Hunting High School

Chapter 227 Zheng Qing's Maximum Likelihood Estimation

When he first received the admission letter from First University, Zheng Qing didn't think too much about it, and just regarded this opportunity as Harry Potter's luck.

It's just that compared with the boy with the scar on his forehead, he has received a lot of knowledge about the mysterious side since he was a child. Although Zheng Qing always thought that he was learning the inheritance of a certain hidden Taoism, this made him stronger than that boy. Faster and smoother integration into the wizarding world.

But as time went by, Zheng Qing slowly chewed out a different taste.

For example, the professors at the college were a little too nice to him. Of course, this is not to say that the professors of the school have hidden preferences because of his status as a public-funded student or a Merlin Medal winner, but a more direct preference. The professor of divination provides professional extracurricular tutoring, and even because of headaches, he can regularly get the transformation potion used by Transcend Tribulation from the school.

Borrowing a private rant from a certain teaching assistant, 'Can this be reimbursed? I never knew the school also bought health insurance for these poor kids... I'm afraid I went to a fake first university. '

For another example, the Mr. Wu who has been teaching him talisman seems to be not as simple as he has always known. The most direct example is that on the eve of the school hunting party, after the young wizard fell into a coma due to the explosion of the 2D laboratory and the return of the shadow, Mr. Wu was able to directly project into the campus of First University.

Regardless of the extremely high magical skills and powerful magic support required for projection-type dharma books, it is a shocking thing that the projection can pass through the outer barrier of the First University and enter the campus. You must know that this land is the place with the most powerful guardian force in the entire wizarding world. There are countless ancient and advanced guardian circles. Even if the great wizard came in person, it would be difficult to pass through without alarming the school. That barrier, not to mention the freedom to come and go.

The mention of shadows is another thing that makes Zheng Qing feel a little nervous.

Especially for some unknown reason, his shadow finally provoked people from the relevant departments of the First University to come forward. After entering the school for such a long time, the young public-funded students have more or less seen the market and read a few books. But he never heard others talk about it, or read more detailed content about the forbidden spell in a book until the relevant department came to the door and took away the shadow that turned into a black cat.

Although Zheng Qing has been comforting himself with the fact that the shadow may have learned about forbidden spells in a two-dimensional world in the laboratory, he also knows how reluctant this excuse is. So, after Senator Milton, who was in the next parliament, appeared in front of him that month, for a moment, he actually hoped that the Senator would take him away to see if he could pull out any darker shadows.

However, no surprise, Phuket Island is the Phuket Island of the first university after all. It was another senator of the next month's parliament who finally came forward in that incident, not the professors of First University. Maybe the school didn't plan to have a conflict with the next month's council, or they really didn't care about a small shop run by students on a commercial street outside the school.

Zheng Qing didn't care, and didn't have much thought to figure it out.

Because he also knew that if no one told him about this kind of thing, he would never find the real reason. He can only accumulate these anomalies in his heart, allowing them to accumulate and ferment slowly.

Until the yellow raccoon from Sanyou Bookstore suddenly appeared in d&k's shop.

Until the fat mouse that had lived in his house for more than ten years suddenly appeared in front of him.

A fantasy that Zheng Qing had been trying to support had come crashing down.

He couldn't continue to lie to himself, saying that everything was all right, everything was fine, nothing happened, and that the circumstances he encountered were just coincidences.

Zheng Qing has studied probability and statistics.

Assuming that the probability of an event a1 happening is related to the parameter a, then the estimation of a should be able to maximize the probability of this event happening. In technical terms, this simple truth is maximum likelihood estimation.

Suppose again, from a1 to a100, there are a hundred unrelated things, and the probability of each thing happening is very small. The maximum likelihood estimate for everything is a. So although in theory, a1 to a100 are still a hundred different functions, but these functions all have a general term a.

Now, what Zheng Qing is facing is that a hundred unrelated things have happened, and he is one of them.


Zheng Qing threw the Remington in his arms into the snow in front of him.


He pulled out the Colt python from behind again, and threw it into the snow as well.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

The young public finance student was carrying his own gray cloth bag with the mouth facing down, shaking it vigorously, shaking out all the large and small boxes and sundries that were originally contained in the bag, and they fell to the ground in a splash.

Behind him, the whispering young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team stopped talking and looked at their captain anxiously.

In front of him, several rows of weasels suddenly puffed up their fur, and looked nervously and curiously at the wizard opposite.

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Fei Rui changed his posture, supported the round ears of the ferret under him, and leaned forward slightly.

"I don't have anything to do here. You go back and inform the guys in the cabin, and say that there will be guests coming in the evening, so prepare more hot tea."

"Fei Rui has been in my Life for a long time, and I know him very well... Let me chat with him a few more times."

While busy with the matter at hand, Zheng Qing arranged for the rest of the forgiveness hunting team without looking back: "Elder, you and the gentleman go for a walk in the woods, be careful not to let the prey from other hunting areas jump to our side Come on... Fatty, you and the doctor go back to the cabin first, tidy up and get ready to welcome guests."

The cabin is a safe area set up by the hunting team at the edge of the silent forest. It can be regarded as a logistics base. The conditions for entertaining guests are much better than this cold forest. It is indeed very reasonable for Zheng Qing to take the guests back to the cabin.

The hunters sitting behind him looked at each other and did not move immediately.

After a long time, Xiao Xiao slowly opened his mouth:

"In this case...then Elder, you and the gentleman should do what the captain said first. It is really worrying that there are no patrols on the edge of the hunting area. And Fatty, you can go to the cabin to inform, your watch is in the cabin As long as you can come up with something to entertain guests."

"As for here, there is me."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to stop Zheng Qing from continuing to speak, swung his arm down vigorously, and said emphatically, "Let's do it this way."

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, but finally accepted the doctor's follow-up arrangement without any excuse.

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