Hunting High School

Chapter 217 See Also The Table

The anguish of how to grade the work of Christmas mice did not bother Zheng Qing for long.

At the temporary class regular meeting held later, Lao Yao gave relevant answers.

Because the next day is the annual winter hunting event, the course of the seventeenth week is only arranged for four days. From Friday to the weekend, the three days will be arranged by the hunting committee of the First University. The students of the college and the researchers of some research institutes are assigned different tasks and are responsible for the 'cleaning' of different areas.

"I don't want to participate at all."

Xin Fatty was lying on his own desk, muttering dejectedly. Of course, his voice was very weak, so small that even Zheng Qing, who was less than a step away from him, had to prick up his ears to barely hear it.

"But I remember that you were not very active before?" As the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Zheng Qing remembers the status of his team members very clearly: "A while ago when discussing the use of team fees, you and Elder insisted on buying dragons. The leather hunting suit, isn’t it just for winter hunting... Now that you’ve bought all the team uniforms, and you tell me that you don’t want to go, it’s a fraud!”

"It's definitely a fraud." Zhang Jixin nodded beside him.

"Damn fraud... that's not the point." Xin Fatty turned his head with difficulty, lowered his eyelids, looked at Zheng Qing, and tried to look sincere: "At the beginning, I was giving a suggestion to let the hunting team participate in the winter hunting Come on... But I always thought that we would be arranged in the school, and we would be able to pass the test by simply paddling. Who knew that they would even send us outside the school! It's going to kill me."

He was talking about the winter hunting arrangements that were just announced in the past few days.

As winter hunting is approaching, various pre-works related to winter hunting have been carried out one after another. Among them, the most concerned thing is the division of hunting areas and the specific arrangements of different grades and different hunting teams.

According to the usual practice, this year's hunting area is still the same as in previous years, centered on the first university campus, divided into three major areas from far to near.

The outermost area, which goes deep into the silent forest, is mainly in charge of the senior students of the fourth grade, because they are about to graduate, and most of them have participated in more than one practice hunting activities, so they can fully cope with the pressure of this level.

The innermost part, within the campus of the first university, is in charge of the lower grade students. According to the difference in the degree of danger in the area, different grades are also assigned different tasks. For example, some first-year students are responsible for cleaning up the pests that may be hidden in the pet garden. The pests referred to here may only be less threatening than fleas on cats and dogs. In contrast, some students in the third grade need to deal with the legendary cemetery deep in the school. It is said that there are often resentful earth-bound spirits making trouble there.

The part sandwiched between the outermost and innermost layers belongs to the middle area.

This area contains part of the channel and water pool of the Silent River, as well as some areas on the edge of the Silent Forest.

According to the winter hunting outline issued by the school this year, this part of the area is in charge of the school's registered hunting teams, which naturally includes the brand new hunting team Youzui, which was established less than three months ago.

"Well, indeed." Zhang Jixin seemed to remember something, and added: "A few days ago, my brother also said that this year's personnel distribution is different from previous years... At least in the past few years, the freshman hunting team was not arranged in the middle area. "

"The school has made such an arrangement, it must have fully assessed the relevant risks, don't be so pessimistic." Zheng Qing patted Fatty's generous back comfortingly, and said with a smile: "It is said that there are only a few in the area we are in charge of, so prepare a few more restraints The curse is completely fine. Anyway, we are also the hunting team that won the first place in the freshman competition, so we can't even deal with a few gorillas!"

"No problem," Fatty's voice became more and more frustrated: "I originally planned to go paddling during winter hunting, hide somewhere on the lawn to do practice questions, and I even prepared the thermal insulation...Isn't it the final exam soon? Well, it’s okay to grind your guns before the battle... But if we are sent to the off-campus area, we definitely don’t have the time to do the questions.”

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"So, you took away those low-quality thermal insulation charms I threw on the dormitory table a few days ago?" Zheng Qing restrained the smile on his lips, wondering if he should poke the head hard with the brush holder Fatty.

Only this super thick-skinned guy can do it so openly and confidently about being lazy!

"You don't want it anyway, so I'm going to use the waste." Fatty obviously realized that he had slipped his mouth, and his confidence was a little lacking.

"The next time you encounter this kind of thing, you can ask him to draw a standard-level talisman for you... You can pay for a few blank talisman papers and give him a few chicken legs." Xiao Xiao suddenly broke the silence and said : "Use inferior talismans... Aren't you afraid that when you are doing exercises, the talisman paper will explode and burn your exercises?"

The corner of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, wanting to refute, but suddenly realized that what the doctor said seemed quite reasonable.

According to own personality, if Fatty buys chicken legs to help draw some heat preservation symbols, he will definitely not refuse.

Just as he was struggling, the familiar voice of Lao Yao knocking on the blackboard came from the podium.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet." The professor stretched his voice and shouted loudly: "After class... I mean, after the regular meeting is over, you can discuss tomorrow's affairs."

"Now let's end today's business."

"Here are a few forms, please take them, fill them out carefully, and then hand them back to me...I need them today."

As he spoke, Professor Yao grabbed a few sheets of octavo-sized white paper and rattled them in mid-air.

The eyes of everyone in the hall were attracted by those papers, and gradually became quiet.

The professor nodded in satisfaction, and added: "One of these forms is a description of the school's winter hunting activities, the other is a statement of your rights, and the other is a letter of authorization for the work of the school... Well, and where are you? Areas, participating in the cleanup of those pests, where to go, and other specific matters.”

"Although they are all corner-to-corner processes, the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed. This is the responsibility of everyone."

He explained on the podium, while Downton and Jiang Yu each held a large stack of forms and distributed them in order from front to back.

Not long after, Li Meng, who was the first to get all the forms, suddenly stood up, held up a light yellow note that was about inches wide and narrow, and about a foot long, and asked curiously, "Professor, what is this form?"

Lao Yao glanced at it, and said, "Oh, that's the rating form of the mice who pulled the pumpkin carts and gave you Christmas gifts yesterday... There are a total of 20 rating dimensions, the highest is five points, the lowest is one point, 100 points out of 100."

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