece of fried chicken from the bucket.

"The key point is wrong." Xiao Xiao commented concisely.

"Huh?" Zheng Qing looked puzzled.

"Where's your quill?" Dr. Xiao raised his chin and nodded his neckline.

Zheng Qing immediately realized that the Christmas mouse just stuffed it into the pumpkin cart after using up its own quill.

"Sure enough, it's the nature of mice." The young public finance student didn't get annoyed, but started talking with interest.

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