Hunting High School

Chapter 128 A Few Small Details

"Because the underground rats are dealing with young wizards like you for the first time, they don't know where the 'safe distance' is, so they created this form, hoping to provide some guidance for subsequent contacts."

"Well, according to the official statement, you should take care of the overall situation... so that both parties can leave a good impression."

Another way of saying that taking the overall situation into account is to use fake scores.

Although Zheng Qing is not good at pondering these fancy ideas, he can easily understand the unfinished meaning in Lao Yao's answer. What Lao Yao meant was to ask everyone to be friendly when scoring the Christmas mice, and not to score too low.

This made him very angry.

Earlier, the old man had taught him not to tell lies, nagging him for most of the day. Not a week has passed yet, and the old man stood on the podium majestically to induce everyone to score falsely!

"Standardly, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps!" The young public finance student muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Zhang Jixin tilted his head and glanced at him.

"It's nothing, nothing, just choked on a mouthful of saliva." The public fee student immediately waved his hand in denial.

"I decided to give them full marks!" Duan Xiaojian, who was sitting in front of Fatty, turned his head and looked at the apologetic wizards with a serious face: "All full marks...this is for the sake of the overall situation."

"Because they gave me too few gifts, I decided to only give them a passing grade." Xin Fatty scratched his chin with a quill, and said lazily: "Let me take a look... I can judge from the clothes, appearance, and A little more points for etiquette. You don’t know, yesterday when a Christmas mouse gave us presents, it even snatched something!”

"It was brother Qing's quill that was snatched, not yours." Zhang Jixin complained.

Different from the previous heated discussion on how to score, Zheng Qing stared at the small note for a while, and then another thought suddenly crossed his mind.

"By the way, isn't it a bit abrupt that the Mouse Immortal made these talking mice appear on the surface world in large numbers?" Zheng Qing slowly lifted the note up into the air, as if trying to penetrate the A thin sheet of paper to see what's really similar:

"I remember that some time ago, the school newspaper published a few curious news about tofu cubes, about talking mice... It's good now, the campus is full of these little things."

"Yes, yes, I even wrote a related report at that time!" Xin Fatty nodded repeatedly.

"That is to say, the school doesn't mind these talking mice saying hello to everyone now?" The young public finance student twisted the note, thinking hard: "What does this mean? There must be something behind it." For some reason..."

"It's nothing more than the exchange of benefits and the boss playing chess." Dr. Xiao Da shoved an open notebook under Zheng Qing's nose roughly, interrupting the public fee student's attempt to incarnate Sherlock Holmes: "Instead of paying attention to those who have nothing. , why not analyze and analyze the various preparations that need to be paid attention to during the winter hunting tomorrow...the above is the preparation list, and see if there is anything missing."

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Zheng Qing sighed, dropped the note in his hand, and took the notebook handed over by the doctor.

The book lists the preparatory work for the forgiveness hunting team by category, including but not limited to the talismans, potions, amulets, spare spell books that each hunter needs to carry, and the list of spells that should be copied from the spell books, etc. The meeting place and the list of magic materials that the school work committee asked the students to collect before issued are endless.

Just simply listing the details, I wrote a dozen pages full.

Looking at the densely packed small characters in the notebook, Zheng Qing felt a headache.

"This kind of thing, you can do it as you see it." He flipped through the notes hastily, and then looked at Xiao Xiao with a flattering face: "You can do things, everyone can rest assured!"

The corner of Xiao Xiao's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to punch Zheng Qing on the nose.

The young public fee student couldn't help shrinking back, and carefully touched the tip of Own's nose.

"Relax, relax...Calm down." He persuaded Xiao Xiao softly, "It's just a small-scale winter hunt... We are the team that won the championship of the College Cup freshman competition! Be right Have confidence in yourself!"

"Are you confident? You don't know the number between a and c?!" Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help it, and growled in a low voice: "We are going to the Silent Forest this time! A Minor World! You don’t have a second shadow to help you kill your prey!”

This is a bit hurtful.

"I'm always better than own shadow." He muttered.

"It's hard to say." Xin Fatty unceremoniously sprinkled a handful of pepper on Gong Feisheng's wound: "It's like some male peacocks think that it's the heart rather than the feathers that are beautiful... In fact, the lack of the body Beautiful plumage, no peahen will ever look at it."

Zheng Qing hadn't figured out whether it was appropriate for Fatty to use 'peacock feathers' to compare own shadows, but Zhang Da Elder next to him found another topic.

"Oh, speaking of the peacock... Brother Qing, do you want to take Yi Lianna with you for this off-campus winter hunt?" Zhang Jixin poked Zheng Qing with his pen, with an ambiguous smile on his face: "I remember her The ranking of comprehensive credits is a bit low... Taking her outside this time, not only can you get good impressions, but also get some credits, and you can also play handsome, maybe there will be a hero to save the beauty, it is really flattering."

"Sure!" Fatty slammed his fist into the palm of his hand: "Leave the safety issue to us! Even if you beat me up, Aruba, I will stand firm in front of you two!"

"Hey, what's the matter with this abnormal secondary sense that suddenly ignited?!" Zheng Qing looked at the duo with a broken face: "You are college students, can you be more mature!"

"If they can mature, they won't like Loli." Xiao Xiao unceremoniously pierced through the most secret thoughts of the duo, making Fatty and Elder furious. The two will definitely rush forward and beat up a certain doctor who has a bad mouth.

Fortunately, Zheng Qing sat in the middle of the two sides, which acted as a buffer.

"Yeah, it's impossible for Elena. I've asked her before. During the winter hunting, she will only stay on campus and participate in the simplest winter hunting activities." Zheng Qing obviously realized that he could transfer both parties Pay attention, only these Eight Trigrams news, simply sacrificed herself to protect the peace in this corner: "Besides, she was a member of the Matthew hunting team before, even if she participated in the official winter hunting, she would not just jump the team casually .”

"Where is Jiang Yu? She didn't join the hunting team before, can you invite her?" Fatty said suddenly.

"Jiang Yu is the secretary of the student union, responsible for the organization of winter hunting activities in the school." Xiao Xiao first denied Fatty's idea, and then stabbed Fatty in the heart again: "Besides, even if Brother Qing put Jiang Yu Once invited, Li Meng will not follow her out... She is a spirit witch, neither the Li family nor the school will allow her to be exposed to some stupid danger."

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