Hunting High School

Chapter 226: Fei Rui

The edge of the silent forest.

In the open space under a returning soul poplar.

Five figures in dragon-skin hunting robes were divided into two rows, sitting quietly cross-legged in the snow. Zheng Qing was at the front, and the other four were at the back, sitting one step away from their captain.

The dragonskin hunting suits they wore were the hunting equipment that Xin Fatty had been obsessed with before. It cost the forgiveness hunting team a large amount of team fees and consumed most of the hunting team's resources, which were already stretched because of opening a store. If it wasn't for Zheng Qing If you can prepare amulets for everyone, Fatty can help prepare the necessary potions, and Elder can ask for some second-hand tools from his big brother, then this winter hunting, the forgiveness hunting team can declare the mission a failure without starting.

Facing the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, they corresponded one by one, and they were filled with several rows of weasels of different colors and sizes. As the dangerous creatures highlighted in the hunting area of ​​the excuse hunting team, these small-looking weasels do not seem to be the "vicious" as described in the documents issued by the Hunting Committee. Of course, this does not rule out that everyone is born from the heart, or the comprehensive judgment ability is affected by an unconscious Party A.

And on the head of the ferret in the center in front of the weasels, there was also a rat-like creature with ocher mottled skin.

That is Fei Rui.

It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The first university's annual winter hunting event has also been going on for most of the day. It seemed that there was less than half a day before the end of the first day. All you need to do is survive the remaining two days like this, and then turn in all the prey arranged by the school, then each of the young wizards participating in the winter hunt will receive an objective credit reward.

But it's clear that that predictable future has nothing to do with Excuse Hunting.

Because there is a traitor in the forgiveness hunting team.

Their captain, the winner of the famous Merlin Medal of First University, and a classmate of Jiuyou Academy's public-funded students, actually have a deep friendship with their prey!

It's like a bloody TV series at eight o'clock.

"Why can't the school arrange some wild monsters for us to hunt?!" Zhang Da Elder sat in the snow, separated ten fingers, inserted them into his short hair, scratched his head vigorously, his face was full of decadence, and his tone was a little desperate : "No matter how you look at it, it's impossible to fight now! My credits! My future!... If it was a wild monster, this embarrassing situation wouldn't happen..."

"It's hard to say...I have reservations about your opinion." Xin Fatty pinched his chin and reminded in a thoughtful tone: "As far as our captain gives me, if one day he introduces us to a Fallen wizard, and then smiled and introduced, 'This is my old friend, a good lich who doesn't eat wizards, please take care of me' and other nonsense, I feel that it will not surprise me at all."

"After all, there is a lack of traditional wizarding education, and the understanding of monsters is not deep enough." Dylan commented sharply.

"They are really simple children." Xiao Xiao, who was sitting next to him, sneered at the discussion of everyone: "The school did not arrange wild monsters for us, just because this place is still near the school. If a group of uncontrolled dangerous creatures appear on the edge of the Silent Forest , then no matter the residents of Beita Town or the students of the First University, their lives will be threatened, this is no joke."

"Besides, this world is very big. There are not only wizards and monsters in this world. Besides monsters, hunters also have countless prey to hunt... Just like those hunting teams that went to the new world, they are extremely large. Some of the opponents are the natives of the Otherworld, not the monsters from the same origin as us."

"If your eyes are only limited to monsters from the beginning to the end, then I can conclude that you have not grown into a qualified hunter."

"Fuck, what you said, why do you look so much like me, Dage!" Zhang Jixin turned his body exaggeratedly, with a look of hell on his face.

Dr. Xiao Da lowered his eyelids and ignored him.

Zheng Qing did not participate in the eager and whispered discussions of his companions. At this moment, he was sitting in front of the others, with a stern face, looking at Fei Rui who was a step away with a serious face.

Fei Ruizeji sat on the ferret's head, yawning boredly, as if he could fall asleep anytime. On the contrary, the ferret sitting under its buttocks showed a diligent and serious attitude from beginning to end, and seemed to be more reliable than their handles.

"Don't you think you should say something?" Seeing that the fat rat was about to fall asleep, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it and said.

Fei Rui cheered up a little.

"What?" It narrowed its eyes, raised an eyelid, and moaned in a reluctant tone: "Why do we have to sit in this icy and snowy place in a daze? I know that your hunting team has a warm and safe cabin. Why can't we just sit inside, have a cup of hot tea and chat? Blowing cold wind in the snow is not the way to treat guests!"

Although it looks a bit cute in its current appearance, the tragic voice of the male duck completely destroyed the cuteness, making it hard for anyone to get close to it.

Publicly funded students are no exception.

"We are not a serious family, and you are not a guest." Zheng Qing resolutely rejected Fei Rui's idea, and at the same time reminded: "I mean, don't you think you should talk about why you live in my house? And you How did you come to Phuket Island? Or how did you become the hunting target of Winter Hunting?"

"I'm not in the mood," Fei Rui pouted, and said lazily, "I just want to lie in a warm room and drink hot milk tea... It would be even better if there is dried fruit and roasted seeds and nuts from Huiziji as a milk tea companion .”

Hearing the words Huiziji, Zheng Qing became more and more sure of his guess. From the beginning to the end, he never talked about anything that happened in the bookstore at home. In this way, it is debatable how Fei Rui learned about the Huizi collection.

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"After eating rat food for more than ten years, I always thought your appetite was simple." The young public finance student said sarcastically.

"That's because you're stupid, it doesn't matter to me." Fei Rui immediately shook his little paw, clearing the meaning behind Zheng Qing's words: "As for appetite has always been very simple. You can drink milk tea, eat dried fruit, and you can give me a dozen spicy crayfish. It’s no problem at all; There is nothing unacceptable to eat."

"Rat food? It's a trifle... Rich in nutrition, rich in taste, and rich in color... No matter from which angle you look at it, it's much better than eating steel bars."

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth.

That's what he hated about the wizarding world.

You never know when something magical will happen in front of you, shattering your inherent thoughts, and you have nothing to say, you can only accept it passively.

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