Hunting High School

Chapter 231 A Wave Of Problems Is On The Way

"The country is dead!"

The old man in the blue robe wiped his sleeves, stared at the scene on the screen, his eyes sparkled: "This is the romance of a man!... No matter how many pieces you have left in the end, I approve of you!... You deserve it! It is the hunting team that won the first place in the hunting competition! It is indeed a man who has won the Merlin Medal!"

No one cared about the crazy words of this barbarian from Starry Sky Academy.

From the first moment of judging the nature of those talismans and the explosion effect of a large number of talismans, the senior student of Jiuyou College who led the task of the observation room sounded the highest alarm.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

And other wizards have also begun to rush to send messages to different departments and different responsible persons, trying to struggle again before Phuket Island is awakened by the sound of the big explosion. If it weren't for the too many restrictive magics set up in this observation room, I'm afraid some of the more anxious guys would have already turned on the blinking, or tore off the talisman and rushed out of the room, yelling for help.

But even in the midst of the chaos, everyone in the room could still hear the shrill voice from the petunias hanging from the corner of the ceiling:

"Alarm! Alert!"

"Yellow Alert!"

"Orange alert!!"

"Red Alert!!!"

"There is an abnormal situation in the winter hunting armor area of ​​the First University!"

"There is an abnormal situation in the winter hunting armor area of ​​the First University!"

"Magic scan, abnormal situation confirmed for the first time!"

"Manual review, abnormal situation confirmed again!"

"Highly lethal explosive device found at the scene!"

"A highly lethal explosive device was found at the scene!!"

"Please quickly evacuate the five hunting areas near C A, C B, D B, E B, and E A; please immediately dispatch an emergency response team to the scene to investigate the source of danger!"



When the observation room outside the Winter Hunting Field of First University was thrown into chaos by Zheng Qing's actions, the person responsible for the related accident was still unaware of this, and chatted slowly with Fei Rui.

After hearing Fei Rui's evaluation of the 'magnification formation' he had just constructed, the young public finance student did not react in panic.

"There are so many mistakes?" The wizard's expression looked a little disappointed, but that's all. He shook his head and sighed slightly: "I thought there were only one or two mistakes... Indeed, we still need to study more in this area .”

"Since you still want to study, then we won't bother you!" Hearing Zheng Qing's words, Fei Rui immediately supported the ferret's small round ears, stood up from the ferret's head, and waved his short front legs, as if Wanted to say goodbye.

It's just that its action immediately caused the exploding talisman above its head to flicker quickly and weakly a few times.

Fei Rui immediately sat back down.

"Although there are many ideas of learning, learning is not something that can be accomplished overnight." Zheng Qing drooped his eyelids and curled his lips: "Compared with that kind of distant plan, the most urgent thing is to figure out some historical issues... such as who are you? Where are you from? What do you want to do?"

"Tsk, it's so troublesome." Fei Rui stroked his short beard in distress, and glanced at the young public fee student: "You ask me a question that Plato has never understood in his entire life... Do you think I am better than Plato?" Great? You know, that old man is not much worse than the principal of First University..."

Zheng Qing stared at it blankly, without saying a word, but let the explosive symbols above his head flicker a little more urgently.

There was a bit of annoyed expression on Fei Rui's fat face: "You should know that those explosive charms can't kill me... Now that you know this, what are you going to do with this useless gesture? Let me tell you , although I have eaten your rat food for more than ten years, it does not mean that I will let your disrespect..."

"Whether it kills you or not, you have to try to know." The attitude of the young public finance student did not waver at all, but a kind smile appeared on his face.

As he spoke, he took off the sunglasses he had been wearing all the time, revealing those blood-red eyes, and slowly moved his head forward: "As for the issue of respect or disrespect, you should be aware of this. You know it."

Fei Rui's small mouth was tightly closed, with a chubby face, and he didn't say a word.

Beneath it, the ferret, which had been squatting peacefully in the snow, was startled by Zheng Qing's red eyes, and began to flick its tail uneasily, subconsciously scratching the ground with its four paws. snow.

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows: "Well, sure enough, the effect of red eyes is's still more oppressive."

"You can only scare these little guys." Fei Rui stared at Zheng Qing's red eyes, with a suspicious expression on his face, but his mouth refused to give in at all, and laughed loudly: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and your character will get better." It's gone backwards a lot."

"It's enough to scare the little guy... You're not a big guy in the first place." Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, and at the same time began to tilt his neck, rotate his shoulders and relax his neck, moving the already stiff muscles in his head, shoulders and neck .

Before the two eight beats were finished, the fat mouse on the opposite side stood up again holding the ferret's ears.

"Okay, okay...I can only tell you what I know." Its fat face was full of reluctance, and its tone became much worse: "You don't live in 'Truman's World' .”

Although Feirui's male duck's voice was as bad as ever, and its attitude was unusually bad, none of these external factors could affect Zheng Qing's mood change for the better.

There was long-lost happiness on his face, and a big smile was completely different from the fake smile he had squeezed out before.

"Then who are you?"

"Where are you from?"

"What do you want to do when you come to my house?"

"Do you know Mr. Wu?"

"Do you know Sanyou Bookstore? Do you know the yellow raccoon in the house? Do you know it can talk? Have you ever been to the Huizi collection? Do you know Mr. Deng who runs a pharmacy in the Huizi collection?"

The young public finance student couldn't wait to throw out a series of questions, which knocked the fat rat in front of him dizzy.

Behind him, Xiao Xiao, who had been silent all the time, spread out the thick black notebook on his knees, holding a brush in his hand, and wrote vigorously following the conversation between Zheng Qing and Fei Rui. It was just that when the young public finance student mentioned the terms 'Sanyou Bookstore' and 'Huiziji', his hands paused for a while, but he didn't speak to interrupt Zheng Qing's question.

"Oh, oh! Too have too many questions!"

Fei Rui stood on the ferret's head, as if frightened by the many questions thrown by the young public fee student, he subconsciously took a step towards retreat, shaking his head frantically: "I just said... I I can only tell you that I know!"

"Then let me tell you what you know first!" Zheng Qing pressed without letting go, while leaning forward slightly, looking firmly at the fat mouse: "We have plenty of time!"

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