Hunting High School

Chapter 229: The Observation Room Off The Field

"A hunting area, everything is normal. The auxiliary hunters of the ruling hunting team are already dissecting the six-legged Feiyi Snake, which is the second pair of wings. It is expected to be cleaned up within half an hour... The emergency team is ready to release Yingshan Feiyi Snake, Make sure that the Judgment Hunting Team can find new prey in the next two days."

"B-C hunting area, when the Monster Qi hunting team was chasing the flock, they accidentally drove the flock to the adjacent b-ding area, which caused unexpected interference to the hunting ypo hunting team... According to the hunting committee's referee team In the vote, the Monster Qi hunting team deducted 10 points from today’s regular score due to its involvement in unfair competition; the ypo hunting team deducted 10 points for its emergency performance due to its poor performance.”

"In hunting area c B, when the Red Peach Q hunting team was hunting a tiger demon, they failed to kill the ghost captured by the tiger demon in time, causing the resentful spirit to be broken... The Moral and Disciplinary Management Office of the Student Union suggested giving the red The peach q hunting team morally penalized 5 points, and gave a yellow card to the captain of the peach q hunting team, student Qiong."


This is the off-site observation room of First University's winter hunting activities, responsible for monitoring various movements in the hunting area at all times, and reporting to the corresponding department at any time.

Those who stayed in this observation room in previous years were all teaching assistants of the teaching assistant group. This year, due to the shortage of manpower, this year's observation room is in charge of the student union, association association and other student volunteers.

At this moment, an old student from Jiuyou College, wearing a red robe with three black stripes on his collar, was standing in front of a huge screen, staring at the messages that slid across the screen, muttering words.

What is shown on the screen is the division of all hunting areas of First University Winter Hunting. Vertically divided into six columns according to a-f, the a column corresponds to the outermost hunting area, the highest risk; the f area is the innermost, the lowest risk; the horizontal division is divided according to the ten branches of Heavenly Stems, and the risk is the highest with the letter A, and the letter gui Head hunting areas are the least risky.

Each hunting area corresponds to a small screen, which shows the general activities and performance of the corresponding hunting team, which is used for scoring and evaluation by the joint meeting of professors from the First University and the jury of the Winter Hunting Committee.

Every piece of information floating on the screen is the suggestions and opinions provided by the organizers and co-organizers of the Winter Hunt, including the Hunting Committee, the Student Union, the Professors' Joint Meeting, the School Work Committee, the Teaching Assistants, and many others.

And the duty of this old student from Jiuyou College is to collect and organize these opinions, and then file them during the rest after the daily hunting, as valid evidence for future inspection of whether the hunting committee's scoring conclusion is fair or not .

At this moment, his hands are empty in the air. Under the hands, there is a neat row of note boards. Above each note board, there is a white quill floating.

Each note board corresponds to a screen above, which is a hunting area in the winter hunting activities of First University.

Each quill will only record the corresponding numbered message.

At this moment, with the hasty and loud voice of the old student from Jiuyou College, the corresponding quills began to dance lightly on the note board.

"We can all see that ghost trying to attack Peter Greenspan! The punishment from the Ethics and Discipline Management Office of the Student Union is too unreasonable!" An alpha sophomore in a white robe stood behind the old student in a red robe Not far away, he complained in a low voice.

What she was talking about was a suggestion about the punishment of the c# hunting area that had just flashed across the screen.

"It's really strange... Everyone knows that Queen Joan is not popular at Alpha Academy, and it's so funny that you can speak for her." Another third-year boy in a blue robe approached with a playful smile: "Don't you Did you know that the head of the Student Union's Ethics and Discipline Management Office is Gongsun Yuan from Alpha College?"

"This has nothing to do with the position of the college!" the Alpha witch yelled angrily, "This has to do with the credibility of the student union!"

"Where there is speech, there is a position, and speech without position is not convincing at all." The third-year wizard of the Star Academy shrugged, walked to the other side, and at the same time turned his head and added: "As for credibility, what is that?" Things! There is only one thing in this world that has real credibility..."

As he spoke, he raised his arm, waved it vigorously in the air, and said viciously, "That's a fist!"

"Barbarians." The Alpha Witch pursed her lips, but said nothing.

She and several other students are volunteers from different colleges. Of course, these volunteers have and only students whose credits are in the top 5 of the colleges are eligible to apply, and their duty is to supervise the work of the veteran student of Jiuyou College. And keep an eye on the situation on those sixty screens.

Once there is an abnormality, it is necessary to report to the corresponding responsible department of the Winter Hunting Committee in time.

For example, if a hunting team obviously violates the rules, they need to take pictures and report to the hunting committee referee immediately; another example, if a strange prey breaks into the predetermined hunting ground, they need to report to the hunting committee organizing committee immediately, and the organizing committee will judge whether to drive There are also situations where some hunting teams are in trouble, or members of the hunting team are injured, and it is also necessary to contact the corresponding treatment team in time.

After all, the surrounding areas of the First University are very extensive, and it is difficult to cover everything with only the teaching assistants of the teaching assistant team and the janitors with limited abilities, so as to ensure that all students can safely complete their winter hunting tasks.

The old student of Jiuyou College who was in charge of broadcasting the instant message turned a deaf ear to the small-scale dispute behind him.

He has more important things to focus on.

"D-A hunting area, the forgiveness hunting team has driven the group into the encirclement and is preparing for the next hunting operation. The hunting committee gave it a final evaluation of 10 out of 10 on the performance of driving out the prey...Damn it, who can tell me Why does it look so much like a weasel??!"

The red-robed wizard who had been engrossed in processing the screen messages finally couldn't help it after seeing the picture on the screen of the d-armor, and complained: "Also, why can a group of weasels be assigned to the d-zone and become part of a hunting team?" Official prey? Could it be that the fact sheet issued by the Hunting Committee is wrong?"

Behind him, the young wizards in charge of supervision and review took out booklets with black covers one after another, flipping through them. Soon someone found the corresponding entry and explained the two pronunciations and two meanings of the word '' to the red-robed wizard.

This did not satisfy the red robe wizard.

"Has the Hunting Committee confirmed that there is no mistake in the target prey?" He raised his head again and called to a green parrot standing on the top of the screen watching the show.

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"It's true, the opponents of the apologetic boys are those ferrets." The green parrot tilted its ears, listened for a moment, spread its wings and fluttered, and nodded its head in affirmation.

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