Hunting High School

Chapter 230: The Commotion In The Observation Room

"It's so funny!"

"Insider, there is definitely an insider here!"

"It's not an exaggeration to put the real thing in Zone D...Why does the school do such a thing that attracts criticism?"

"I used to hear that some hunting teams would use all means in order to advance, but now I have finally seen it!"

In the observation room, the young wizards in charge of monitoring the screen were discussing and shaking their heads. More than one person expressed contempt for a certain hunting team and distrust for relevant departments and personnel of the school.

"The Forgiveness Hunting Team... is the hunting team that won the championship in this year's School Hunting Freshman Competition?!" The witch from the Alpha Academy looked at her companion beside her with some uncertainty.

Several wizards next to him gave affirmative answers.

"Of course it's them," another white-robed wizard curled his lips, and Yin & Yang said strangely: "At that time, people who watched the game said that their hunting team cheated and summoned spirit beasts that were beyond the range of the hunting ground... It's just that Lao Yao is the person in charge of this year's school hunting competition, so there should be a reason for him to do so."

Although he didn't explicitly accuse anything, the meaning behind his words is very intriguing. Even though the students of Jiuyou Academy were slightly dissatisfied in their hearts, the facts were in front of them, and it was not good for them to argue in front of everyone.

On the contrary, the green parrot standing on the top of the screen and acting as a microphone took up the grievances for the forgiveness hunting team.

"Those boys are good boys! How can you be biased?" The green parrot fluttered its wings and squeaked. The harsh sound buzzed in the observation room, annoying everyone.

"They are indeed good boys... I heard that when the d&k on the pedestrian street opened, they invited you to watch the ceremony, right?" A certain blue robe standing in the back row of the observation room smirked and rushed said the green parrot.

"That's right, that's right! Let me just say they are good kids!" The green parrot flapped its wings happily, and added casually, "It's like the leading little wizard, every time he passed by the front desk of the office building, They will bring me a lot of delicious grass seeds... The rest of you don't have this awareness!"

The third-year old student of Jiuyou College standing at the bottom of the screen slapped himself on the face, covered his eyes, and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, so it is like this!"

The other wizards in the observation room were stunned, and their eyes on the wizard on the screen became more and more unfriendly.

Most of the young people in college still hold the longing and longing for the future. Therefore, I especially hate certain "methodologies" derived from society. Apparently, the behavior of a certain young wizard from the Excuse Hunting Team to "dot the green parrot" seemed to some people to be no different from "bribery".

The parrot's unhelpful rhetoric set the young wizards ablaze.

"Hey, after the school hunting competition, there has been news in our college that the captain of the forgiveness hunting team is Lao Yao's illegitimate son, so he has been receiving preferential treatment in school... From this point of view, the rumors are likely to be true. ?”

"The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team? Is that the freshman named Zheng Qing? I remember he is the recipient of the Medal of Merlin, so he shouldn't be that bad!"

"If he has a father who is a great wizard, a third-level Merlin Medal shouldn't be too difficult."

"But if it's an illegitimate child, with whom? Isn't the school always rumoring that Lao Yao is interested in Mrs. Bella in the school hospital? If the lady hears this rumor, will she break Lao Yao's head?" The short witch who said this seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help giggling.

"It doesn't have to be Lao Yao's illegitimate son, it may also be the illegitimate son of a prominent figure in the Wizards Union." A tall, thin and tall wizard from Jiuyou College shook his head in disapproval, and added: "I met Zheng Qing, he is a A very energetic young man...he doesn't have the slightest resemblance to Dean Yao."

"Aren't you afraid of being cursed in circles by saying bad things about Lao Yao behind your back?" A witch with yellowish hair standing on the outermost side asked weakly.

She was wearing a white robe with only two black borders on her mausoleum, and she looked timid.

It's just that her concerns didn't resonate with everyone.

"If the great wizard curses us to draw a circle, then the great wizard's level is too bad!" The blue-robed wizard curled his lips first, his tone was indifferent, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes : "Besides, being able to compete with the great wizard before registering as a wizard is simply an excellent opportunity to measure our couldn't be better!"

"Crazy." Alpha's witch murmured, and glanced at the blue robe with a cockroach-like look.

Seeing that the topic was slipping in an uncontrollable direction, the old student from Jiuyou College who was in charge of the task in the observation room finally spoke and interrupted the discussions behind him.

He first comforted the yellowish-haired witch: "If Lao Yao cared about everyone's comments, he wouldn't let us call him Lao Yao... You can rest assured about this."

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"Of course, this does not mean that we can wantonly ignore the majesty of a great wizard."

As he spoke, he cast a stern glance at the young wizards behind him.

As a student of Jiuyou College, he is obliged to maintain the dignity of his dean: "So, from now on, everyone, stop talking nonsense...don't forget your responsibilities. You need to be responsible for every student who participates in the winter hunting. This room is not a place for casual jokes and Eight Trigrams discussions."

"If you really can't hold back that little interest, you can apply to me... I will immediately invite him out, find a corner where you can really chat, and have a good chat."

Naturally, this kind of warning cannot just read the superficial meaning of the words.

None of the students who can stand in this observation room are idiots. So, after listening to the words of the old student in charge of leading the task, everyone immediately fell silent.

The observation room also restored the order a few minutes ago.

But soon, the order in the observation room became a little more disturbed.

"Hey, what is that guy doing?" The witch from the Alpha Academy stretched out her arm, pointing at the picture on the d-armor screen, her tone showing a trace of anxiety: "Why did he take out so many symbols? What kind of symbols are those?"

"If I'm not mistaken... those are explosive symbols... right?" A student of Atlas College adjusted his glasses, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes: "God is above!"

"Explosive Talisman?!"

"With so many explosive symbols, I'm afraid they will wipe out the entire d-armor hunting area from the Silent Forest!"

Everyone in the observation room looked at each other.

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